[ITA] Serie A 2010/2011 (14 Viewers)

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May 24, 2009
Hernandez considers leaving Palermo

Abel Hernandez is naturally considering leaving Palermo after a gun was pointed in his mouth during an armed robbery on Wednesday evening.

The 20-year-old Uruguay international striker was driving down Viale Regione Siciliana on his way home from training at around 6:30pm when the incident happened.

Hernandez's earrings, jewelry and wallet were taken but luckily he suffered no physical injuries.

However, the psychological trauma of the robbery has left Hernandez considering his future at the club.

It's not the first time a Palermo player has been attacked on their way home from training.

Edinson Cavani and Nicolas Bertolo were left shaken up in December 2009 when two thugs attacked their car, breaking the windows with chains.

“These things happen everywhere a little,” Hernandez's agent Vincenzo D'Ippolito said. “The worst thing is that they pointed the gun in his mouth.

“He was alone when it happened. But at least he wasn't hit or suffered any physical aggression. We hope that he'll recover.

“Luckily his parents are here with him. It's a life experience that has nothing to do with his profession.”

thats what you get in sicily i guess


Jan 30, 2008
Del Piero would've been planted to the ground shouting for a freekick had he been robbed, look at how he falls down on the pitch like a pussy when he's touched slightly.



Dec 16, 2003
:lol2: and he would still score a freekick off the pitch too.

If a gun is to be pointed at Del Piero he would solve it in a classy way. He knows how to handle pressure and get out of any problem/trap. :wub:


May 24, 2009
Seems Pandev signed for inter illegally :howler:

L'Inter ci ricasca. Dopo la vicenda Recoba, la società nerazzurra è stata deferita alla Commissione disciplinare nazionale dal procuratore federale per l'acquisto di un calciatore. Questa volta nel mirino è finito il passaggio di Goran Pandev in nerazzurro, avvenuto tramite la mediazione di un agente, Carlo Pallavicino, non autorizzato a trattare con i dirigenti interisti Rinaldo Ghelfi e Marco Branca, a loro volta deferiti.

Stando a quanto riportato dal comunicato della Figc, Pallavicino è stato deferito per "aver svolto attività di mediazione in favore di soggetti che non gli avevano conferito alcun mandato". Ghelfi e Branca per "essersi consapevolmente avvalsi, nella trattativa finalizzata alla stipula di un contratto professionistico con il calciatore Goran Pandev, dell'agente Pallavicino, senza avergli conferito alcun mandato".

Il trasferimento di Pandev all'Inter era finito sotto inchiesta da parte della Procura federale. L'avvio dell'indagine era stata deciso dopo che il presidente della Lazio, Claudio Lotito, aveva presentato alcuni documenti ritenuti sufficienti a far aprire un fascicolo.
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