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نحن الروبوتات
May 27, 2009
I know it's a few days old, but I've just seen it. The guy bleeds black and white and I really love how he handles himself with the media.

Juventus' Leonardo Bonucci talks about the possibility of winning a fourth Scudetto, saying that 'only victors write history'.

The defender was accused of premature celebration yesterday for tweeting a picture of a Scudetto emblem on the chest of Gianluigi Buffon, with the comment 'Always on our chest, proudly!'

Today, the 27-year-old returned to the social network to clarify his original intention.

“I'd just like to clarify that the Scudetto on [Buffon's] chest is the one that we already won, with a record that is not just hard to beat, but hard to get close to,” he wrote on his Twitter profile.

“It's the 32nd in Bianconeri history, the third consecutive. I placed it on Gigi's chest because it's ours and we must show it with pride, defending it so we can conquer it again.

“Today we're first in the standings, with a nine-point lead. But to conquer the 33rd Scudetto, the fourth in a row, there's still a lot of sweating, running, working, and fighting to do.

“There are many battles we still have to win. The road is long. ‘Fino alla fine’ [until the end] is not just a motto but a lifestyle, we have to keep going until we have reach our objectives.

“Everything else, all of the interpretations so far, are given by the freedom of speech guaranteed by a democratic state.

“I'm going straight for my objective – winning. Because only the victors write history.”


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