Juventus Membership (10 Viewers)


Mercato Tourist
Aug 1, 2002
I got this email in italian.
I tried to translate on Altavista, I just 2 questions, is Pessotto asking me for money? and is there any mention on when they'll send me my certificate

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "JuventusMember"
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 10:08:18 PM (GMT+0200) Europe/Athens
Subject: News JuventusMemeber.com

Header Newsletter

Cari member bianconeri, benvenuti!

Questa prima newsletter del progetto Juventus Membership ho voluto scriverla io per darvi il benvenuto ufficiale e per ringraziarvi di esserci stati vicini in quest'ultima stagione calcistica. Attraverso questo programma vogliamo ricambiare questo affetto consentendovi di essere, come mai prima, vicini alla Juventus ed essere sempre più orgogliosi di far parte di un'unica grande famiglia rendendo noi ancora più fieri di rappresentarvi su tutti i campi d'Italia e del mondo.

Sono sicuro che d'ora in avanti saremo più forti di prima e con il vostro continuo, e da oggi diretto, appoggio potremo raggiungere qualsiasi risultato.

Questa newsletter vi verrà recapitata ogni 15 giorni e con il passare dei mesi sarà lo strumento ideale per consentirvi di essere aggiornati su tutto quello che accade all'interno della comunità degli Juventus Member ed informati sulla nostra amata squadra.

Non mi resta quindi che ringraziarvi nuovamente e augurarvi buon campionato.

Un abbraccio.

Gianluca Pessotto

Partner e Convenzioni

Tutti gli Juventus Special Member possono richiedere un prestito personale da 1.500 a 45.000€, assicurandosi la garanzia di un tasso fisso molto conveniente.

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Sep 23, 2003
Basically, Pessottino couldn't resist the urge to send a welcome message to all fellow juventini at the start of this new Juventus Member project -- and to thank us for staying close in this last season. This Member project will enable the club to communicate with fans as never before as the season results come in.

Every 15 days expect a Juve newsletter (e-mail) from inside the team we love. Then some salutations on the coming season.

So no word about more money, no word about your certificate. It's a mass e-mail to all the Juventus Members. (I got it too.)


Sep 23, 2003
are they offering free torrents of the games afterwards ???
Seriously doubt it. Contract issues. Most of it has to probably do with the convoluted transmission rights once you cross international lines.

I would look to the torrents section on this site long before I would ever suspect anything there. I imagine Juventus Member might host a post-match video summary, but that's about all.


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
Basically, Pessottino couldn't resist the urge to send a welcome message to all fellow juventini at the start of this new Juventus Member project -- and to thank us for staying close in this last season. This Member project will enable the club to communicate with fans as never before as the season results come in.

Every 15 days expect a Juve newsletter (e-mail) from inside the team we love. Then some salutations on the coming season.

So no word about more money, no word about your certificate. It's a mass e-mail to all the Juventus Members. (I got it too.)
And the newsletters are in Italian!!


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
are they offering free torrents of the games afterwards ???
I seriously doubt that Vinny, I doubt that something as official as this site would want to distribute stuff via torrents. I don't know if its just me or torrents are generally looked down upon? Or at least major cooperations seem to ignore it exists?


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Basically, Pessottino couldn't resist the urge to send a welcome message to all fellow juventini at the start of this new Juventus Member project -- and to thank us for staying close in this last season. This Member project will enable the club to communicate with fans as never before as the season results come in.

Every 15 days expect a Juve newsletter (e-mail) from inside the team we love. Then some salutations on the coming season.

So no word about more money, no word about your certificate. It's a mass e-mail to all the Juventus Members. (I got it too.)
Did you translate it, or they are posting in English too?


Senior Member
Dec 6, 2005
i have paid for 2 week and i don´t get any data for username and password.

money is paid my credit card told me.
is there any e-mailadresse i can write to??? can´t find...


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2003
i have paid for 2 week and i don´t get any data for username and password.

money is paid my credit card told me.
is there any e-mailadresse i can write to??? can´t find...

Didn't they ask you to suggest your own username and password right after you submitted your credit card payment??

That's how I got mine anyways...

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