I'm hoping to pass from the first try, altho I'm not holding my breath. I've had 33 lessons, so far, gonna have 6 more. 35 is the minimum by the law, and I took 4 more just in case. My training wasnt easy tho, the city was in complete chaos for two weeks or so, the main streets were being worked on and there were bloody traffic jams everywhere. I once stopped in the middle of a 5 lanes street covering 2 lanes and I had nowhere to move, my nstructor was going mad, cars were trying to go around me, it was madness. Wasnt my fault tho. Almost had a monor accident when 4 cars, including me, were trying to drive in the same lane. Luckily, the the work has finished so I'm hoping I can make it.
Wish me luck :thumb:
Wish me luck :thumb: