[ITA] Serie a 2006-07 (5 Viewers)

Badass J Elkann

It's time to go!!
Feb 12, 2006
Many may not quite understand why i cant stand these uneducated pigs, a few days ago i was speaking to this interista who had the nerves to confront me and make up the biggest load of ignorance known to man.
he first said we cheated and stole titles, but what was really proven in the calciopoli? tbh quite frank it proved how corrupt and how weak the justice system is, i asked him what did we steal since it was u (inter) that stole our clean scudetto, i put him in the spot and asked do u have no shame? how could any fan be proud to celebrate a title that was never theirs nor to be made void.
he went on to call juve ultras 'pussies' and 'murderers' i replied murderers? he said it was cuz of the drughi the heysel disaster happened and it was a glorified death. i simply replied in anger a) the drughi were not formed at the heysel disaster, or at least not the big faction it is now, he went on to claim it was a drughi that killed a liverpudlian - funny how no liverpool deaths were recorded.
I asked him do u have no heart? since heysel is 1of the most tragic footballing disaster, he simply replied - it serves u drughi murderers right. I replied it shows how retarded u whores are since it was juve who showed alot of affection towards the loss of fachetti, and all u can come back with is praise for the deaths of innocent fans. He replied the drughi didnt mourn his death, i simply answered, the drughi are a minority of the entire juventus family.
Finally he stated how we were a gang of dope users, yet again why do many perceive us as dope users when this whole story was founded on speculation and not fact, and was sooner cleared of any wrong doing. I asked, why dont u ever call milan a bunch of drug users? or parma? since they hosted players that failed drug tests.

by this point i had enough of his ignorance and said - stop living in a life of fairy tales and lies. your life is a lie, your team is phony just like its achievments, your fairy tales of heysel is nothing short of ignorant.

in conclusion i hate them for their uneducated views

I hate them for their mythical hypothesis

I hate them for supporting an evil regime

I hate them for their lack of respect of lost innocent lives

but fortunate to say there is hope, speaking to another interista - he was brave enough to admit his complete shame of the club as he put it 'The club he dearly loves' he admitted that inter didnt deserve that title and that for those who celebrated the cursed title can only be fake fans


Senior Member
May 29, 2006
the tihing i hate most that the o on about being clean winners, they coudlnt win if all the other teams are toddlers, they are a joke, a farce and not other team and fans give them any creadit, fuk them, they are dirty putain and everyone knows it


Senior Member
Oct 10, 2006
Many may not quite understand why i cant stand these uneducated pigs, a few days ago i was speaking to this interista who had the nerves to confront me and make up the biggest load of ignorance known to man.
he first said we cheated and stole titles, but what was really proven in the calciopoli? tbh quite frank it proved how corrupt and how weak the justice system is, i asked him what did we steal since it was u (inter) that stole our clean scudetto, i put him in the spot and asked do u have no shame? how could any fan be proud to celebrate a title that was never theirs nor to be made void.
he went on to call juve ultras 'pussies' and 'murderers' i replied murderers? he said it was cuz of the drughi the heysel disaster happened and it was a glorified death. i simply replied in anger a) the drughi were not formed at the heysel disaster, or at least not the big faction it is now, he went on to claim it was a drughi that killed a liverpudlian - funny how no liverpool deaths were recorded.
I asked him do u have no heart? since heysel is 1of the most tragic footballing disaster, he simply replied - it serves u drughi murderers right. I replied it shows how retarded u whores are since it was juve who showed alot of affection towards the loss of fachetti, and all u can come back with is praise for the deaths of innocent fans. He replied the drughi didnt mourn his death, i simply answered, the drughi are a minority of the entire juventus family.
Finally he stated how we were a gang of dope users, yet again why do many perceive us as dope users when this whole story was founded on speculation and not fact, and was sooner cleared of any wrong doing. I asked, why dont u ever call milan a bunch of drug users? or parma? since they hosted players that failed drug tests.

by this point i had enough of his ignorance and said - stop living in a life of fairy tales and lies. your life is a lie, your team is phony just like its achievments, your fairy tales of heysel is nothing short of ignorant.

in conclusion i hate them for their uneducated views

I hate them for their mythical hypothesis

I hate them for supporting an evil regime

I hate them for their lack of respect of lost innocent lives

but fortunate to say there is hope, speaking to another interista - he was brave enough to admit his complete shame of the club as he put it 'The club he dearly loves' he admitted that inter didnt deserve that title and that for those who celebrated the cursed title can only be fake fans

Tough stuff that is...

Badass J Elkann

It's time to go!!
Feb 12, 2006
Haha what a load of horse shit! BD, you make me proud not being a juventino.
soz Juventus is only a club exclusive to true fans, so i guess that makes u an asshole :agree:

id rather suffer from aids than being a interista, id rather lose my virginity to a farm animal than to wear a binter shirt, id rather be deprived of nutrition for a week than wearing that thing u call a shirt, u may think juventini are a bunch of mercenaries, but dont get me wrong, id happily kill u for nothing


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
What do you mean by deep? Do you mean talent wise?
Oh I was just pointing out the general depth in the competitiveness of the league. I havent been following La Liga for last 2 and a half season or so, but if Depor is a mid-table team then you got a strong league. Zaragoza, Sociedad, Celta are all competitive team by their own respect.

I think the same applies to EPL. There are so many competitive teams around: so much that I dont think Arsenal is a guaranteed for that 4th place.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
What's Italian For Transfer Window?

Whilst the Italian league continues its winter break and the players put the finishing touches to their new goal celebrations and hairstyles, the lack of actual football and opening of the giant transfer window allows the clubs with cash to plan and plot the arrival of new recruits.

Traditionally this would mean that serial spenders Inter would buy 14 new players:D , but as they are in rude health right now, they seem to be keeping their Euros in their pockets. Indeed, their recent refusal to allow Portuguese pin-up Luis Figo leave for the money-sodden sand of Saudi Arabia's Al Ittihad before his contract expired shows an admirable new approach.

Although club owner Massimo Moratti still speaks openly about his dream to prise jinking ball magnet Little Leo Messi from Barcelona's grasp, the Argentine dwarf God's buy-out clause is over £100m, Mind you, Moratti is the man who managed to persuade Barca to sell Ronaldo to him all those years ago, so he won't be giving up easily.

Who knows? Maybe history will repeat itself as Moratti entices one of the world's best footballers out of Catalonia and takes him to calcio to partially destroy his career and love for football all over again:D .

City rivals AC Milan are desperate to put their atrocious start to the season behind them, but have so far been quiet on the transfer front. The one name heavily linked is the Palermo central defender Andrea Barzagli. Dubbed by many as the future of Italian defending, the stocky stopper would certainly add some solidity to a back line which at times this season has crumbled like a Weetabix in a puddle. But he won't be cheap.

Another name which pops up regularly when discussing the Rossoneri is that of Ronaldo, although it is unlikely the well-padded panther would up sticks right now. Nevertheless, Milan could certainly do with a proven finisher, so watch this space.

One thing is for sure and that is the fact that Milan are not in the middle of a crisis. Club owner Sivlio Berlusconi said, "I believe in this group, it isn't a crisis," and if he says that then it must be true because he wouldn't lie:p .

Not wanting to be left out, Juventus are also making headlines and testing the transfer waters. Liverpool fans look away now - there have been some very well-informed voices coming out of Turin whispering that the Serie B giants are about to make a bid for Big Momo Sissoko, having failed to replace Patrick Vieira satisfactorily since he skipped off to Inter. They are also of course sniffing around Javier Mascherano.

There is even an outside chance that the Bianconeri will end Antonio Cassano's troubled spell in Spain after club official and party boy Lapo Elkann expressed a desire to see the best of Fat Toni and see it in his homeland again. Could an austere, well-managed club like Juve be the right place for the Bari-mentalist to rediscover his touch? If one reads too much into Elkann's comments, yes, but then again Lapo was taken to hospital after overdosing on a near-lethal combo of cocaine and heroin in a transsexual prostitute's apartment in Turin in October 2005, so you shouldn't listen too closely - as a club director, he is cut from a different cloth to someone like Delia Smith.:rofl:

Away from the big three, the biggest movers so far have been AS Roma, who have let Vinny Montella fly his tiny aeroplane celebration to London, and brought in mobile ex-Empoli and Valencia striker Francesco Tavano. It is a good, forward-thinking move, but the exciting striker won't be eligible in Europe for the Romans.

Popular Sicilians Palermo are making enquiries about Juve right-winger Marco Marchionni, and the switch could be used as leverage for a dramatic black-and-white swoop for the aforementioned libero/cenrtre-back Barzagli in the summer.

Rather like Victoria Beckham's musical career, Euro 2000 star Stefano Fiore (remember him?) has had a torrid time since the turn of the millennium, changing club more often than tall telly loony Russell Brand changes hairspray can, and he could be about to escape an uncomfortable stay with Torino and pull on the once-great jersey of Parma as his search for first-team football drives him out of the only Turin-based side currently in Serie A.

This may all seem slim pickings, and that's because it is. However, the window is young - come January 28 we may see a lot of activity and new faces. The likelihood of any blockbuster hold-the-back-page switches is low, but until the league kicks off again, there is just about enough to keep rumour monkeys happy.

By Sheridan Bird


Sep 23, 2003
I don't know about you, but it's hard to get upset when you're spending so much energy holding back impolite laughter.


Softcore Juventino
Jul 14, 2006
Buffon, sempre più Inter
Milan e Ronaldinho vicinissimi

Il gioiello brasiliano è in rotta con il Barcellona e ha litigato con Rijkaard: in rossonero a luglio, 7 milioni di euro netti per 5 anni. Per il trasferimento del portiere bianconero, i nerazzurri offrono 40 milioni di euro e i cartellini di Toldo e Samuel

Il Milan è sempre più vicino a Ronaldinho: arriverà a Milano in luglio e sarà il fiore al'occhiello della spettacolare campagna acquisti che Berlusconi ha in animo di condurre per la stagione 2007-2008.La clamorosa indiscrezione è trapelata dagli ambienti del Barcellona e ha trovato diversi riscontri.

L'accelerazione alla trattativa è stata impressa dai ripetuti contatti che ci sono stati fra le parti durante le vacanze di Natale. Ronaldinho, 26 anni, legato al Barcellona sino al 2008, ha ripetutamente rifiutato di prolungare l'accorso sino al 2014 come gli era stato proposto; è in rotta di collisione con il club catalano, ha litigato con Rijkaard, è allettato dall'esperienza rossonera e dal ricchissimo ingaggio che spunterebbe a Milano.

Si parla di 7 milioni di euro netti all'anno per 5 anni. Questa è la base di trattativa condotta dal fratello Ricardo Assis, agente anche di Oliveira, l'attaccante brasiliano trasferitosi al Milan l'estate scorsa. Per il cartellino, il Barcellona chiede a Berlusconi una cifra oscillante fra i 60 e i 65 milioni di euro, ma il club rossonero è pronto a mettere sul piatto alcune contropartite tecniche. Dipenderà anche dalle scelte di Rijkaard.

Novità clamorose anche sul fronte Buffon, sempre più vicino all'Inter. L'ultima offerta di Moratti per il trasferimento del portiere campione del mondo (che scatterebbe il 1° luglio prossimo), è questa: 40 milioni di euro e i cartellini di Toldo e Samuel, a meno che lo stesso Toldo non preferisca rimanere in nerazzurro.A quel punto, l'alternativa sarebbe Julio Cesar. D'intesa con la Juve, Buffon ha congelato qualunque discorso sul suo futuro, la trattativa con l'Inter è molto bene avviata.


:eek: :wth:

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