++ [ originally posted by mate
] ++
I read that Salas broke his "menisco" non his ligament, it's a different thing... actually I don't know the translation of "menisco" but it's this little bound in the middle of the ligaments, Baggio broke them many times and at the end he took them away, now he do not have any left. Many peaple just take tham away... my brother have even kept his own one when he took it off. I hope you understood what it is
Baggio injured the same knee many times: the first time he broke all the ligaments, both cruciate and lateral, togeder with the "menisco" and the "capsula", I think that this was the reason why this injury afflicted him 4 so long, to retourn normal 4 a knee is difficolt also when you breake just one ligament, so I guess it's impossible when you breake all at the same time and it have to be reconstructed from 0. But as I know he never broke the same ligament 2 times, the other injures in this knee were "stiramenti" (when it's damaged but not complitly broken) or regarding other things and "menisco" while the injurys of last year were in the other knee, the "healty" one. And infact he was back in the field after less than 3 monts from the ligament reconstruction while the other time it took him nearly 3 years to recover.
Anycase "menisco" injurys are a smaller comparing with ligaments, I don't think it's something who can stop a sportman careear...