Juventus set for revolution (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 27, 2002
Juventus set for revolution, as my eyes caught the headline I was
thinking here we will probably read rumours about new players that
will join us.

That Juve is prepering making the team stronger so that we can
come back next season.

instead all I read was, getting the figures in our $$$ straight!
Selling Nedved, Trezeguet and Thuram!

I don't like the way this is going!!!

we would sell, but will Moggi buy class replacements?
or another Legro deal!!!


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Sep 23, 2003
Juve, and Moggi in particular, have work to do.

But I wouldn't go overboard. Have you looked at Real Madrid's squad if you took out any random 6-7 starters to injury? Talk about a thin bench -- a healthy Modena could defeat such a motley crew. I couldn't get over that observation when looking at the squad they fielded for the CL match after the Depor loss. So calls for drastic Juve calciatori surgery are a bit misplaced.

If anything, Juve needs to work at bringing in and developing younger talent. The rising stars, and not just the players who have proved their past and are ready to cash in with a big new contract.

Yes, the defense is beyond old and tired. But what irked me most as a Juve fan is that Milan brought in a young talent like Kaka. Not that there's a Kaka around every corner, but kudos to Milan for that deal. That was superb. I hope Moggi learns from the competition on that one. One or two young, promising players could add so much life to a team that looks so tired these days.

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
As I read in juventuz.com , it is said that Lippi, Nedved and Trez will b leaving Juve ?


We should not change our coach, we should not sell Nedved!

As Qaterminator said, why not sell Di Vaio? He is not in his best form, and he is getting old...

Sell Di Vaio, Thuram....Release Montero, Ferrara Iuliano...
Get Gillardino, Mexes, Trabelsi, Ferrari....;)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
How many threads do we need talking about what changes need to be made? We've got about 6 or 7 already :rolleyes:
Mar 11, 2004
First of all I don't think Juve should sell Nedved. He is getting a bit old at 31 but I think this player should end his career with Juve.
Maybe I am using my heart and not my head in this statement as Nedved could bring in a lot of cash having won the "Pallone d'Oro" this year which could then be used to buy other players. However I don't see Milan depriving themselves of their star players. Instead they just continue to buy more and more quality players.

As for Di Vaio...he is not old as some said!!! He is just 27 years old. He was playing quite well in the start of the season and now he isn't doing that great but I don't think he should be sold. Instead Juve should buy Gilardino from Parma to strengthen their attack and have some quality subs when they are needed.

Defence is a major problem. I think Juve should buy both Ferrari and Bonera from Parma. They are young and have a lot of potential. Also I hear some Monaco player being mentioned (I think Bernardi?) but I don't know the qualities of this player.

We also need to buy a quality midfielder to replace Davids. I don't think Appiah is up to it...

As for Lippi I regard him as the best coach there is. It's not this fault that Juve haven't got as much quality players as Milan and Roma this year and it's not his fault that there have been so many injuries. However maybe it's time for change. I wouldn't mind seeing Deschamps or Prandelli for example coaching Juve. Maybe Juve does need change after all these years...


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by arifelly |Juve| ] ++
As I read in juventuz.com , it is said that Lippi, Nedved and Trez will b leaving Juve ?


We should not change our coach, we should not sell Nedved!
Don't believe everything you read, all the stories we publish are taken from papers/websites, we don't have our own sources to back this up.


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
we must wait and see who will be sold...

i don't believe moggi will sell nedved.....

but..juve has a lot of money and we will also sell players and get more money.

we must think of who are we going to get now??

someone very usefull,and i think that a "big" name wouldn't hurt...


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Nice post Ruben Cassar, welcome to the forums. I agree with most of what you said, but as for Lippi, I don't think he's the greatest manager out there. Sure, he's won good things for us, and i'm not tactician so maybe i should keep my mouth shut. But some of the decisions he makes completely bewilder me. A lot of the time, the reason I'm standing up off my couch shouting at the TV isn't because of a bad referee decision or a defender's mistake; it happens when i look at the starting line-up (see May 28, 2003) or when we make a substitution. I don't really wanna see him go, but i wish he'd provide an in-depth analysis of the tactics he used in a match, because i really don't understand the man a lot of the time
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Juventino ] ++
Juventus set for revolution, as my eyes caught the headline I was
thinking here we will probably read rumours about new players that
will join us.

That Juve is prepering making the team stronger so that we can
come back next season.

instead all I read was, getting the figures in our $$$ straight!
Selling Nedved, Trezeguet and Thuram!

I don't like the way this is going!!!

we would sell, but will Moggi buy class replacements?
or another Legro deal!!!

I am also disturbed by the speculation that we'll be selling to balance the books. What is that about? How did we lose so much money? Why? Maybe we're selling off older expensive stars and replacing them with younger cheaper ones, which is good, but how are we going ot get any with Chelsea buying them all?


Senior Member
Oct 28, 2002
okay guys here is what i think!!!!

Lippi should stay! the only way he should leave juventus IMO is if he becomes the Italian National Team's coach! yes he is not the best in the world! but he is definitly among the best in the world! he is an excellent coach! with a great vision and amazing tactics! some times he does mistakes! but then again! who doesn't? do u think someone like dechamps could do better against depor with the squad lippi had (all the injuries) and don't forget we didn't play bad against depor! the first half the lines man was screwing us with his flag as if it was a new toy of his as more than 6 cases he held his flag for were no where near to an offside! and not to forget delpiero being injured during the first 5 minutes which screwed the moral of the team and had lippi do an early subsisution he didn't want to do!

as for selling and buying players! i think nedved should be sold for a decent amount! now don't get me wrong! the player is an amazing person! he plays great! but looking at his game as i see it! he uses alot of his physical strength during the game! i mean his game is different than that of robby baggio and zidane as he runs and hussles for the ball unlike the other two who would dazzle with a nice move and play the pass that would split the defense for an assist! i just don't think we will ever see nedved of last year again! perhaps we would cash in and get someone promising!!!!

about KAKA i respect milan for that purcahse! i always knew he was a great player but never thought he would adapt to the italian game so fast! excellent purcahse that is proving to be one of the best in the serie A this season!

montero should go! i mean the guy used to be great and he has done so much for juve but it is time for him to go and so far this season and last season he has done sooo many mistakes for a defender of his caliber! too bad he didn't evolve with age and get better which is the case for defenders and instead he lost his touch and started making lots of mistakes!!!

we need to buy players for our defense and our midfield! we need someone like davids who would be able to play a defensive role and also assist when we are attacking! appiah and tachi are both too defensive when they both play we loose our offensive touch and have no more link between our back and front!!!

we do not need gillardino!!! some one said that we need a classy sub to be ready to come in for our team! but who do u think would agree to join to become a 5th striker! even zalayeta wasn't okay with that!!! i mean we have excellent strikers like trezeguet, DP, DV and miccoli who can all score and who can all play excellent football! do u think gillardino would settle to be a sub? i don't think so!

this was a bad season! and nothing more than that! we need to reinforce our defense and midfield! keep the coach and keep the attack as it is! that is all we need! and things are not that bad! out of the CL (yep it does hurt) but we are still in the league and we are still in the coppa italia final!!!

heads up people!

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
Well I heard that Moggi said that Lippi, Trez and Nedved wont b leaving Juve...(first smart decision from Moggi :D).....
Lippi and Trez said that they are happy at Juve, and Nedved said that he wants to win CL with Juve...:)
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by KeNgO ] ++
okay guys here is what i think!!!!

Lippi should stay! the only way he should leave juventus IMO is if he becomes the Italian National Team's coach! yes he is not the best in the world! but he is definitly among the best in the world! he is an excellent coach! with a great vision and amazing tactics! some times he does mistakes! but then again! who doesn't? do u think someone like dechamps could do better against depor with the squad lippi had (all the injuries) and don't forget we didn't play bad against depor! the first half the lines man was screwing us with his flag as if it was a new toy of his as more than 6 cases he held his flag for were no where near to an offside! and not to forget delpiero being injured during the first 5 minutes which screwed the moral of the team and had lippi do an early subsisution he didn't want to do!

as for selling and buying players! i think nedved should be sold for a decent amount! now don't get me wrong! the player is an amazing person! he plays great! but looking at his game as i see it! he uses alot of his physical strength during the game! i mean his game is different than that of robby baggio and zidane as he runs and hussles for the ball unlike the other two who would dazzle with a nice move and play the pass that would split the defense for an assist! i just don't think we will ever see nedved of last year again! perhaps we would cash in and get someone promising!!!!

about KAKA i respect milan for that purcahse! i always knew he was a great player but never thought he would adapt to the italian game so fast! excellent purcahse that is proving to be one of the best in the serie A this season!

montero should go! i mean the guy used to be great and he has done so much for juve but it is time for him to go and so far this season and last season he has done sooo many mistakes for a defender of his caliber! too bad he didn't evolve with age and get better which is the case for defenders and instead he lost his touch and started making lots of mistakes!!!

we need to buy players for our defense and our midfield! we need someone like davids who would be able to play a defensive role and also assist when we are attacking! appiah and tachi are both too defensive when they both play we loose our offensive touch and have no more link between our back and front!!!

we do not need gillardino!!! some one said that we need a classy sub to be ready to come in for our team! but who do u think would agree to join to become a 5th striker! even zalayeta wasn't okay with that!!! i mean we have excellent strikers like trezeguet, DP, DV and miccoli who can all score and who can all play excellent football! do u think gillardino would settle to be a sub? i don't think so!

this was a bad season! and nothing more than that! we need to reinforce our defense and midfield! keep the coach and keep the attack as it is! that is all we need! and things are not that bad! out of the CL (yep it does hurt) but we are still in the league and we are still in the coppa italia final!!!

heads up people!
:LOL: You didn't end a single sentence in a period...


Junior Member
Jan 30, 2004
Phase the defense out gradually, and relpace them with younger and quicker players (I hope we're still considering Lucio), bring in 1 or 2 midfielders that have got fire in the belly and a big strong striker.

Then we're ready to face the rest.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Ian ] ++
Maybe his period key was broken...

That kind of thing can happen...
:LOL: maybe he doesn't usually breathe much in real life when he's talking and ends all his sentences with an upward slur :LOL:

One of the funniest things I've seen is someone having a key broken on their keyboard, and they're like "hey guys, a ey's on my eyboard. It's the one to the right of j and the left of l"

and he didn't even think of copying and pasting it :D


Junior Member
Jan 30, 2004
++ [ originally posted by sallyinzaghi ] ++
:LOL: thats true

just sell nedved and get that load of cash. thats what I want anyway.
Sell Nedved?! :eek: :dazed:

I can't believe you're actually suggesting that! So sell him and replace him with whom? :(:(:( :frown:

When he came to Juve, he wasn't in the best of form and I wondered why we were replacing Zizou with a man "who seemed to be having trouble trapping the ball", when his form picked up, he had no equal in Europe. The man actuall displays the kind of attitude and drive that every Juventino should have. He's the hardest worker we've got and he's one of the smartest that we've got.

For those who say he's not that young anymore, as gets older, he's going to learn how to pace himself, that I'm sure of!

He's still got a few more years in him, what we need to do is to get in players that'll take some of the load of his shoulders. At times it's like he's carrying the entire team and when he's not playing well we're not playing well. He just needs help not to be traded. Otherwise we'll see the Chelskis of this world enjoying what we discarded when we thought we were being smart.

Trade Nedved?


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