Libya 2011 Demonstrations (6 Viewers)


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
Europe doesn't need to invade Libya. They only need to install another guy at the top and the oil production will go on as it did before the demonstrations. Europe would have supported Gadaffi if there was a chance for him to stay in power and everything to be as it was. But now it's obvious that there won't be peace and regular oil production until Gadaffi is there so Europe want him gone as soon as possible, which won't happen if they let the rebels handle him.

Or did I get it all wrong? :confused:
That's exactly what I think. However some people I was with yesterday think they are doing it for the "people of Libya".

Buy on


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
There has not been a substantial amount of civilian casualties if any at all by coaltion forces yet, if there has, you can be sure Gedaffi's regime will have a field day and invite all journalists to have a look for themselves, up till now the journalists are only allowed to come to the funeral of bodies they aren't allowed to see. There has been no source at all for this news other than Libyan state TV saying so, and other news channels who haven't been given the chance to corrobarate anything, only saying what they heard from Libyan State TV. The same source that said Gedaffi hasn't shot one bullet at Libyan civilians, then later on went to say after two days that the Libyan government announces ceasefire :lol:
you gotta be kidding me :lol:


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
Europe doesn't need to invade Libya. They only need to install another guy at the top and the oil production will go on as it did before the demonstrations. Europe would have supported Gadaffi if there was a chance for him to stay in power and everything to be as it was. But now it's obvious that there won't be peace and regular oil production until Gadaffi is there so Europe want him gone as soon as possible, which won't happen if they let the rebels handle him.

Or did I get it all wrong? :confused:
You got it all right.

The US should not be participating in any shenanigans over there, or anywhere else in the world. The only way we can "maintain" running these types of federal deficits is because of quantitive easing/money printing nonsense that keeps putting downward pressure on our currency, and I'm sick of it. This is a fucking Ponzi scheme. Even if millions of Libyans are happy "the West" is doing their dirty work for them, there are millions of others out there not so appreciative and accepting of us delving into their affairs. One misplaced bomb and you can get a whole group of people aiming to grab some revenge against us, as seen with those moronic extrajudicial Pakistani Predator Drone bombings that kill half a village and a few suspected "Al Qaeda" members. So enough of this garbage. Let the world burn.

If you have a dictator killing half your people, figure it out for yourself. If you have a civil war going on, then find another way to garner resources. It isn't our problem, I'm personally not caring anymore considering we can't even fund our own battles here in this decadent nation, so have at it. I'm sick of the leechfucks all over the world calling for us to "do something" yet arguing we shouldn't have "done something" in the past. These idiot leaders of ours should fly over there in their private jets and fight whatever leechfuck battle themselves. I'm sick of it.
There is no obligation on the US to participate of course, and as an American i can understand your concern in them meddling with other country's affairs, especially in the Middle East. This time, the Libyan population is mostly for getting rid of Gedaffi by almost any means, so i doubt you'd have anyone other than Gedaffi trying to get one back at you. Also, it turns out that absolutely no civilians have died yet according to a human rights group that is monitoring the situation in Libya. So all the bullshit about 50-60 civilians dying in the raids are absolute bullshit.

That's exactly what I think. However some people I was with yesterday think they are doing it for the "people of Libya".
Ya, now that is naive. Alen was spot on, the West just cares about oil production and oil prices, the situation in Libya is hurting them, they know that Libyans will never be ok with having Gedaffi as president anymore, 42 years we have been suffering under him, all of a sudden we just exploded. It is in europes interest that Gedaffi leaves as fast as possible, thats why they're in Libya right now, not that i care about their intentions very much, all we Libyans want is for the bloodshed to end as fast as possible,.

you gotta be kidding me :lol:
I kid you not. They've made so many stupid mistakes like that in these past few days too :lol:
Jul 2, 2006
Pentagon said they are not going after Gaddafi. I can already see their next declaration.

''Whom we are after? Osama Bin Laden of course. We will beat shit out of Libya until he pops out. Civilians should not worry about Gaddafi anymore. We won't leave them to the hands of Gaddafi. If they have to die, we shall do the job.''


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
Thats not what they meant though. What they meant was, we aren't bombing Bab al Azizya, the military compound that is Gedaffi's stronghold and where he and his family reside. The reason for that is probably because he filled it up with civilians. You know the logic of, if your going to try and kill me, i'm taking a few thousand Libyans with me. Whats worse is that, a lot of these people are there holding up Gedaffi's picture and supporting him, but he's ready to sacrifice them regardless, shows what a sadist he is. I myself hope they don't bomb Bab el Aziziya if he keeps on using human shields there. The rat's death is not worth the death of that many innocent civilians.


New Member
Feb 2, 2006
The US should not be participating in any shenanigans over there, or anywhere else in the world. The only way we can "maintain" running these types of federal deficits is because of quantitive easing/money printing nonsense that keeps putting downward pressure on our currency, and I'm sick of it. This is a fucking Ponzi scheme. Even if millions of Libyans are happy "the West" is doing their dirty work for them, there are millions of others out there not so appreciative and accepting of us delving into their affairs. One misplaced bomb and you can get a whole group of people aiming to grab some revenge against us, as seen with those moronic extrajudicial Pakistani Predator Drone bombings that kill half a village and a few suspected "Al Qaeda" members. So enough of this garbage. Let the world burn.

If you have a dictator killing half your people, figure it out for yourself. If you have a civil war going on, then find another way to garner resources. It isn't our problem, I'm personally not caring anymore considering we can't even fund our own battles here in this decadent nation, so have at it. I'm sick of the leechfucks all over the world calling for us to "do something" yet arguing we shouldn't have "done something" in the past. These idiot leaders of ours should fly over there in their private jets and fight whatever leechfuck battle themselves. I'm sick of it.

So, if the West do something in cases like this, they are treacherous evil,
if they don't, they are evil as well, because then people would talk like "USA fight only when they need oil and other cases they just leave people to get slaughtered bla bla bla". Really can't stand those anti-western hypocrites...
Jul 2, 2006
I heard that one tomahawk missile worth between 500.000 and 1,4m $. Destroying Libyan air defences cost 1 billion $. Controlling the air zone cost 300m $ per week. Are Libyan people ready to pay that price?


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
I heard that one tomahawk missile worth between 500.000 and 1,4m $. Destroying Libyan air defences cost 1 billion $. Controlling the air zone cost 300m $ per week. Are Libyan people ready to pay that price?
Don't worry, they will sell their oil cheaply and spend the next 100 years in massive foreign debt.


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
What do you mean by "pwned"? Regardless of what Gaddafi does in response to the US attack I'm pretty sure that NATO is not going to back down from enforcing a no fly zone so it sounds like you are just wishing for more casualties and from your own (adopted?) country. :confused:
The way I read it he wants NATO soldiers, including those from his own country, to die at the hands of Gaddafi's forces.

Great stuff.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
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    Don't worry, they will sell their oil cheaply and spend the next 100 years in massive foreign debt.
    It is not worse than the situation under Qadhafi's control. He could make the best infrastructure in his country using money. Unfortunately, Arabs used to go to Libyan hospitals in 60s but now, Libyans who need medical treatment are going to Tunisia or Jordan.


    May 27, 2007
    With all due respect to Russians, they tend to speak a lot, find sympathy for some countries and show brotherhood but in the end it usually stays at that 'talk'. I respect that country a lot but they don't really do much besides talk.


    Senior Signor
    Mar 6, 2007
    Now Putin is calling Americans and French crusaders.
    Currying favour with his business clients, how nice of him. No more cheap gas and high weapon sales for you Mr Putin, sorry. To put it in context, the UK sold $6m worth of ammunition to Libya. Russia has(had) a deal for nearly $2 Billion worth of weaponry.

    Crusaders lol. I can't be the only one who has a little laugh every time I hear this word used whenever the West has any kind of dealings with the Arab world.


    May 27, 2007
    Currying favour with his business clients, how nice of him. No more cheap gas and high weapon sales for you Mr Putin, sorry.

    Crusaders lol. I can't be the only one who has a little laugh every time I hear this word used whenever the West has any kind of dealings with the Arab world.
    Then again most of the time it's rightful to go with that word.


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    With all due respect to Russians, they tend to speak a lot, find sympathy for some countries and show brotherhood but in the end it usually stays at that 'talk'. I respect that country a lot but they don't really do much besides talk.
    What do you mean "the Russians"? The Russians have zero influence on any of this, it's just Putin.

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