Miccoli <---> Zanetti (1 Viewer)


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Mr. Gol ] ++

Erm...I'm assuming with Emerson and Vieira in the squad that Blasi would be on the bench anyway. If Zanetti joins he would be 4th choice and probably leave.
Yes. What I mean is I want to keep Blasi on the bench even when Emerson and Vieira aren't available. That's the point.

Mr. Gol

Senior Member
Sep 15, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++

Yes. What I mean is I want to keep Blasi on the bench even when Emerson and Vieira aren't available. That's the point.
OK, but then we could just as well sell or loan him. I doubt he is willing to sit on the bench and play only 10 minutes every month at the age of 24. It seems that Capello wants Zanetti, so Blasi is probably on his way out. As the last person to have faith in Blasi I have to say that most people are too critical, his defensive skills are superb, Blasi can be a very useful player as long as he doesn't have to do anything offensive.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Mr. Gol ] ++

OK, but then we could just as well sell or loan him. I doubt he is willing to sit on the bench and play only 10 minutes every month at the age of 24. It seems that Capello wants Zanetti, so Blasi is probably on his way out. As the last person to have faith in Blasi I have to say that most people are too critical, his defensive skills are superb, Blasi can be a very useful player as long as he doesn't have to do anything offensive.
Sending him away is fine by me as well. As you can see, I just don't want Blasi in the team. Period.


Aug 13, 2004
Look guys,I am really scared about that new inter.The supercup is nearing,and they are looking even more dangerous than they looked like.
We didn't manage to beat them this season,and in the meanwhile they get Pizarro,Figo,Samuel,Solari...they get rid of bobo,and they are interested in Miccoli and Di Vaio.
What do you mean????????????????????????????????


-'Tuz Fantasy Master-
Apr 19, 2003

Scambio in vista Juventus - Inter?
05.08.2005 15.36 di Maurizio Libriani
Continua il pressing dei campioni d'Italia su C.Zanetti.
Il giocatore ha ancora un anno di contratto con l'Inter ( scadenza giugno 2006 ) e attende impaziente da qualche tempo un incontro con la dirigenza per capire quale possa essere il suo futuro.
In questa situazione di stallo, sembra essersi inserita la Juventus, che avrebbe già proposto un nuovo contratto al centrocampista a cifre molto interessanti ( si parla di 4 milioni di euro ).
Fabio Capello sembra stia facendo molta pressione ai dirigenti di piazza Crimea affinchè si possa chiudere questa operazione, ritenendo il centrale azzurro, uno dei migliori interpreti del suo ruolo, ottima alternativa alla coppia Emerson - Viera.
La Juventus per convincere i nerazzurri pare abbia proposto uno scambio alla pari, coinvolgendo nell'operazione Giuliano Giannichedda ( arrivato questa estate a parametro zero dopo cinque anni di Lazio).

Look at this one....it looks like Juve ready to switch Gianni with Zanetti...

have your say....i dunno but i don't like it...better give them Miccoli.


Senior Member
Oct 1, 2004
I would rather give them Miccoli instead.
Man y should we use Gianni as a bait? He's a decent backup which we got for free, and now he is given away to Inter? I really hope this doesn't happen.


Junior Member
Jul 18, 2005
++ [ originally posted by giovanotti ] ++
Look guys,I am really scared about that new inter.The supercup is nearing,and they are looking even more dangerous than they looked like.
We didn't manage to beat them this season,and in the meanwhile they get Pizarro,Figo,Samuel,Solari...they get rid of bobo,and they are interested in Miccoli and Di Vaio.
What do you mean????????????????????????????????
I don't fear most with their acquisition of so many quality players....cos I fear that they have re-gained their long lost confidence after the triumph of Coppa!! :(


Junior Member
Aug 2, 2005
++ [ originally posted by giovanotti ] ++
Look guys,I am really scared about that new inter.The supercup is nearing,and they are looking even more dangerous than they looked like.
We didn't manage to beat them this season,and in the meanwhile they get Pizarro,Figo,Samuel,Solari...they get rid of bobo,and they are interested in Miccoli and Di Vaio.
What do you mean????????????????????????????????

u shouldnt be scared of figo and solari


Junior Member
May 31, 2005
++ [ originally posted by giovanotti ] ++
Look guys,I am really scared about that new inter.The supercup is nearing,and they are looking even more dangerous than they looked like.
We didn't manage to beat them this season,and in the meanwhile they get Pizarro,Figo,Samuel,Solari...they get rid of bobo,and they are interested in Miccoli and Di Vaio.
What do you mean????????????????????????????????
Everyone was scared of inter last year after all their signings and look what happens, they'll b a force but they havent got what it takes to challenge this year, and theyve changed too many players again

Mr. Gol

Senior Member
Sep 15, 2004
I'm sure Inter will find some way to screw it up again. Stankovic won't like sitting on the bench, so he will start moaning after a few months. In my opinion it is one of the silliest moves ever to sign both Veron and Pizarro in the same summer, so one of them will become unhappy too. They haven't got a decent left back (Favalli and Wome are both worse players then Pessotto) and if Samuel is absent one of Materazzi or Mihajlovic will play.

Don't worry.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
I don't see how Inter can fit Veron and Pizarro in the same team. I just do not see that happening. Perhaps if Seba can take a role slightly on the right again, however he still loves to cut inside and drift into the center where Pizarro will be roaming.


Zanetti - Samuel - Cordoba - Wome

Veron - Cambiasso - Pizarro - Stankovic

Adriano - Martins

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