Lazio - Roma tickets (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2003
I am going on a trip to Italy this March and there is a slight hope that i can get to watch Lazio-Roma on the 21st.....

AS Roma scudetto challenging campaign should be nearing to an intense point and Roma fans should turn out in a plenty hoping that it would be a winning one, while Lazio fans should do anything in their power to not help that from happening in a technically their home match.....

so is there any chance me, a foreigner from other far corner of the earth, can hope to go the stadium and easily buy tickets ?..:D,

if not, do anyone know where i can buy the tickets online on a reasonable student rate price?:p.. how much they cost anyway?:confused:

Incubo..u live in Rome.. surely u can help me here.. thanks in advance...

Buy on


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
There's always black market you know ;) You won't be able to buy tickets at the stadium or in Roma point shop that's 100%, since this tickets are all sold out the moment they get into sale and that's around 2 weeks before the game.

I prefer buying on black market rather than reserving over internet, but you can suit yourself

Black market for Roma (since Lazio is the away team and won't have tickets to sell) is behind Curva Sud that would be on the left side when you are walking towards Olimpico. You would have to know a bit of italian then and take a good looking girl with you if you can :D Black market is cheap as usually you go in with someone who has an extra season ticket, costs around 20€, but since this is an important match it can cost more. People will probably come to you though if you'll be hanging there, looking like a turist and if they ask Biglietti ("bilyeti") you just nod Si Si Si. But I would be VERY VERY VERY careful if I were you as things are kind of intense when it's derby time.


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2003
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    aaaaaaaaaa...........:excited:.... finally some feedback,..:touched:

    thaks nina..:thumbs: ..buts there is a serious mix up as it will be technically a Lazio home game on the 21st of March ....could you correct that for me in the thread where can i get their tickets?..when u said behind, do you mean at the shop behind the stadium? or just openly at the streets behind problem on the standing there like a tourist part as i will basically will be a tourist :touched::yippi:

    wow.. black market is cheaper :eek: where i came from the extort money in the black market..:wallbang:....and just 20 euros... shit... the price i find on the net are all range from 350 dollars to 270 pounds.... i almost change my aim to a dissapointing arsenal match that cost only 33 pounds... phewwww... how influential would a italian speaking skill (i know zilch :down:) and a good looking gals (taking with me none :down:)be .?..

    VERY VERY VERY careful huh..:scared:..what kind of danger are we expecting? ..

    btw nina.. can i have your massenger conact or anything.. i want to talk to you bout travelling in italy in general ..need the info fast...:lookingfoward:


    Inferiority complex
    Nov 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by aressandro10 ] ++
    I am going on a trip to Italy this March and there is a slight hope that i can get to watch Lazio-Roma on the 21st.....

    AS Roma scudetto challenging campaign should be nearing to an intense point and Roma fans should turn out in a plenty hoping that it would be a winning one, while Lazio fans should do anything in their power to not help that from happening in a technically their home match.....

    so is there any chance me, a foreigner from other far corner of the earth, can hope to go the stadium and easily buy tickets ?..:D,

    if not, do anyone know where i can buy the tickets online on a reasonable student rate price?:p.. how much they cost anyway?:confused:

    Incubo..u live in Rome.. surely u can help me here.. thanks in advance...
    I can help to a certain extent. Firstly, Nina is right: you won't be able to buy tickets at L'olimpico (stadium) unless its a Coppa match. This game is sold out far in advance. The tribuna sections (behind the bench and across) are the most expensive and the most "neutral sections" meaning you won't be hassled for wearing a Lazio scarf or vice versa. The majority of these tickets are sold out for most of the year but mainly by agencies, etc. The associations (curva's, ultras) buy out the curva sections for matches such as these and they sell them through their assocation. Forget about buying these. Unless you know someone in the Curva they are hesitant to sell to an outsider as they want a real show of support for their team.
    The danger that Nina speaks of is true. However, nothing to start going nuts about. If your a trouble maker (like me) be careful. If you snicker at Roma careful. If your at a retirement age. Forget it! Just remember your in a section that gets rowdy and loud and don't be totally unaware of what is going on. It is unlikely that a riot will start ..the only possible problem is if they start causing trouble the police will begin moving in to nab the "evil-doers" ... get out of their way and fast. But again, this DOES NOT happen..its the exception. If you have a head on your shoulders and your not one who shudders in fear at the sound of fans getting mad and yelling. Enjoy yourself.
    The black market is actually scalpers. They usually hang out at L'Olimpico for a week before the match. Take a walk on a nice day a few days before. If you look like a Cop...suspicious and asking too many questions. Forget it. Sometimes if you look like a tourist (i.e. BLOND hair blue eyes speaking English) they may try to run up the price. I would expect them to try to squander 100 euros off you. Bring it down or better yet just tell them "are these in tribuna?" 100 Euros? For 6 tickets..not bad! Be smart but not a smart-arse so they know your not totally "green" and oblvious to it all.

    PM me if you need detailed info.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    That reminds me of the time that I was in Italy in '87, and I went to see Roma-Pisa at L'Olimpico, and they showed a replay of a goal that was scored against Juve on the Video screen, and I got up and swore to all the Saints that I could remember, I was so mad.

    I was in the Tribuna section, and people all around me from a 10 row radius just looked at me. My cousin told me to "STFU or we'll get killed, I'm not a Romanista either."

    Roma ended up winning 1-0 on a penalty kick, and me and my cousin just screwed out of there once the match was over.

    Good Times:D:D


    Senior Member
    Jul 30, 2003
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    ++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

    I can help to a certain extent. Firstly, Nina is right: you won't be able to buy tickets at L'olimpico (stadium) unless its a Coppa match. This game is sold out far in advance. The tribuna sections (behind the bench and across) are the most expensive and the most "neutral sections" meaning you won't be hassled for wearing a Lazio scarf or vice versa. The majority of these tickets are sold out for most of the year but mainly by agencies, etc. The associations (curva's, ultras) buy out the curva sections for matches such as these and they sell them through their assocation. Forget about buying these. Unless you know someone in the Curva they are hesitant to sell to an outsider as they want a real show of support for their team.
    The danger that Nina speaks of is true. However, nothing to start going nuts about. If your a trouble maker (like me) be careful. If you snicker at Roma careful. If your at a retirement age. Forget it! Just remember your in a section that gets rowdy and loud and don't be totally unaware of what is going on. It is unlikely that a riot will start ..the only possible problem is if they start causing trouble the police will begin moving in to nab the "evil-doers" ... get out of their way and fast. But again, this DOES NOT happen..its the exception. If you have a head on your shoulders and your not one who shudders in fear at the sound of fans getting mad and yelling. Enjoy yourself.
    The black market is actually scalpers. They usually hang out at L'Olimpico for a week before the match. Take a walk on a nice day a few days before. If you look like a Cop...suspicious and asking too many questions. Forget it. Sometimes if you look like a tourist (i.e. BLOND hair blue eyes speaking English) they may try to run up the price. I would expect them to try to squander 100 euros off you. Bring it down or better yet just tell them "are these in tribuna?" 100 Euros? For 6 tickets..not bad! Be smart but not a smart-arse so they know your not totally "green" and oblvious to it all.

    PM me if you need detailed info.
    gee... thanks Incubo... that helps a lot... A Milan fan helps a Juventus mania to see Lazio versus Roma... :cool:

    also i have a lot to ask you about Rome , so expect a pm from me..
    Aug 1, 2003
    im so jealous i wish i could go. i've dreamed of going to italy for so long :sob:

    oh btw, what will happen if he goes to the derby and wears a juve scarf instead of a lazio one?


    Senior Member
    Feb 18, 2001
    Everything changes if it's Lazio the one who's playing at home! You have nothing to worry, Laziali are nice! And you should really try and get a tickets on the black market for Curva Nord ( laziali's home) as the atmosphere is unbelievable (a bit scary at first because you are not used to it, but at the end it turns out to be one of the best experiences in life, especially if you're a footie fan)! It'll be tough though as this is thé match for all laziali and most of them who have tickets will go to the game and not sell it.

    Lazio's black market is on the right side when walking towards the Olimpico. You might want to check Lazio Point (Lazio's store) that it's only a few meters away from the main train/bus station Termine in Rome to ask about the tickets ... they probably won't have it, except the ones that are the most expensive, but it never hurts to try right :) Have to check where they sell Lazio's tickets on the net and will get back to you later ;)

    IncuboRossonero, older pople can make troubles too you know and also in the section where only older people sit or families with kids (behind the benches) :D ... there was this one time that (last year's Lazio-Milan) where two grandpa's began fighting because one was pro-Nesta and the other hated Alessandro because he went to Milan and anway, they started shouting at eachother fisrt and then they ended up fighting, people had a tough time getting them apart :D


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    When I was getting a ticket for the derby (relax, it was Coppa Italia), my scalper showed me the ticket so I could verify that the price he said was the price printed on the ticket. You might want to try that, have them show you the stuff ;)

    Nina, you are sooo biased on this! :D So basically Romanisti is a bunch of troublemakers and Laziali are all nice people? Cmon! :D From my brief experience, the Roma folks are quite normal compared to the nuts in the Lazio curva anyway. ;)

    aressandro, if you get the chance, you might wanna sit in the Lazio curva, them people are nuts!!! :D It's frightening, interesting and fun all at the same time I tell you! :D They have these speakers pointed at the curva with some wacko yelling (I assume) profanities while the crowd responds in kind. It's really something else!! ;)

    Here are some shots I made last year:


    Senior Member
    Feb 18, 2001
    You have speakers at all the stadiums, so that leaders from Curva's are heard. Yes it's frightening, but be a man, go through with it!

    Yes I'm biased and I admitt it! Sorry, but all my Roman friends are Laziali! :angel: Romanisti though are the ones who can make an excellent cappucchino! :lick: :D But come on, think a bit, you cannot expect that people can be any good if they support Totti? :howler: Sorry, cheap shot! :angel:


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    ++ [ originally posted by nina ] ++
    But come on, think a bit, you cannot expect that people can be any good if they support Totti? :howler: Sorry, cheap shot! :angel:

    ++ [ originally posted by nina ] ++
    BTW; how come I didn't see this pics before?!? :eek: :groan:
    I could ask you that very same question! ;)


    Senior Member
    Feb 18, 2001
    :eek: But you haven't told me and they are located in some God forgoten place on the site to which I would never come on my own :D


    Senior Member
    Sep 30, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by USA Juventini ] ++
    That reminds me of the time that I was in Italy in '87, and I went to see Roma-Pisa at L'Olimpico, and they showed a replay of a goal that was scored against Juve on the Video screen, and I got up and swore to all the Saints that I could remember, I was so mad.

    I was in the Tribuna section, and people all around me from a 10 row radius just looked at me. My cousin told me to "STFU or we'll get killed, I'm not a Romanista either."

    Roma ended up winning 1-0 on a penalty kick, and me and my cousin just screwed out of there once the match was over.

    Good Times:D:D

    :LOL::LOL::LOL: That is a great story!!!


    Inferiority complex
    Nov 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by nina ] ++
    Everything changes if it's Lazio the one who's playing at home! You have nothing to worry, Laziali are nice! And you should really try and get a tickets on the black market for Curva Nord ( laziali's home) as the atmosphere is unbelievable (a bit scary at first because you are not used to it, but at the end it turns out to be one of the best experiences in life, especially if you're a footie fan)! It'll be tough though as this is thé match for all laziali and most of them who have tickets will go to the game and not sell it.
    Laziali are the most racist s-o-b's in Italy. They are the tifosi renound for bringing a Nazi flag into the their curva, for booing colored players and for throwing objects at Oba Oba. If you remember they also assaulted Zago (former Roma player) outside a restaurant. I live in Rome and I see their general disrespect for other fans week after week. Stay away from Laziali in the Curva they instigate EVERYTHING.


    Senior Member
    Feb 18, 2001
    Curva is pretty big and those who do that are fortunately only a handful. I have been there many times and know a few people and noone of them is like that.

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