Juventus encourage Chelsea, Arsenal to bid for Trezeguet (1 Viewer)


Junior Member
Aug 7, 2003
hope all these are not true..

April 24, 2004

Chelsea and Arsenal have leapt ahead of Barcelona in negotiations for Juventus striker David Trezeguet.

A fed-up Juve sports director Luciano Moggi will be in London for talks with both Premiership clubs about Trezeguet's future after becoming frustrated with the antics of intermediaries working for Barca and also Trezeguet's representatives.

A meeting is scheduled for May 4, where Moggi and Roberto Bettega will meet with Chelsea and Arsenal officials to listen to what they're prepared to offer for the French international.

This will follow on from a summit next week in Barcelona, which has already been organised for Moggi to attend in order to negotiate a fee for Trezeguet's transfer. However, Italian press reports are stating the Juve chief would now prefer to sell the striker to a Premiership club after becoming frustrated at Barca's stalling tactics.


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Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
it only takes two teams to start a bidding war.

As much as I would hate to see Trez go, if theyare going to sell him, at least don't just sell him off to the first team that makes an offer.

let there be some competition for him.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
I think and hope that Trez will go to Chelski for 10m + Crespo. I don't think that Arsenal can afford him. They'd have to throw in a couple of players to make Moggi think about it, but Chelsea definitely have the upper hand as far as I'm concerned.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
The only way that Trez will go to Arsenal is if they offer Vieira or Pires in return; not gonna happen. I think it will be down between Barca and Chelsea, and four players for those respective teams could be in the negotiations- Puyol for Barca, and Crespo, Mutu, or Makelele from Chelsea. Crespo would be OK, but I would rather have that 27 million Euros or Puyol + $.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
If he stays we'll need to add more creativity to the team. If he goes, we can simply get a striker with better technique who is comfortable on the ball and outside as well as in the box, such as Gilardino, Ibrahimovic or Morientes.


Junior Member
Apr 5, 2004
but i have the feeling that Trez wants to leave so IMO i dont think that we should hope for him to stay ...he will not perform if he is staying against his well


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
Studies? What are they? :p

I finished my exams last summer, the next lot of studying I got is in September so I'm free from education for a few months yet, just getting on with my job in the meantime. How about you?


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
I've got promotion exams coming up in about a month and a half so I've got to start studying. What's your job if you don't mind me asking? How come you haven't been around if you're not that busy?

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