Moment of Clarity 1.2 (6 Viewers)


Senior Member
Aug 23, 2004
Enron said:
Nothing happens. Umpteen hours later the fans are still waiting. Apparently the parking lot brawl between Seven and Cronios was too tempting. And who could deny those so silly hens there due. No shit slingers could ever match the roost of those too.

PS. Both now serving Temp Bans.*

* Points and laughs.
great coverage Ernon, as I expected..:D


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
originally posted by the permanently banned Seven

Oh fvck off will you? blablabla respect blablabla, that's a non-argument. You can say you think Jesus didn't exist. If they get offended that's their problem and in a way you could say they try to violate your human rights. So please stop blabbing away about RESPECT, because that really didn't have his place here. You're one of those guys that begins about RESPECT whenever they can't come up with real arguments. It's just bullshit. We're not a mythical society here anymore, we became rational about 3000 years ago. We can, may and should doubt Jesus' existence. So fvck off.
I want to comment on what that little twat said....

he is such a fucking RETARD , that he cant help BUT to get banned

his arguments are outlandish, and his ideals are grandiose....I would have no choice but to send this imbecile for psychological testing if I had the unfortunate experience of confronting him on the street.

I honestly think Seven is a danger to himself, and needs psychological assistance....and a good prescription of prozac

the bottom line...

I believe Jesus existed, and I get offended when ppl make stupid jokes, like what was being said in the Jesus thread

I dont bash others religions, whether they be Muslim, Buddist, Hindu.....or if you dont believe in god, and are an athiest. And I think people should try to respect what other people believe

This isnt like disagreeing about DP or Zlatan, this is ppl's beliefs we are talking about

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