Milan-Juventus : the never-ending match (1 Viewer)

Sep 28, 2002
great thread, as usual, Libero.

i lack knowledge in history of juventus, not to mention milan, but i disagree with one point of yours, thats defensive midfield. i wouldnt give advantage to milan for players you listed, but then you forgot davids, who imo gives the victory to juventus. well, in my mind at least


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Thanks Libero, definitely worth the read. It was like watching a football match, and I was genuinely happy when Juve 'scored' :)


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Good stuff Libero. I also concur with Fliakis in respect to the defensive midfield position, as Edgar Davids was one of those players you could not equally replace, even though Milan had no 'need' for him.


Dec 16, 2003
Kaiser: don't get me on the wrong side but your great i've always admired your posts:)

anyhow back to the topic

I think it should end up in a tie ( Center-Forward ), but still i guess your older and you know better, i've only followed Weah, Sheva and a bit of Van B.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
Now lets do one with lazio.

Defender: Lazio win - Nesta
Midfielder: Lazio win - Nedved
Striker: Lazio win - Crespo/Vieri

you can take goalkeeper.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
Good thread kaiser :)

++ [ originally posted by Kaiser Franco ] ++

Goalkeeper : Clearly Juve wins hands down here. Goalkeepers have always been kind of Milan’s weak spot. We’ve had some good and excellent ones such as Albertosi, Cudicini, Giovanni Galli or Dida, but in all honesty they are inferior to Zoff, Tacconi and Buffon. Milan-Juventus : 0-1

Sweeper : Gaetano Scirea and Franco Baresi. Two names, two equally legendary gentlemen. Milan-Juventus 1-1.

Left-back : On one side we have Cabrini, De Agostini and Zambrotta (Fortunato would certainly be there too if fate hadn’t decided otherwise). On the other side we have Lord Paolo. No need to look for his predecessors. Milan-Juventus : 2-1

Centre-back : Trapattoni, Schnellinger, Costacurta, Desailly OR Bonini, Cannavaro, Kohler, Ferrara, Montero ? It seems that over the years there have been more of these players at Milan than at Juve. Milan-Juve 1-1.

Defensive midfielder : Liedholm, Rijkaard, Ancelotti, Albertini, Gattuso. OR Furino, Tardelli, Deschamps, Conte, Emerson ? The former. Milan-Juventus 3-1.

Left-winger : Hmm, I can’t really think of many "pure" left-wingers that made an impact right now, except maybe Evani for Sacchi's Milan and Stacchini for Boniperti’s Juve. These kind of players are a rarity, and it’s just too bad Bruno Conti played for Roma. Still 3-2 for now.

Offensive midfielder : This is really a broad category in which I think diverse players such as Schiaffino, Rivera, Gullit, Savicevic, Sivori, Baggio, Platini, Boniek could all fit. Rivera + Schiaffino were slightly better than Sivori imo, but Gullit + Savicevic don’t = Platoche. One could also note that Baggio, despite being the best Italian of his generation, only brought a UEFA Cup to Juventus. And he also played for Milan. But then of course there is Emperor Zidane. 3-3 dammit.

Striker : Im referring to support strikers here. Guys like Del Piero if you like. And to be honest, I don’t think we ever had a player with the talent of Godot in our squad (sorry Prati, Massaro and Simone). Juventus-Milan 3-4 !

Centre-forward : The reason why we never had an outstanding support striker though is because we have a long tradition of producing top-class "centravanti". Juve had Charles, Boniperti, Bettega, Rossi, Vialli, Vieri (only for one season tho) and today Trezeguet (which many of you seem to unduly underrate). Impressive no doubt. Now look at this : Boffi, Amarildo, Nordahl (200 + seria A goals), Altafini (nearly 200), Weah, Shevchenko and the man who scores the equaliser with a magnificent last-minute volley from the corner flag : HM the Swan of Utrecht, Marco Van Basten !
these i agree with
Right-back : Milan had Tassotti, Juventus had Gentile (though he was more of an added centre-back). It’s a tie. Milan-Juventus still 0-1.
I'd take Gentile,actually.He's class.To be honest i don't know Tassotti well but the fact that few do probably proves my point(although I'd really appreciate some insight here:))
Right winger : Donadoni vs Causio. Sorry Father Christmas (cosa ci fa Babbo Natale in campo ? Dona doni hohohoho), you were an amazing player, but Causio just stands one step higher than you. Milan-Juve 3-2.
Donadoni was the better player imo.Such a dominant player on the flank with a penchant for finding his man with ease wherever he was.Causio?Nah.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Kaiser Franco ] ++
You will agree with me in saying that Milan and Juventus are (at least since the late 60’s) the two greatest clubs to come out of the Beautiful Peninsula. But to determine which of the two has been even greater, I thought it’d be interesting to make a comparative list of the players that left a mark in their respective role for each team, attributing a goal to the team that produced a better player in said role. So here it goes.
First of all, Great thread. :thumb:

Right-back : Milan had Tassotti, Juventus had Gentile (though he was more of an added centre-back). It’s a tie. Milan-Juventus still 0-1.

Centre-back : Trapattoni, Schnellinger, Costacurta, Desailly OR Bonini, Cannavaro, Kohler, Ferrara, Montero ? It seems that over the years there have been more of these players at Milan than at Juve. Milan-Juve 1-1.

Sweeper : Gaetano Scirea and Franco Baresi. Two names, two equally legendary gentlemen. Milan-Juventus 1-1.

Left-back : On one side we have Cabrini, De Agostini and Zambrotta (Fortunato would certainly be there too if fate hadn’t decided otherwise). On the other side we have Lord Paolo. No need to look for his predecessors. Milan-Juventus : 2-1

Defensive midfielder : Liedholm, Rijkaard, Ancelotti, Albertini, Gattuso. OR Furino, Tardelli, Deschamps, Conte, Emerson ? The former. Milan-Juventus 3-1.

Right winger : Donadoni vs Causio. Sorry Father Christmas (cosa ci fa Babbo Natale in campo ? Dona doni hohohoho), you were an amazing player, but Causio just stands one step higher than you. Milan-Juve 3-2.

Offensive midfielder : This is really a broad category in which I think diverse players such as Schiaffino, Rivera, Gullit, Savicevic, Sivori, Baggio, Platini, Boniek could all fit. Rivera + Schiaffino were slightly better than Sivori imo, but Gullit + Savicevic don’t = Platoche. One could also note that Baggio, despite being the best Italian of his generation, only brought a UEFA Cup to Juventus. And he also played for Milan. But then of course there is Emperor Zidane. 3-3 dammit.

Striker : Im referring to support strikers here. Guys like Del Piero if you like. And to be honest, I don’t think we ever had a player with the talent of Godot in our squad (sorry Prati, Massaro and Simone). Juventus-Milan 3-4 !

Centre-forward : The reason why we never had an outstanding support striker though is because we have a long tradition of producing top-class "centravanti". Juve had Charles, Boniperti, Bettega, Rossi, Vialli, Vieri (only for one season tho) and today Trezeguet (which many of you seem to unduly underrate). Impressive no doubt. Now look at this : Boffi, Amarildo, Nordahl (200 + seria A goals), Altafini (nearly 200), Weah, Shevchenko and the man who scores the equaliser with a magnificent last-minute volley from the corner flag : HM the Swan of Utrecht, Marco Van Basten !
To my best knowledge, I agree. Though I can't give a fair 100% agreement since I havne't seen enough of many of these players.

Left-winger : Hmm, I can’t really think of many "pure" left-wingers that made an impact right now, except maybe Evani for Sacchi's Milan and Stacchini for Boniperti’s Juve. These kind of players are a rarity, and it’s just too bad Bruno Conti played for Roma. Still 3-2 for now.
Maybe Nedved would tip the balance in favour of Juve. True he's played more of a freerole position at juve, but the fact that he played at LW and does so now (doing well too) should be enough to tip that catagory in Juve's favor.

PS : I just named players from the top of my head, so there’s no doubt I have omitted quite a few which could change the final result. No doubt they’ll come back to mind again, but in the meantime feel free to add your suggestions.
Not that it matters in your score, but I think Nesta(CB) and Di Livio(RW) have done enough for their respective teams at least be mentioned. ;)


Junior Member
Dec 13, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Kaiser Franco ] ++
Defensive midfielder : Liedholm, Rijkaard, Ancelotti, Albertini, Gattuso. OR Furino, Tardelli, Deschamps, Conte, Emerson ? The former. Milan-Juventus 3-1.
Hardly that lopsided. In our finest era between 95-98, let's not forget Paolo Sousa, the insult to injury in Edgar Davids (and with Vieira, you threw away 2 of the best DMs in recent times) as well as the protagonist in the 6-1 demolition job, Vladimir Jugovic ...

Advantage Juve.

Centre-forward : The reason why we never had an outstanding support striker though is because we have a long tradition of producing top-class "centravanti". Juve had Charles, Boniperti, Bettega, Rossi, Vialli, Vieri (only for one season tho) and today Trezeguet (which many of you seem to unduly underrate). Impressive no doubt. Now look at this : Boffi, Amarildo, Nordahl (200 + seria A goals), Altafini (nearly 200), Weah, Shevchenko and the man who scores the equaliser with a magnificent last-minute volley from the corner flag : HM the Swan of Utrecht, Marco Van Basten !
And there was a certain Jean-Pierre Papin languishing somewhere on the bench too. Its not like he contributed much but that's the chicken-egg thing due to pre-Bosman. No contest here but that's embellishment in the overall scheme.


Back & Quack
Mar 9, 2004
cool thread. However, i would have to say that over the years milan have been a better team for their players.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2005
excelent thread.
though i think if we inculde coaches as the tie breaker,we might have to go to penalties where we might have to decide on the crowd support.
and sadly,milan win hands down in terms of crowd support.

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