Israeli-Palestinian conflict (61 Viewers)

Is Hamas a Terrorist Organization?

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  • Should there be a Jewish nation SOMEWHERE in the world?

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  • Should Israel be a country located in the region it is right now?

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In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
So, you found a spelling error in one name. That is just great. And it is enough to ignore the whole post.

See the thing is 7, you've been bitching for so long now first asking for the info to come on whether or not the ships where in international waters then talking about the resistance the zionists had when they went on board the ships and your grand finale with a "head in your ass" claim about those activists calling them anything but innocent.

And still, you're trying so hard to convince us you're on the Palestinian side and you feel compassionate about their cause, Amazing really amazing :lol:

p.s.: When you reach a point in your life when you've the courage to put your fat ass in danger for something you believe in, let me know. Before that, don't even try to call those who does it, dishonest. It just makes you look like an ass.
Only one of the three things highlighted is true. I didn't ask if they were in international waters, I said they were myself. I also didn't talk about the actions of the Israelis when they entered the ships. And TBH I don't think you ever got my point about the activists either.

Buy on


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2007
Gandhi and Martin Luther King were just two people of thousands in the modern countries liberation history.

What about Abdelkareem Alkhattabi?
Chi Guevara?
Simon Bolivar?
Jose De San Martin?
Saad Zaghloul?
Hawary Bo Medien?


Since around 10 years now, a village called Bilin is organizing peaceful events each friday against stealing their lands to build a wall on them. They are shot all the time by Zionists whenever they gather.

Did anybody say anything about it in this coward world? Of course, no.

Do you know why? Because the victim was always in these Fridays from Palestine and international activists.

On the contrary, if an Israeli's hand is injured while he is peeling an apple, you will find accusations from coward countries like USA and Britain to Palestinians of giving him an insecure knife.
Abdelkareem Alkhattabi - lost to France and Spain

Che Guevara - Cuba isn't really seen faborably

Bolivar, San Martin, Carrera, Artigas - that was back in the 19th century, Europe had their fair share of revolutions, we now don't like them that much

Saad Zaghloul - supporting my argument. He started the manifestations,
hundreds got killed, but Britain lost legitimacy over Egypt and had to give up.

Hawary Bo Medien - couldn't find anything about him, who is he?

Anyway, you can see a clear pattern: armed revolutions either happened a long time ago, if they happened later they either failed, or never got public support from outsiders. Non violent protests, however tend to do better.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
So, you found a spelling error in one name. That is just great. And it is enough to ignore the whole post.

Didn't ignore it and it's not about the spelling error. But that you misspelled his name does say a lot. Furthermore Che Guevara is the last example that you want to use.

According to whose standards?
You think you don't need the EU?
Jul 2, 2006
The Turkish Parliament yesterday adoptd a declaration condemning Israel’s attack on Monday on a civilian Turkish-led humanitarian aid flotilla that killed nine indiviudals including Turkish citizens.

The declaration called for UN sanctions against Israel and the esteablishment of an impartial international commssion to inviestigte the attack that occured in international waters.

Deputy Parliament Speaker Güldal Mumcu read out the text of the declaration in Parliament yesterday. The declaration said: “The Great National Aseembly of Turkey (TBMM) awaits the United Nations Security Council to adopt a decision immediately that condemns and imposes sanctions on Israel. An independent international comission should be set up for this loathsome attack to be investigated in all aspects.”


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Fuck me, when you think about it, where else does something like this happen? Your govt is funded and HUGELY influenced by an Israeli lobby. Seriously, that its normal and part of the status quo is really ridicolous think about. Anywhere else and you would think alarms would go off, take a step back and realize how much of a issue it is that a foreign entity that puts their needs ahead of your countries is influencing and controlling the govt that much.
Nothing will ever be done about it. The American public is too consumed with American idol to care and don't want to be considered "conspiracy theorists" for pointing out the obvious. Maybe if Israel drags us into another war and sends oil prices through the roof folks will start to wake up, but probably not. We're too dumbed down to figure out the damage Israel does to this nation.

I can't wait for all those Hezbollah attacks in the US once we support a war on Iran.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Drudge Headline only - linked to a story from the Jerusalem Post with the following quote:

"This comment, officials said, could signify a change in Turkish military posture in the event that another flotilla is dispatched to the Gaza Strip. The official said that the chances that Turkey would send navy ships were slim – due to its membership in NATO – but that the issue was of great concern.

“This is a definte possibility that we need to prepare for,” a senior defense official said."


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
MKs verbally spar in heated Knesset debate on IDF flotilla raid.

MKs verbally sparred in a heated Knesset debate on the IDF flotilla raid which at times verged in a brawl. The debate was brought to and end when Deputy Defence Minister, MK Matan Vilnai proposed that the debate be moved to the foreign affairs committee as it was "serving no useful purpose."

After the debate, Knesset speaker Reuven Rivlin acceded to a request by Balad MK Haneen Zuabi, who had been on one of the Gaza-bound flotilla ships, and wished to make a personal statement.

The invitation to Zuabi, led to a breakout of fierce verbal altercations, resulting in the ejection of Kadima MK Eli Aflalo, Balad MK Jamal Zahalka and Israel Beiteinu MK Anastasia Michaeli.

Several more MKs were ejected during Zuabi's speech. Ironically some of the ejected MKs subsequently returned to the chamber, continuing to cause a commotion and receiving further verbal warnings from Rivlin.

Referring to the earlier debate, Zuabi said she was "astonished by the incitement and despised the words she had heard."

She said that she had agreed to participate in the flotilla as it was a "political human and moral 'mitzva' to oppose the imprisonment of 1.5 million people."

She described the blockade of Gaza as an "illegal, inhuman, illegitimate siege opposed by every politician who has a moral position... ...only the immoral support the blockade."

Zuabi described the raid on the flotilla as a "pirate operation that was criminal and against international law."

She attacked the film of the raid that the IDF released: "Why does the Israeli government oppose an inquiry? Why does it oppose revealing the truth? Why did you take journalists' cameras? Why did you only publish the pictures linked to the IDF operation, Why didn't you publicize film of the ten men who died?."

She criticized those attacking her, saying "Who is the criminal? Did I murder anyone?".

At this point an MK shouted "check if she has a knife" resulting in uproar.

Soon after this Knesset speaker Rivlin ended the debate, saying Zuabi had been given ample time to make her statement.

Speaking in the angry debate that took place prior to her statement, MK Arieh Eldad (National Union) called Israeli Arabs "enemies of Israel", Kadima MK Yulia Shamalov Berkovitz said the Arab parties' Knesset members were "parliamentary spies".

Israel Beiteinu MK David Rotem said that "Arab MKs do not represent the Arab citizens, they represent terror organizations in Gaza."

Rotem went on to suggest that Arab MKs "look up at the observation decks and see a model for behavior" they should emulate. The observation deck was lined with Druze elders.

At the other end of the spectrum, MK Dov Henin (Hadash) said that the debate was "A low point in the history of the Knesset."

Henin went on to warn of the consequences of the blockade, saying, "Gaza will not go away even if you close your eyes."


Zoabi better watch it or she will end up like the Nazi opposition.

The Curr

Senior Member
Feb 3, 2007
They were going there because they thought the Israelis were animals to begin with. So yes, they could expect something like that to happen. And even if it didn't happen, no one would consider it a safe thing to do anyway.

So yes, she did risk her son's life. Turk bringing this up is another sign of just how bad you guys are when it comes to PR.
I agree. I was thinking this as soon as I heard there was a one year old on board, even before they were attacked.


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
Didn't ignore it and it's not about the spelling error. But that you misspelled his name does say a lot. Furthermore Che Guevara is the last example that you want to use.

You think you don't need the EU?
No it doesn't, maybe he's read about Che Guevara in Arabic not in English.

Oh and really, fuck the EU.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
No it doesn't, maybe he's read about Che Guevara in Arabic not in English.

Oh and really, fuck the EU.
I think his point was that Che was crushed.

The best example of a past leader calling for armed uprising would be Malcom X (Nation of Islam) or Eldridge Cleaver (Black Panthers). Both felt black men and women should gain rights "by any means necessary" and today most of what they fought for has been gained by African-Americans. Though it did help to have King rocking the peace train to show the populous that not all "uppity negroes" were militant.

I agree that the EU can suck it. But they are the EU.


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
I think his point was that Che was crushed.

The best example of a past leader calling for armed uprising would be Malcom X (Nation of Islam) or Eldridge Cleaver (Black Panthers). Both felt black men and women should gain rights "by any means necessary" and today most of what they fought for has been gained by African-Americans. Though it did help to have King rocking the peace train to show the populous that not all "uppity negroes" were militant.

I agree that the EU can suck it. But they are the EU.

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