Italian course to start soon! (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Good things don't always come to those who wait, but this time they do. We are now ready to launch our absolutely unique, off the charts brilliant Italian course. We kinda need a working forum for this, so barring any unforeseen downtime we begin on August 13.

I have written a course for you guys, most of which was done in March/April, but the last pieces have fallen into place just very recently. It is structured like a self teaching course, composed of a series of episodes. Every episode is a short story, with a translation, and with some explanations. It also has a recording, so you'll be listening to my fabulous voice reading these stories to you (that alone should be worth the very affordable admittance fee of zero).

The idea is that I will post an episode, which is going to be a new thread. Then you guys read it and try to figure it out. You have each other to give each other some hints and suggestions. I'll be around to answer questions and such, and we also have the ever brilliant Kate to help you. And who knows if there aren't a couple of closet Italians who might just come up with the confidence to dive in too (you know who you are).

To start off, there will be a new episode every week, but we'll see how it goes and adjust the pace if that's too slow. We have enough episodes to keep this going for a while.

So, you can start warming up your reading and listening apparatus.

Buy on


Formerly known as Ali
Jul 15, 2002
This is exciting. Hopefully a few years from now we will be chatting in Italian. Cheers Martin.

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