Martin is so so so GAY!!! (1 Viewer)

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Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker2 ] ++
First of all, I personally don't care whether Martin is gay or not. For me, and I think for most enlightened people, a person's sexual preferences do not determine what I think of them.

Furthermore, the fact that you use gay to mean homosexual and use it as an insult offends me greatly. The intolerance and disrespect that is conveyed by that action shows just how foolish and petty you are.

So, do me a few favours:

1. Get out more, meet some people and broaden your outlook on life

2. Get in touch with a mental health professional and look deeper at your issues with homosexuality and your need to attack people based upon that.

3. Stop being a hater. Nobody likes haters, and besides, you're not accomplishing anything. Like my grandmother used to say, "Be a fountain, not a drain." Right now, you are a drain...
Thank you, Ian! I was reading this thread and waiting for someone to say this!

And to the sad character who started this thread: using homosexuality as an insult is just a sign of little intelligence.

Or perhaps it's just you, hitting at homosexuals because you're in desperate denial of your own sexuality.

You need help!
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