Maresca to Fiorentina? (3 Viewers)


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
Moggi said on TV(Telelombardia) that they sold half of Maresca's contract to Fiorentina. A report later said that it's a loan and that Maresca refused the transfer and will talk with Moggi's son to work something out.

Buy on


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
ok, we don't deserve Maresca, sell him please... i really prefer that we sell him insted of puting him in this hell of roumors and trying to send him to every team... its obious that Juve don't want him or he will be alredy been with a contract extention, so sell him and let him prove him self... and plsease sell him to a italian team so he can comeback and show us how good he is when he plays against us!!!!:fero:


Senior Member
Jun 14, 2004
ffs, are we actually gonna buy anyone ?? Selling two players in one day ! There better be good news tomorrow about some signings !


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Edge ] ++
ffs, are we actually gonna buy anyone ?? Selling two players in one day ! There better be good news tomorrow about some signings !
2 players in 1 day?! Were losing every1, first it was Davids, then Di Vaio and now Maresca? WTF is moggi playing at? i think we should assasinate him


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
yeah, we dont deserve him at all. in fact, seeing moggi treat maresca this way isnt good because other young stars like gilardino, zlatan and so on see this and they would avoid our club on those merits.


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
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    Come on guys!

    Moggi knows what he's doing. It's always better getting the bad news first right?


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    fvck's sake, I'm sick of this. Esteban's right.. as much as I like Maresca and want to see great things for him in the future, we don't deserve to have him. Imagine any other team in the world screwing around with such a promising young player instead of securing his contract for the next 10 years.
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
    fvck's sake, I'm sick of this. Esteban's right.. as much as I like Maresca and want to see great things for him in the future, we don't deserve to have him. Imagine any other team in the world screwing around with such a promising young player instead of securing his contract for the next 10 years.
    I don't have to imagine it, I can see it all the time. Teams do this kind of shit for no apparent reason, ie. Samuel Eto'o with Real Madrid.


    Junior Member
    Nov 29, 2003
    moggi is taking the piss.

    and to fiorentina!?

    good thing maresca many times has that been? and moggi still doesnt get it?!

    if maresca leaves he should send a public message to moggi.


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    if enzo gets the chance...i hope he show moggi what an arse he is....sell dyo and enzo, replace them with the liks of zebina....very clever.

    p.s if all this is to raise cash for emo...then emo can bugger off, what a waste, we sell two players to raise cash for one midfielder....****ing genius.

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