Libya 2011 Demonstrations (6 Viewers)



The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #482
    The idiot will speak again according to Reuters. This time he will address the people of Zawya city, near Tripoli, as news say horrible massacres have been taking place there.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #484
    Breaking news: Aljazeera: There was an attempt by his mercenaries to bring Misrata city back under their control, but they failed. As a result, planes bombarded the demonstrators in the middle of the city horribly again.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #485
    From the Guardian:

    Al-Jazeera is reporting that Muammar Gaddafi is going to address the residents of the town of Az-Zawiyah shortly.

    The TV channel broadcast pictures this morning of a burning police station in the town, which is 30 miles west of Tripoli. The pictures were followed by footage of around 20 bodies, most with their hands tied behind their back. The channel said the men had been shot for refusing to shoot protesters.

    Also in Az-Zaqiyah, a Libyan army unit loyal to Gaddafi attacked anti-government protesters holed up in a mosque, blasting a minaret with anti-aircraft missiles and automatic weapons, a witness told the Associated Press news agency. We can't confirm this account.

    Protesters who had been camped inside and outside the mosque suffered heavy casualties in the attack, the witness said, but he couldn't provide an exact toll.

    The witness, who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals, said the attack was carried out by Libyan soldiers and happened at 9am (7am GMT) a day after an aide to Gaddafi came to the city and warned the protesters to "leave or you will see a massacre".

    "We told him we are not leaving, either death or victory," the witness said, and expressed disbelief that the army would attack its own people.

    "What is happening is horrible, those who attacked us are not the mercenaries; they are sons of our country," the witness said, while sobbing. He said the protesters were mostly youths armed only with hunting rifles.

    The witness also told Associated Press there were plans for a nationwide opposition march to Tripoli tomorrow. Fridays have been very eventful days for protests during the weeks of uprisings in the Middle East.

    But the witness said demonstrators from Az-Zawiyah were not going to join the march. "We talked about it and agreed to stay here," he said.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #486
    From the Guardian:

    A Libyan woman outside of Libya has been in touch with her family within the country and has emailed some details to my colleague Angelique Chrisafis. She says that in Zwara, mercenaries from eastern Europe have been shooting at protesters, leaving 10 dead. In Tajoura, four tanks were shooting in the air to warn protesters not to come into the streets. In Tripoli, she says jeeps are patrolling, with heavily armed secret service agents threatening "anyone who comes out will be shot at". She says the regime sent a text message to all Libyans at 8am this morning ordering them to go back to work and to send their children back to schools. Hosni Mubarak used a similar tactic in Egypt before his fall. We cannot verify these accounts.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #487
    From Reuters:

    A court compound in the centre of Benghazi, on the Mediterranean coast, has become a focal point for those seeking to reimpose law and order after a bloody rebellion against Gaddafi loyalists who relinquished the city to residents.

    A Reuters correspondent was directed to see about a dozen people held in a court building who residents said were "mercenaries" backing Gaddafi, some were said to be African and others from southern Libya.

    "They have been interrogated, and they are being kept safe, and they are fed well," said Imam Bugaighis, 50, a university lecturer now helping organise committees to run the city, adding that they would be tried according to the law.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #488
    From the Guardian:

    Opposition activists are increasing their hold on Muammar Gaddafi's ailing regime, by shutting down oil exports and mobilising rebel groups in the west of the country as the revolution rapidly spreads.

    By late this morning, Gaddafi's hold on power appeared confined to parts of Tripoli and perhaps several regions in the centre of the country. Towns to the west of the capital have fallen and all of eastern Libya is now firmly in opposition hands.

    In the sacked second city of Benghazi, basic order is returning to the streets after days of fierce fighting that saw the military defect en masse and virtually all government buildings razed and looted.

    There are long lines outside closed banks this morning, as citizens attempt to resume their lives. Cars have returned to city streets but almost all shops remain closed and the internet is blocked.

    Bengahzi is now being run by a makeshift organising committee of judges, lawyers and other professionals who have dispatched youths to the streets to coordinate traffic at intersections and reinstall basic order.

    "We started just as lawyers looking for our rights and now we are revolutionaries," said one high court lawyer, Amal Bagaigis, "and we don't know how to manage. We want to have our own face. For 42 years we lived with this kind of barbarianism. We now want to live by ourselves."

    However the revolution is clearly spreading with or without them. The town of Misratah, around half way between Benghazi and Tripoli, was reported to have fallen this morning after days of violence. A resident, Abdul Basit Imzivig, told the Guardian that regime forces had fled overnight and the city was now in opposition hands.

    All southern oil fields are now also in rebel control. Moustafa Raba'a, a mechanical engineer with the Sirte oil company, said pressure had been put on field and refinery managers to stop work and protect all foreign nationals working with them.

    "The order was put out to send a message to Gaddafi to stop the slaying of our people inn Benghazi," he said. "We made a decision to deny him the privilege of exporting oil and gas to Europe."

    He said the blockade had prevented 80,000 barrels per day from being exported from the Dregga field alone.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #489
    Some political analysts now in the Arab world say that the idiot has been given the green light by USA and the closest Western country, Italy to wipe his people off. The second scenario if he fails, they will interfer in Libya and occupy it justifying that by protecting the people of Libya while it is just for oil.

    Refer to what happened in Iraq to see a similar scenario.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #490
    Libya's Gaddafi could find refuge in Israel

    Israel’s Channel 2 News last year interviewed two Israeli women of Libyan origin who claimed to be distant relatives of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

    The older of the two interviewees, Guita Brown, said she is Gaddafi’s second cousin (Brown’s grandmother was the sister of Gaddafi’s grandmother). The younger of the two women, Rachel Saada, granddaughter of Brown, explained in more detail:

    “The story goes that Gaddafi’s grandmother, herself a Jewess, was married to a Jewish man at first. But he treated her badly, so she ran away and married a Muslim sheikh. Their child was the mother of Gaddafi.”

    While Gaddafi’s grandmother converted to Islam when she married the sheikh, according to Jewish religious law (and common sense), she was ethnically still Jewish.

    At this point the news anchor stated, “So, the point is that Gaddafi doesn’t just have Jewish relatives, he is Jewish!”

    Rumors of Gaddafi’s Jewish background are nothing new. But with the current uprising in Libya that threatens to ultimately overthrow the dictator, as has happened in the neighboring countries of Tunisia and Egypt, Gaddafi may be looking for an exit strategy.

    If the story told by Brown and Saada is true, Gaddafi is entitled to immigrate to Israel as a Jew under Israel’s Law of Return. Even if every other country on earth refused him entry, Israel would be obligated by its own laws to take Gaddafi in.

    At the time of the interview, the anchor quipped, “I am sure there is some local authority in Israel that would be pleased to have a former president on its staff.”


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #493
    Is it possible the Senussi family will return?
    I doubt any Arab person will be satisfied with the return of monarchy to his country. That is against the democracy people are cheering for.

    Nedvěd;2911337 said:

    Osama Hajjaj <3
    He had better ones, I guess. My favorite is Naser Al-Ja3fari. He is just great.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #495
    "protesters are drinking pills that make them commit "animal acts". Protesters have been brainwashed by Osama bin Laden, whose people have been giving protesters these pills".


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #496
    Thanks god he does not appear this time. He is just torturing us with his voice


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #497
    He says that his enemies are the West enemeies too.

    Weird sentence to say really.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #498
    He invited his supporters to go out to the streets. If they are scared, he tells them to send the females



    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #499
    How will the people survive after the oil production stopped?

    How will they buy cars or get married?

    Will Ben Laden pay for that?


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #500
    I'm a symbol for you

    I handed the authority to you since 1977

    Ben Laden is happy now for sure because you are killing your kids

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