Mario Götze - AM - Bayern Munich (3 Viewers)

Will Beppe get him?

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Sep 23, 2003
Someone needs to fix a camera at the Allianz so we can make timed exposures of the flesh-eating mold that consumes Gotze's ass on the bench and ultimately finishes the season with him as a puddle of goo in a petri dish.

Pirlo's Beard

Junkie Joe Joyce
Oct 2, 2013
If we couldn't talk him in to joining us straight after last season, I doubt spending 70 minutes outside of our own box away to Roma to end match day 2 with another loss has made him want to relocate to a foreign country and drop deep to give Padoin an easy 3 yard pass in case he fucks up the 5 yard one


Senior Member
Jul 11, 2011
Our hands were tied gentlemen. The player didn't want to leave. We must always do the noble thing. If a player asks to leave, allow him to, even for free. We were exemplary this mercato, allowing Tevez to go back home (like in that board game Ludo), and setting Llorente free so he can soar over the skies of Sevilla. Now, we must also remember, that when it comes to purchases you can't pursue your target relentlessly; such behavior is unbecoming of a club rich in history and tradition such as ours. If a player or club says no to an offer/proposal, you immediately disengage. We don't engage in bidding wars ladies and gentlemen!
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