Israeli-Palestinian conflict (141 Viewers)

Is Hamas a Terrorist Organization?

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  • Should there be a Jewish nation SOMEWHERE in the world?

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  • Should Israel be a country located in the region it is right now?

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Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
I wonder what these people were thinking. That they would actually change something, that the umpteenth "individual action" would finally strike those odds of one in a million and overturn the state politics? Or were they cynical from the start and only out to make a scene, despite knowing it would be futile?


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #8,845
    I wonder what these people were thinking. That they would actually change something, that the umpteenth "individual action" would finally strike those odds of one in a million and overturn the state politics? Or were they cynical from the start and only out to make a scene, despite knowing it would be futile?
    I think they succeeded in what they wanted to say. Not all Jews in the world are a part of the apartheid regime of Tel Aviv. They do not condone the continuous siege on Gaza. And the participation of a holocaust survivor in this action is just a way to tell the people of the world that the holocaust can not keep been used to justify another massacre since more than 60 years.


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    I think they succeeded in what they wanted to say. Not all Jews in the world are a part of the apartheid regime of Tel Aviv. They do not condone the continuous siege on Gaza. And the participation of a holocaust survivor in this action is just a way to tell the people of the world that the holocaust can not keep been used to justify another massacre since more than 60 years.
    I think you're right. If you're a Jew and you have no access to the media because your pro Israel friends are monopolizing it, then at least this way you can make a statement.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #8,847
    The stupid Ozzy Osbourne is in Israel these days.

    Asked whether he had any hesitations about visiting Israel, on the backdrop of the latest cancellations by international artists, he replied that he tries to stay away from politics because "I wouldn't know what I was talking about."

    His wife added that "Britain has the IRA and no one cancels concerts there." Asked why it took him so long to arrive, Osbourne said, "I don't know, I was drunk for years.",7340,L-3960205,00.html


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #8,849
    Rick Sanchez FIRED From CNN

    Rick Sanchez has been fired from CNN following his controversial comments on a radio show Thursday.

    "Rick Sanchez is no longer with the company. We thank Rick for his years of service and we wish him well,' a CNN statement said.

    Sanchez did not appear on the air Friday.

    Appearing on "Stand Up with Pete Dominick" Thursday, Sanchez called Jon Stewart a "bigot" and said that CNN and the other networks are all run by Jewish people.

    Discussing Stewart with radio host Pete Dominick, Sanchez said that the "Daily Show" host has a limited worldview, and called him a "bigot."

    The conversation began with Sanchez decrying "elite, Northeast establishment liberals" who "deep down, when they look at a guy like me, they see a guy automatically who belongs in the second tier, and not the top tier.

    "I think to some extent Jon Stewart and [Stephen] Colbert are the same way. I think Jon Stewart's a bigot," he said. "I think he looks at the world through, his mom, who was a school teacher, and his dad, who was a physicist or something like that. Great, I'm so happy that he grew up in a suburban middle class New Jersey home with everything you could ever imagine."

    When asked who Stewart is bigoted against, Sanchez said "everybody else who's not like him."

    Sanchez would eventually retract the "bigot" claim, settling instead on calling Stewart "prejudicial" and "uninformed."

    But he made a larger point when Dominick suggested that Stewart could understand being part of an oppressed minority group because he is Jewish.

    Sanchez scoffed at the claim, snickering and suggesting that CNN and the rest of the media is run by Jewish people (from the "Stand Up with Pete Dominick" blog):

    Very powerless people... [snickers] He's such a minority, I mean, you know [sarcastically]... Please, what are you kidding? ... I'm telling you that everybody who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart, and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart, and to imply that somehow they -- the people in this country who are Jewish -- are an oppressed minority? Yeah. [sarcastically]



    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #8,851
    Israeli police kill Palestinian in E. Jerusalem

    JERUSALEM, Oct 3 (Reuters) - Israeli paramilitary border police killed a Palestinian who violently resisted arrest on Sunday after entering East Jerusalem from the occupied West Bank without a permit, a police spokesman said.
    The 37-year-old man, a resident of the West Bank city of Hebron, was shot while trying to grab a policeman's pistol in the confrontation before dawn, the spokesman said.
    An Israeli human rights group said the man appeared to have been killed after he first tried to flee. Jerusalem is at the core of the Middle East conflict, with Palestinians seeing its eastern section as capital of a state they hope to found in the adjacent West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
    Israel captured East Jerusalem from Jordan in the 1967 war and calls the whole city its capital, a status not recognised abroad. After an armed Palestinian revolt erupted a decade ago, Israel erected a barrier that takes in much of East Jerusalem.
    Karim Jubran of the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem said the Palestinian was among several undocumented labourers who had slipped across the barrier in hope of finding employment.
    "After they crossed the fence, they came across a patrol car. They fled. The deceased was the last to flee. He was shot once by a border policeman," Jubran told Israel Radio, citing witness testimony gathered at the scene.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #8,853
    From Associated Press:

    Irish Nobel peace laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire appears at the Israeli Supreme Court in Jerusalem, Monday Oct. 4, 2010. Mairead Corrigan Maguire is under a 10-year ban from entering Israel because of her attempt to breach the Gaza naval blockade aboard a vessel in June. She was detained last Tuesday upon landing at Tel Aviv international airport but appealed the move and asked the court to allow her into Israel to join a women's human rights delegation.



    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #8,854
    A new humiliation video...

    Clip shows soldier dancing around blindfolded prisoner in Israel

    Jerusalem (CNN) -- The Israeli military said Tuesday it was formulating a response about a video that surfaced on YouTube that showed what appeared to be an Israeli soldier dancing around a blindfolded and bound Palestinian prisoner.

    The video comes after a number of social media controversies have engulfed the Israeli military. This summer, a female former Israeli soldier posted photos of herself posing in front of blindfolded Palestinian prisoners. The photos and her subsequent defense of her actions sparked international criticism of the military.
    It was not known when the latest video was shot, but it appears to have been posted in 2008.

    The clip, which first aired Monday night on Israel's Channel 10, shows a man dressed in an Israeli army fatigues dancing next to a blindfolded female woman.
    Contacted by CNN, the Israeli military said it was preparing a response. Earlier, it released the following statement to Israeli media:

    "In the wake of a request and after watching the clips, the military prosecutor's office has instructed the military police to launch an investigation. That will be done in any incident in which there is suspicion of similar behavior in the future as well. The IDF [Israeli Defense Forces] condemns actions of the kind presented in the clips, and it both has and is acting to eradicate it by means of briefings given to soldiers, guidelines to commanders, military orders and punishment when necessary. The clips do not attest to the norm but, rather, only to the exception from the norm."

    In August, the pictures posted on Facebook by a former soldier -- identified online as "Eden from Ashdod" in Israel -- prompted harsh reactions.

    In one photo, she is seen smiling sitting on a blast barrier next to a blindfolded man. In another, she is sitting in front of three blindfolded Palestinians, one with his hands tied in front of him.

    The photos have since been taken down from her Facebook site, but Israeli media reports the photos were labeled "IDF -- best time of my life."
    Earlier this year, another video of Israeli soldiers in the West Bank city of Hebron dancing in unison to the Ke$ha song "Tick Tock" went viral.

    And here is the video:



    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #8,855
    Israeli settlers 'burnt down West Bank mosque'

    Palestinians yesterday accused Jewish settlers of setting fire to a West Bank mosque and scrawling "revenge" in Hebrew on its walls, a provocative move that will heighten tensions amid faltering peace talks.

    Vandals broke into the mosque and set it alight early yesterday in Beit Fajjar, a village near Bethlehem. The blaze destroyed several copies of the Koran and prayer rugs. Palestinian witnesses alleged the fire was the work of nearby Jewish settlers, who they saw torching the mosque before speeding off in a white car.

    A small and extremist core of settlers has targeted Palestinian property over the past year when they consider that their own interests have been hit by Israeli government actions. The settlers' campaign is aimed at dissuading the Israeli government from reining in expansion of West Bank Jewish settlements, which are illegal under international law. The attack, the third such incident in less than a year, comes as Washington ramps up the pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to extend an expired 10-month settlement freeze in the occupied West Bank to try to stop the Palestinians from walking away.

    The Palestinians say they cannot remain in the talks as long as construction in disputed territories continues, but Mr Netanyahu says his hands are tied by his pro-settler coalition, which is opposes a further freeze.

    The United States is understood to have offered generous inducements, including backing for Israel to station troops along the eastern borders of a future Palestinian state, in return for an additional two-month freeze that would give the two sides time to resolve their differences.

    Mr Netanyahu, who has not acknowledged the US offer, merely said yesterday that Israel is engaged in "sensitive diplomatic contacts with the US administration... to find a solution" and called for patience.

    Meanwhile, Israeli army officials said they were looking for the individuals responsible for the fire and graffiti, and that they viewed it as a "serious incident". Settlers are believed to be responsible for at least two other similar incidents at West Bank mosques, but no charges were brought.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #8,859
    Fine. So their report is useless. It cannot be used then. Make up your mind. Are they in or out?
    Their report is useless because no more steps will follow it. Nothing on the ground will change because US will not allow UN to do anything on the ground that may hurt Zionists.

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