Juventus encourage Chelsea, Arsenal to bid for Trezeguet (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
RVN is one of the best strikers in the world. he is an awesome striker and dont say that shearer is above him because that is rubbish. maybe 10 years ago when ruud was a teenager still yeah he was.

he isnt the most complete striker as DP10 mentioned, but still, he definately is one of the best in the world.

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Senior Member
Dec 31, 2002
++ [ originally posted by delpiero10 ] ++

Thats the most stupid thing ive heard, Nistelrooy is not a complete striker at all, he is a typical 9'er. The most complete striker in the world is Shevchenko, he is fast, excellent technique, good finishing, good in heading, works for the team, and at the right place all the time, He is the best in the world.
Henry is still one class above Shevchenko
and by the way RVN is better than Shev too


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
shevchenko is more complete than henry,but henry may be the slightly better player.

and as much as i don't like rvn i have to say he is a good striker however ungraceful and predictable he may be,he is an excellent striker and is ranks among the top strikers today.i'd still prefer shevchenko though.


Senior Member
Nov 2, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Adrian ] ++
RVN is one of the best strikers in the world. he is an awesome striker and dont say that shearer is above him because that is rubbish. maybe 10 years ago when ruud was a teenager still yeah he was.
Top scorers:

1 Henry
2 Shearer 22
3 RVN 18

I only said Shearer scores more goal in a weaker team, where he doesnt play lone striker.

(seriously,Shearer was one of the Greatest english strikers who never changed to a really big club. but thats another story)

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