Israeli-Palestinian conflict (28 Viewers)

Is Hamas a Terrorist Organization?

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Sep 3, 2006
R.I.P to all the dead.

Shitty and powerless world we live in, that one day, some big kahuna wakes up, and the order of the day being "lets bomb some civilians til kingdom come".

P.S Saying this because way too few say this, but fuck Hamas for those missile attacks that gave an excuse for yet another genocide.
Are you thick? Israel cuts off their water, food and medical supplies, and when they do protest , they are long do you think it was gonna last?

Buy on


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
You know, for all the Arab bullshit I hear every goddamn day, I have to admit that one can at least argue with Israelis. They seem to be rational. Sure, we all disagree with what they're doing, but you guys don't reason. It's all just emotion. That's why Israel is so strong to begin with.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Arabs/Muslims are not like the way you think, Lebanon and Syria for example, they (with Christians) live together for decades and you don't see any problem between them.

I hate the religion and other religions more than you do, but ffs it's not nice to say these things, or feel hatred towards them. I feel terrible while watching the news, this is inhuman.

Sure both sides are not innocent, sure I get mad at those who teach young Muslims to bomb themselves and that sort of things. But these people have the right to ask their home back, don't see that as too much to ask. And it is very obvious that these two people can't live in the same place, the solution might sound easy (it indeed is), to split the country to two, but I guess religious fanatics of both sides wouldn't accept that, non would give up Jerusalem. That's is the fruit of religion..

king Ale

Senior Member
Oct 28, 2004
Israel bombarded 30 Palestinian sites during 5 minutes before two hours.

Until now, 140 people were killed, and hundreds are injured.

I don't ask anybody to do anything in this useless world but I just want people to remember this day when the reaction happens.
What was the Israel's excuse for the attack Reb?

hopefully god will be with the poor palestinian citizens in gaza.
Ah, you expect God to suddenly awake after umpteen years?

Go ahead and lace up Israel with as many missiles as you like, Rebel. Iran, nuke them and destroy them all. They deserve to be wiped off the face of the earth.
You cannot be serious here Andy. Iran is enjoying it all. Iran is putting firewoods into the flames of this conflict. Iran had never wanted peace in Palestine and south of Lebanon. It's sad to see how people of the world are easily being misled by Iran's counterfeit propaganda.

I don't think it's about Saudi Arabia....Arabs as all aren't doing a thing but watching. Even Iran that kept moaning(Ahmadi Najjad) and threatening to do this and that is watching. I would blame Iran for making stupid promises just like Ahmadi Najjad himself.

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Egypt etc never promised to clear Israel from the map the way Ahmadi Najjad did, trying to make speeches he's not up to.
Ahmadi Nejad is a hypocrite deceitful fascist. Iran's government and Ahmadi Nejad help Hamas and Hezballah financially to have this fucking war ON.

This is a war for God sake. When Hezballah and particularly Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah doesn't care about the lives of its people how do you expect their direct enemy to do so?

and Azzurri7, how much more can Iran do if the Arabs themselves will not stand up to the Israelis...they support Hezbollah and Hamas, meanwhile they are also trying to develop their nuclear cannot expect them to do everything for the Palestinians, the rest of the Arab nations have to pull their weight...
Now this one made my day! For a moment I thought Abraham Lincoln is governing Iran.

And I also don't get this "Arab thing". PEOPLE are being slaughtered in Gaza, you know, PEOPLE. Humans like me and you, many kids and women. What the hell does it have to do with their race? Didn't you feel just the same when you heard of the innocent people of Bosnia? Darfur? Ethiopia? Rwanda? Iraq? Japan? I did.

These days are among the days I feel ashamed to call myself a human. It's a mad world.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
You cannot be serious here Andy. Iran is enjoying it all. Iran is putting firewoods into the flames of this conflict. Iran had never wanted peace in Palestine and south of Lebanon. It's sad to see how people of the world are easily being misled by Iran's counterfeit propaganda.
I said it more as a sarcastic jab than anything else. It's very apparent to me that Iran is not really a threat, yet they will be targeted by these idiots in the IDF.


Sep 3, 2006
Ahmadi Nejad is a hypocrite deceitful fascist. Iran's government and Ahmadi Nejad help Hamas and Hezballah financially to have this fucking war ON.

This is a war for God sake. When Hezballah and particularly Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah doesn't care about the lives of its people how do you expect their direct enemy to do so?

Now this one made my day! For a moment I thought Abraham Lincoln is governing Iran.

And I also don't get this "Arab thing". PEOPLE are being slaughtered in Gaza, you know, PEOPLE. Humans like me and you, many kids and women. What the hell does it have to do with their race? Didn't you feel just the same when you heard of the innocent people of Bosnia? Darfur? Ethiopia? Rwanda? Iraq? Japan? I did.

These days are among the days I feel ashamed to call myself a human. It's a mad world.
:confused: what?

and the question of race, of course the problems of other nations as well as my own (Pakistan) are of high concern, but this thread is about the Israeli occupation of Palestine


Dec 16, 2003
Ahmadi Nejad is a hypocrite deceitful fascist. Iran's government and Ahmadi Nejad help Hamas and Hezballah financially to have this fucking war ON.

This is a war for God sake. When Hezballah and particularly Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah doesn't care about the lives of its people how do you expect their direct enemy to do so?
Thank you. Unfortunately not everyone can or is able to see this. Ahmadi Najjed is playing the pimp role over there. Financing Hezbollah and Hamas so that they can fight ON THE GROUND...while on the other hand he's doing his job ON THE TABLE.

Hezbollah and Hamas are Ahmadi Najjed's tool I'm afraid. They leave them to do the dirty job while they can negotiate with the US on the table.


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2005
Her father, Eitan Livni , was chief operations officer in the Zionist terrorist group Irgun that bombed, shot and actually tortured British soldiers and Palestinians to clear the way for the Jews to steal Palestine. These people did everything you’ve been propagandized about the “Islamo-Fascist Terrorists,” yet the Jew-manipulated Wikipedia has seen fit to term these Jews ”activists” – like all they ever did was make some kind of big fuss!

Eitan was also closely involved with Menachim Begin in the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem that killed close to 100 British civil servants, Palestinians and even a few Jews who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The bombers dressed as Arabs to plant the explosives (makes you wonder, huh?). Eitan was once sentenced to 15 years for attacking a British base, but escaped from the British prison at Acre.

Irgun was also responsible for the infamous Deir Yassin massacre in 1948, where they systematically killed over 250 innocent Palestinians, who had made a peace agreement with the Haganah, another Jewish “activist” group. We Created Terror Among the Arabs

Eitan was born in Poland and Tzipi’s mother, Sarah Rosenberg, was also a Irgun Terrorist who once robbed a train while disguised as a pregnant woman.

The two were the very first married Zionist couple in the newly formed State of Israel in 1948, so Tzipi belongs to Jew royalty. Her father is even buried under a tombstone with a symbol of the Irgun that has a map of “Erez Ysrael” that includes land on both sides of the Jordan River, i.e. land belonging to the Jordan people.

But Zippy Livni is no slacker in evil Jew Zionist doings, herself. She was once a MOSSAD agent who took part in the poisoning of some Iraqi scientist in Paris; her main concern was not to screw it up, by getting caught and embarrassing Israel politically. The killing of a non-combative in some neutral foreign country was not THE problem for this woman:

“She was in an elite unit,” said Ephraim Halevy, the former director of Mossad, who for security reasons declined to specify which outfit Ms Livni had served in between 1980 and 1984.

One French report cited experts suggesting that Ms Livni was part of an elite unit that fatally poisoned the Iraqi nuclear scientist Abdul Rasul at a lunch in Paris in 1983. “The risks were tangible,” Ms Gal was to say of those days in Mossad. “If I made a mistake the result would be arrest and catastrophic political implications for Israel.” Read more here

Lately, this sweet-hearted woman has been behind the embargoes, electricity shut-downs, water cut-offs, along with starving of the Palestinians in the Gaza strip, all in the effort to make them renounce the democratically-elected Hamas party.
sums it all ..!! for those who think Palestinians are terrorists, go and read about one of the biggest terrorist organization of the 20th century .. IRGUN

list of IRGUN massacres and terrorist attacks on palestinians in Palestine !! they came to Palestine and attacked their people and then declared the new so-called ISRAEL ..

List of Massacres committed by IRGUN and HAGANAH in Palestine in 1948:

1- Bus bombings in Haifa and Ramla (December 12, 1947): 20 Arabs, 5 Jews and 2 British soldiers killed and 30 wounded.

2- al-Tira (December 12, 1947): 13 palestinians were killed

3- al-Khisas (December 18, 1947): 10 palestinians were killed

4- Bomb thrown on Damascus Gate café in Jerusalem (December 29, 1947): 15 Arabs were killed

5- Haifa Oil Refinery (December 30, 1947): 70 arabs were killed

6- Balad al-Shaykh (January 1, 1948): more than 17 palestinians were killed

7- Jaffa Bombing (January 4 1948): 26 arabs killed, hundreds wounded

8- Semiramis Hotel bombing (5 January 1948): 20 Arabs killed

9- Jaffa Gate bombing in Jerusalem (7 January 1948): 15-20 Arabs killed

10- Sa'sa' village ambush in the Safad district (February 14, 1948): 11 were killed

11- al-Husayniyya (March 13, 1948): 30 were killed

12- Cairo-Haifa train (March 31, 1948): 40 (Arabs incl. Palestinians and egyptians) were killed

13- Deir Yassin (April 9, 1948): 250 Arabs were killed including women and children in what was one of the worst massacres at the time !!

14- Qalunya (April 12, 1948): 14 were killed

15- Ein al Zeitun (May 3, 1948): 70 were killed

16- Abu Shusha (May 14, 1948): 60-70 were killed

17- Lydda-Ramleh (11-12 July 1948): dozens of arabs were killed

18- Suqrir (29 August 1948): 10 Palestinians were killed

19- al-Dawayima (October 29, 1948): 80-100 palestinians were killed .. Another horrible massacre where IRGUN commanders used to put the palestinians ( including old women and men and children) in a house and give orders to blow it ..!! during the invasion of the village, women were raped and shot in cold blood. A palestinian women worked for the IRGUN commanders, cleaning the country yard were they were eating, in order to protect her new-born baby. after she finished she got killed with the baby !!

20- Safsaf (October 29, 1948): 50-70 killed

21- Saliha (October 30, 1948): 60-80 killed

22- Eilabun (October 30, 1948): 13 killed

23- Majd al-Krum (October 30, 1948): 12 killed

24- Hula (October 1948): 35-58 killed

25- Arab al-Mawasi (November 2, 1948): 14 killed

all the massacres listed above can be found in wikipedia and other websites just search and read PPL ..!!


This was how the so-called country ISRAEL founded ..

"The less Arabs remained--the better. This principle is the political motive for ISRAEL".

NOW .. what do u think? who started it all? who was killing civilians? and STILL?

once the world get rid of ISRAEL and Zionists (Not all Jews) .. we'll reach peace ..


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
You guys make no sense. So if a group of people for arguments sake decide that Croatia is their holy land, you'd be ok with that Alen? I mean where else would they go, right?


Ѕenior Аdmin
Apr 2, 2007
You guys make no sense. So if a group of people for arguments sake decide that Croatia is their holy land, you'd be ok with that Alen? I mean where else would they go, right?
The mistake was already done. Time machine doesn't exist, we can't turn back time.
What we can do, as a human race, not as Arabs, Slavs, Teutonic, Muslims, Atheists or Christians, is to look and find a solution to this problem.

Shipping them off from Israel will not solve the problem.
Of course, we humans are egoistic beings. Every injustice is equal in the way that the one done to us is always the biggest. And we're selfish.
You are selfish, i am selfish.
You are selfish because you want them away from Palestine and you don't care where will they go as long as it's not in the Arab world. I'm selfish because i'm afraid that maybe my country will be their next destination if they're deported from Palestine and the problem will only be geographically transfered, but certainly not solved.

They are there, truly sorry, bad luck, but they are there and when we'll look for the solution we'll have to start from that fact: They are in Israel and they will stay where they are, so what to do for the killings to stop and the zionists to stay where they are?


Sep 3, 2006
Shipping them away from the Middle East will definitely solve the problem...send them to jolly ol' England, they are the ones who created this mess in the first place


Dec 16, 2003
I see your point Alen but I'm afraid that the problem extends into more complicated thing and not only into the land of Palestine/Gazza/Israel.

For example; in Lebanon we have over 400.000 Palestinian living in a camp refugees. They can't have the Lebanese citizens for obvious reasons and we can't keep them here till infinity. We already live in a small country 10452km2, not to mention that Palestinians themselves would want to return back to their homeland and live like humans instead of raising their kids in a refugee camp.

IMO, there are two solutions, one which is Palestinians living in their own State and Israeli's returning back to where they came from[which is being spread all over the world WITHOUT having a country]. 2nd which is having peace between the two countries and allowing all the refugees in Arab world to return back to their homeland. Both options aren't likely to happen soon, but they're the only options that I can see.

Plus, If I were Israeli, I would really leave the place and find myself a better shelter/home where I can live a better and safer life. It has always been up to Israeli's, they can decide whether to live a better life or bitter one like the one they're currently living.


Ѕenior Аdmin
Apr 2, 2007
Shipping them away from the Middle East will definitely solve the problem.
It will solve YOUR problem, not THE problem.

So if we send them to Pakistan, you think the problem will be solved? They'll be far away from the Levant. That's what we want, right? We want them away from Palestine.
Or if we send them to England, can we put them in the houses of the Pakistani people who live there?

We shouldn't create a new problem, we should try to solve the existing one without creating a new one.


The Maestro
Aug 20, 2005
Shipping them away from the Middle East will definitely solve the problem...send them to jolly ol' England, they are the ones who created this mess in the first place
or Greenland, theres only 50,000 people living there and Denmark will benifit with the profit it could create if it were to sell that land to the Jews. Far away from everybody.

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