Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (3 Viewers)

Aug 1, 2003
dad spoke to his cousin who's the father in law of one of the passengers and her family on board, and it seems they have been called up to Putrajaya (our equivalent of Canberra) in light of the new discovery of the satellite imagery by Australia. Probably more waiting for them - when first news broke out of the missing plane think all the families were just waiting and staying at the nearby hotel for a week or so.

I understand it's easy to joke about these things - I would too if it happened to someone else completely abstract or is not related to my own country - but I think the wound is still very, very fresh for us here.


Senior Member
Jul 19, 2007
Following this story from the start. So many theories, speculations, I can only imagine how hard it is for the families. I hope they'll find it. I was pretty sure that Chinese satelite captured it 10 days ago. Well, that didn't really look like an airplane, but they're Chinese, I guessed they have top equipment... I don't know man, they need to find that black box and see what caused this.


Senior Member
Jul 19, 2007
I believe they have better satellites than the one that took those pics, meant to say that.

They have around 2 weeks to find the black box, right?

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