Libya 2011 Demonstrations (16 Viewers)



The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #583
    From the Associated Press:

    Gaddafi's regime has retaken at least two towns and threatened a third, while rebels repulsed attacks on three other key areas Misrata to the east, Zawiya to the west, and the mountain town of Zintan to the south of the capital.
    One of those retaken was the strategic mountain town of Gharyan, the largest in the Nafusa Mountains, which overlooks Tripoli, a resident said, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of government retaliation. The town fell after dark Friday in a surprise attack, and the government troops detained officers who defected to the rebels and drew up lists of wanted protesters and started searching for them, the resident added.
    Gaddafi supporters also have said they were in control of the city of Sabratha, west of Tripoli, which has seemed to go back and forth between the two camps in the past week.
    But witnesses in Zawiya, 30 miles (50 kilometers) west of the capital, said rebels shouted "Allahu akbar (God is great) for our victory," and carried an air force colonel who had just defected after six hours of overnight gunbattles failed to dislodge anti-Gadhafi forces who control the city.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #584
    From Reuters:

    "It's true. There was aerial bombardment of Brega and Gaddafi's forces have taken it," Mohamed Yousef, an officer in the town of Ajdabiyah which is about 75 km (47 miles) from Brega, told Reuters on Wednesday.
    Two other officers in the east confirmed there had been attacks on Brega and one of them also said Gaddafi's forces had taken control of it.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #585
    From the Associated Press:

    The witnesses told The Associated Press they saw two warplanes bomb the eastern part of the town of Ajdabiya at 10am (8am GMT) local time Wednesday. They also said that pro-Gaddafi forces were advancing on the town, some 470 miles (750km) east of the capital Tripoli.
    Ahmed Jerksi, manager of the Sirte oil company which runs the facility in the eastern town of Brega, said pro-Gaddafi forces retook control of the facility, south-west of Ajdabiya.

    Zé Tahir

    Dec 10, 2004
    Government forces took the oil facility at Brega at dawn on Wednesday without using force.

    "It's not an attack. We are OK. The government troops came in to secure the whole area. Our concern is to maintain the facility," Ahmed Jerksi, the manager of the oil installation in Brega, told the Associated Press.

    But rebels in Benghazi, the main city in eastern Libya, said they had retaken the town.

    "They tried to take Brega this morning, but they failed," spokesman Mustafa Gheriani told Reuters news agency. It is back in the hands of the revolutionaries. He is trying to create all kinds of psychological warfare to keep these cities on edge."'



    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #587
    Al Jazeera is reporting that rebels say they have retaken Brega, according to Reuters.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #588
    The brilliant sentences said by the idiot today:

    "The people's authority represents a "true democracy" without any parliament or elections"
    "We give no power to any king or president"
    "The Libyan system is not comprehended by the world"
    "I carried out a revolution in the 70s, handed over power to the people and then rested"
    "People come to me for advice and cultural influence"
    "The whole Libyan people have told me they are willing to die for me"
    "Libya was just like Lebanon and Liberia, but now it is free"
    "How come Muammar Gaddaffi bought Italy to its knees...forced Italy to apologise to the Libyan people?"
    "I told the battalions in Bayda and Benghazi to abandon the camps, not return fire and go home"
    "I decided that all weapons depots should be destroyed to avoid them falling into the hands of terrorists"
    "The whole world knows about al Qaida"
    "It is an absolute lie that peaceful demonstrations are being fired upon"
    "Libya does not like foreign correspondents"
    "There were no peaceful demonstrations at all in Libya, as I told you it was a terrorist attack"
    "The terrorist operatives are wreaking havoc, raping woman on a daily basis."
    "The terrorists freed people from jail and handed them weapons"
    " It is a conspiracy to control Libya's oil. We will fight to the last drop of blood to defend Libyan territory inch by inch"
    "Libya will stop producing and exporting oil"
    "If the demonstrations in Libya were peaceful, why would foreign countries be withdrawing their citizens and companies their workers?" :lol:
    "The withdrawal of foreigners is clear proof that what is happening is attacks launched by armed gangs against these companies"
    "They depicted Libya as fallen. Libya will live on and it is them that will fall"
    "In Bayda and Benghazi committees should be formed to find out who killed whom"
    "The UN can send fact-finding committees to prove we did not fire a single bullet against peaceful civilians"
    "Al-Qaida do not have demands. They are limited in number. Their slogan is: "Killing, killing, killing." They do not compromise. I wish they had demands so we could negotiate"
    "Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb are operating from a mosque or snake hole brainwashing the youth. That's different from Egypt and Tunisia.
    "Opponents in Dirna are wishing to establish an empire within Libya like the Vatican. Let them try. Let al-Qaida establish an Islamic government in Dirna. How will people feel when women are raped there every day?"
    "I'll put my fingers in Cameron's eyes if I keep assets abroad. My salary is only 465 dinars"
    "I can't imagine anybody in Libya could insult or vilify Muammar Gaddafi"
    "We are not like Darfur or Iraq. We do not need foreign aid. Anyone who talks about that will be considered a traitor who has committed high treason. That would open the door to colonialism. We have enough supplies"


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #589
    An al-Jazeera correspondent just said a bomb was dropped about 60m from where he is outside Brega. He said there are around 300 government fighters in the town but they are surrounded.


    Jinx Minx
    Aug 25, 2006
    The brilliant sentences said by the idiot today:

    "The people's authority represents a "true democracy" without any parliament or elections"
    "We give no power to any king or president"
    "The Libyan system is not comprehended by the world"
    "I carried out a revolution in the 70s, handed over power to the people and then rested"
    "People come to me for advice and cultural influence"
    "The whole Libyan people have told me they are willing to die for me"
    "Libya was just like Lebanon and Liberia, but now it is free"
    "How come Muammar Gaddaffi bought Italy to its knees...forced Italy to apologise to the Libyan people?"
    "I told the battalions in Bayda and Benghazi to abandon the camps, not return fire and go home"
    "I decided that all weapons depots should be destroyed to avoid them falling into the hands of terrorists"
    "The whole world knows about al Qaida"
    "It is an absolute lie that peaceful demonstrations are being fired upon"
    "Libya does not like foreign correspondents"
    "There were no peaceful demonstrations at all in Libya, as I told you it was a terrorist attack"
    "The terrorist operatives are wreaking havoc, raping woman on a daily basis."
    "The terrorists freed people from jail and handed them weapons"
    " It is a conspiracy to control Libya's oil. We will fight to the last drop of blood to defend Libyan territory inch by inch"
    "Libya will stop producing and exporting oil"
    "If the demonstrations in Libya were peaceful, why would foreign countries be withdrawing their citizens and companies their workers?" :lol:
    "The withdrawal of foreigners is clear proof that what is happening is attacks launched by armed gangs against these companies"
    "They depicted Libya as fallen. Libya will live on and it is them that will fall"
    "In Bayda and Benghazi committees should be formed to find out who killed whom"
    "The UN can send fact-finding committees to prove we did not fire a single bullet against peaceful civilians"
    "Al-Qaida do not have demands. They are limited in number. Their slogan is: "Killing, killing, killing." They do not compromise. I wish they had demands so we could negotiate"
    "Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb are operating from a mosque or snake hole brainwashing the youth. That's different from Egypt and Tunisia.
    "Opponents in Dirna are wishing to establish an empire within Libya like the Vatican. Let them try. Let al-Qaida establish an Islamic government in Dirna. How will people feel when women are raped there every day?"
    "I'll put my fingers in Cameron's eyes if I keep assets abroad. My salary is only 465 dinars"
    "I can't imagine anybody in Libya could insult or vilify Muammar Gaddafi"
    "We are not like Darfur or Iraq. We do not need foreign aid. Anyone who talks about that will be considered a traitor who has committed high treason. That would open the door to colonialism. We have enough supplies"
    I saw a clip of him making a speech. The reporter said that he often makes long speeches. Gadaffi looked as though he was drugged up to the eyeballs. going by what is quoted here, he needs to be taken to the nearest psychiatric hospital that has padded cells.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #591
    I saw a clip of him making a speech. The reporter said that he often makes long speeches. Gadaffi looked as though he was drugged up to the eyeballs. going by what is quoted here, he needs to be taken to the nearest psychiatric hospital that has padded cells.
    He has been doing similar speeches for 42 years.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #596
    Look at the faces expressions of those who attended Gaddafi's speech yesterday ...



    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #598
    An Austrian newspaper says that Qaddhafi's investments in Austria are estimated with more than 30 billion dollars.

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