Italy = anti islam (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2003
Layce Erayce said:
Well, Im glad that you dont see Arab governments as the purest form of government there is. At least we are on the same page here. I believe what you say regarding Islam being a real moral guide applies to Christianity too.
Yes.. it applies to most religions.. religion in itself is merely a moral guide to the one who embrace it who find spiritual sanctuary for his soul and mind.. that is the basic purpose of religion that most people don’t get.. instead, they misinterpret it and do terrible deeds in the name of religion just to get their followers' (who by their turn are as deluded as their leaders) approval on what they’re doing.. religion is not the reason for wars.. it’s the damn people.. I just want this "findinganewnick" to answer this.. if you claim that religion, and basically Islam and Christianity, are the reason for war and to end this war we should get rid of them and their books as well.. if you really believe so, then how do you explain the wars that happened before Islam and Christianity existed..? what was causing these bloody wars that happened in history before these religions came to an existence..!!?? isn’t it the people..??

Layce Erayce said:
However, you are wrong if you think Arabs are treated the same in the west. FFS, one of the final 3 presidential candidates in the 2004 US Presidential elections was Arab! They are given the same opportunities as everybody else, including a realistic chance to become an American citizen and a part of American society. They may face racism, but dont think others havent. Racism disgusts me, but I can still look at the bigger picture in that Arabs have had relatively less to deal with (until 11/9 at least)

Whenever I have to get to the mall I need to go up route 1. Along the way, I drive past Malouf, a mega auto dealership with four big showrooms, each a short distance from each other along the highway. They sell every American badge besides Chevy, and every third car on the road has the Malouf badge on them. Im sure the ethnicity of the name will sound familiar. Every time I drive by, it serves as a reminder to me of how anyone can do anything in the US. The only thing stopping you is yourself. (Which is why people who use the race card annoy me so much. MLK didnt let it stop him, did he?)
as you said, maybe not before 9/11.. but, surely things changed since the attacks.. the way the community looks at arabs has changed dramatically.. but, I haven’t been to the U.S. and I can’t be the judge in that matter.. all I know is stories from some friends who lived there before and after 9/11.. but, I’ve been to Europe and experienced the unfair treatment of officials (and people) of some countries.. just because I’m an arab I get an unjust treatment.. however, I don’t throw all the blame on them.. the likes of bin laden and zarqawy had made a good job ruining islam reputation.. and unfortunately, most people stereotype this image and act accordingly..

Just another note to this “findinganewnick” or whatever his name is.. do not meddle in area you are not an expert in.. you talk about religion while you clearly don’t understand the concept of it.. you have no clue about Islam and Christianity or Jesus and Mohammed [PBUT].. and you want religions to be banned just because your highness think it is the main reason for every conflict that happen between two nations on this earth..!! you obviously are contradicting yourself by ignoring people freedom to choose whatever they want to believe in yet, you defend their right to wear what they want..!!

I wish you haven’t been banned so I can continue discussing this matter with you.. but, please be careful when talking about religions and at least have some respect for it.. cause you may offend a whole bunch of people by offending their beliefs.. you talk of civilized society, yet you break one of its basics.. mutual-respect.. respect others and they will respect you..

Happy New Year everybody..

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