Libya 2011 Demonstrations (6 Viewers)



The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #681
    Here are some more details on the advance of Gaddafi tanks into Zawiyah, reported by Reuters. Interestingly, a rebel fighter claims the bombardment of the oil port was prompted by the death of one of Gaddafi's cousins in fighting there, earlier this week.

    "We can see the tanks. The tanks are everywhere," he told Reuters by phone from inside the city. The fighter, named Ibrahim, said forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi were in control of the main road and the suburbs of Zawiyah.

    Rebel forces still controlled the square and the enemy was about 1,500m away, he said.
    Ibrahim said there were army snipers on top of most of the buildings, shooting whoever dared to leave their homes.

    He said half the city was destroyed by air attacks. "There are many dead people and they can't even bury them. Zawiyah is deserted. There's nobody on the streets. No animals, not even birds in the sky," he said.

    Rebels had killed a high-ranking cousin of Gaddafi in fighting earlier in the week, and "that's why he bombed the city. They wanted to retrieve the body and they did," Ibrahim said.

    He said about 60 rebel fighters had gone to attack an army base on Tuesday about 20kms (12 miles) from Zawiyah. "None of them has returned and we don't know if they're dead or alive. We haven't heard from them," he said.

    Buy on


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #682
    From BBC:

    Here is a chunk of that interview of a French channel with Col Gaddafi, in which he threatens to align himself with Osama Bin Laden: "I cannot fight against my people, that's a lie by colonising countries: France, Britain, the Americans. They have suffered (Osama) Bin Laden's interventions, and now, instead of saying that this is an attack against Bin Laden and instead of supporting Libya, no, they want to re-colonise Libya. But this is a colonialist plot, it's colonialist. If al-Qaeda no longer is a common enemy, then from tomorrow we are going to meet Bin Laden and reach agreement with him. He will become our friend if it is considered that this is not terrorism."

    And from the other interview with the Turkish channel:

    "If al-Qaeda manages to seize Libya, then the entire region, up to Israel, will be at the prey of chaos... The international community is now beginning to understand that we have to prevent Osama Bin Laden from taking control of Libya and Africa."


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #683
    Muammar Gaddafi, Libya's embattled leader, has once again alleged involvement of foreigners in the rebellion against his more than 41-year-old rule.

    In an address on State TV , Gaddafi warned of a plot to colonise Libya. As proof, he said his security forces had captured several foreigners during a raid on Monday.

    His focus this time was on alleging that foreign influence was driving the rebel movement in this country, and he warned of the potential for colonisation of Libya. As proof, he said his security forces have captured several foreigners during one raid on Tuesday.""Yesterday, the mosque that the security forces regained power over, they had in this mosque, they had weapons and alcohol has well. Some of them come from Afghanistan, some of them come from Egypt, some of them come from Algeria, just to misguide our children alleging that foreign influence was driving the rebel movement in this country, and he warned of the potential for colonisation of Libya. He alleged "foreign forces" were recruiting vulnerable youngsters in Zentain, Az Zawiyah and Benghazi - cities currently being held by rebels ranged against him.

    "Those who exhibit weakness are targeted ... Otherwise, why did they not come after you? ... so you see. This means only the scum who could not be strong," he said.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #684
    According to the London-based newspaper Al-Hayat, a Libyan plane has landed today in Cairo carrying an envoy from Qaddhafi. He asks for all the kinds of help from Egyptian new regime threatening them that if they don't help Qaddhafi, the destiny of the 1 million Egyptians in Libya will be not a good one.

    Here are the news in Arabic:


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #689
    The Libyan authorities have offered a bounty of 500,000 Libyan dinars ($400,000) to anyone who captures rebel leader and former justice minister Mustafa Abdul Jalil and hands him in. In an urgent headline bar, Libyan state TV also announced a reward of 200,000 dinars ($160,000) for information leading to the capture of Mr Abdel Jalil, who was described as an "agent spy".


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #690
    50 Cent says he will make a donation to charity after it was revealed he performed at an event linked to the clan of Libyan leader Col Gaddafi. The rapper is donating money to UNICEF to help relief efforts in Libya, AP reports. He had performed at a private event during the 2005 Venice Film Festival that was later linked to Col Gaddafi.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #691
    Gaddafi's forces are said to have entered the main square of the rebel stronghold of Zawiyah on Wednesday, while rebel forces advances along the strategic coastal road towards from Ras Lanuf towards Gaddafi's home town of Sirte have been fought off


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #693
    After 5 days of heavy bombardment, it seems Al-Zawiyah town has really fallen in the hands of Qaddhafi gangs. I wih people there all the luck knowing how the criminal will punish them right now.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #694
    Breaking from Al Jazeera: France recognises the Libyan National Council as the only legitimate representative of the Libyan people


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #696
    From the Guardian:

    Here's a summary of today's events:

    • Ras Lanuf has been retaken by government forces according to reports. The strategic oil town has been bombarded from the air, land and sea, forcing the evacuation of the hospital. An al-Jazeera correspondent said "dozens" had been killed.

    • Brega, close to Ras Lanuf, has also been targeted by air strikes and there have been reports of fierce fighting around Bin Jawad.

    • France has become the first country to formally recognise the Libyan rebels' newly created interim governing council. It will now send an ambassador to Benghazi and receive a Libyan envoy in Paris. The EU has also recognised the council, according to one report.

    • The prospect of a Nato enforced no-fly zone seemed far away as secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen said "further planning would be needed" and set out strict criteria of what would be needed for intervention. He said it would require demonstrable need to be proven, a clear legal basis and regional support.

    • The International Committee of the Red Cross has described the situation in Libya as a civil war. It said it has seen increasing numbers of wounded civilians arriving in hospitals in Ajdabiya and Misrata

    • There are fears about the safety of the Guardian correspondent Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, who has not been in contact with the paper for four days. He was last heard from on the outskirts of Zawiyah. Abdul-Ahad was travelling with Brazilian journalist Andrei Netto, whose paper reported that he will be released today. It did not have information on Abdul-Ahad.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #698
    Aljazeera: Libyan government decides to cut all dimplomatic ties with France.


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    Unfortunately, Ghaddafi is going to get a reprieve from the global spotlight because of the Japanese earthquake. I'd watch what happens very closely here. Without that spotlight, he might go supercritical and start a massive offensive against his "enemies." That's one thing world leaders are experts at, exploiting crises.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #700
    Unfortunately, Ghaddafi is going to get a reprieve from the global spotlight because of the Japanese earthquake. I'd watch what happens very closely here. Without that spotlight, he might go supercritical and start a massive offensive against his "enemies." That's one thing world leaders are experts at, exploiting crises.
    I can say that the media in the region saw a dramatic change today when it decreased materially the coverage from Libya to Japan. I think the regional media will go back to Libya & Yemen tomorrow, but I doubt the international ones will leave Japan soon.

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