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Plusvalenza Akbar
Nov 8, 2005
So much is happening out in the open that you shouldn't need the undercover details to understand that this guy doesn't want to be a Juve legend
When a crime is committed, there is the (result of) crime, which is in the open ... and then there is the hidden detail of who committed said crime.
And you think the "undercover details" don't matter? Interesting viewpoint ...


Plusvalenza Akbar
Nov 8, 2005
He is certainly one of the most irrational members here, but at the same time he laughs at people when their lack of objectivity is at least to some extent understandable (like when a star player leaves or after a CL final loss).
I have good, bad and really bad news for you, H.
Let me start with the good news first seeing how you are all grieving over BonBon and all :D - you are more then welcome to be as irrational and as stupid as you guys wish, all of you, in these heart-breaking times.
Now, here is the bad news - in a similar fashion, I should be more than welcome to call your fickle asses out on your stupidity and lack of rationale.
And the really bad news ... well, I don't think you know what "rational" means or how the whole "being rational" business works, tbh. :kiss:


Senior Member
May 29, 2005

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@acmilan - you're like that "new" character in a soap opera that the watchers aren't sure whats going to happen next in the plot...then, slowly, you become the one character that never goes away but makes rare appearances when the drama needs a boost :D


Plusvalenza Akbar
Nov 8, 2005
Whats disgusting apart from Bonucci is that in a place thats designed for Juventus fans to discuss football cunts like @acmilan show up and dare to laugh at Juve fans for acting hurt in a situation like this. Not remaining objective and logical in a situation like this is way more normal thean the opposite, only means you have your heart in it. I wish you, your team and your pussy of a captain all the worst @acmilan
I am not calling out Juve fans for being hurt over this, I am calling out the ones who are being stupid/irrational about it.
There are plenty of examples around that acting/being hurt doesn't have to equal being stupid/irrational about it. Do you see me call out those Juve fans in any way?

Like I said earlier, feel free to be as irrational about this as your heart desires. But know this - if you are willing to put all your BS out in the open, don't get your panties in a bunch if someone calls you out on it, be it a Milan fan or another Juve fan.

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@acmilan - you're like that "new" character in a soap opera that the watchers aren't sure whats going to happen next in the plot...then, slowly, you become the one character that never goes away but makes rare appearances when the drama needs a boost :D

get your popcorn ready :D


Dec 14, 2009
I don't know about the others but I'll be honest, yea I was pretty butt hurt with Bonucci's decision.

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I'm ok with it now, it passed, I believe we will still concede less goals this coming season in Serie A compared to AC Milan. :xfinger: :D


Plusvalenza Akbar
Nov 8, 2005
This is gold, considering you once said Nocerino was better than Vidal
I never said such a thing - I always maintained that Vidal wasn't a true world class player, just gave the illusion of being one.

For one reason or another - I am gonna leave that for you to figure out why - some of the more feeble-minded people here, took that to mean that somehow I rated Nocerino higher than Vidal.
Repeat a lie enough times, and it becomes truth, especially if it's the kind you want to believe ...

P.S. I challenge you to quote me saying what you claimed above.

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That statement alone deserves a permanent ban and some jail time.
And what does being gullible enough to believe that I said such a thing deserve?


نحن الروبوتات
May 27, 2009
I never said such a thing - I always maintained that Vidal wasn't a true world class player, just gave the illusion of being one.

For one reason or another - I am gonna leave that for you to figure out why - some of the more feeble-minded people here, took that to mean that somehow I rated Nocerino higher than Vidal.
Repeat a lie enough times, and it becomes truth, especially if it's the kind you want to believe ...

P.S. I challenge you to quote me saying what you claimed above.

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And what does being gullible enough to believe that I said such a thing deserve?
You said something along the lines that you'd rather have Nocerino instead of Vidal in your team.

Still though, wasn't your silliest moment here. :p

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
acmilan with more posts in the football sections of this forum in the last 2 weeks than the last 4 years combined. Milan makes a few transfers and now he wants to talk football again. Talk about a fair-weather fan. :lol:

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