Is Apple suffering because it has outgrown its Reality Distortion Field? (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Is Apple suffering because it has outgrown its Reality Distortion Field?

Posted by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes @ 6:00 am

Apple has grown to become one of the most influential tech companies on the planet. One trick that Apple has employed to great effect is the Reality Distortion Field (RDF). But lately I can’t help but feel that Apple has grown so big, so fast that it has outgrown the protective shield of the RDF and is now having to face up to the sort of criticisms that all multi-billion dollar companies face?

Before I go any further, what is the RDF? I’ll let Wikipedia explain:

In essence, RDF is the idea that Steve Jobs is able to convince people to believe almost anything with a mix of charm, charisma, bluster, exaggeration, and marketing. RDF is said to distort an audience’s sense of proportion or scale. Small advances are applauded as breakthroughs. Interesting developments become turning points, or huge leaps forward. Those who use the term RDF contend that it is not an example of outright deception but more a case of warping the powers of judgment.

Back when Apple’s customers were fans, the RDF was running at full power. After all, fans of anything need little convincing and loyal followers were happy to feed their energy into the RDF. Dissenting voices were jumped on and silenced quickly.

But Apple continued to grow. In order to break into mainstream consumer electronics it had to sell to the mass market. This meant that Apple had to sell to people outside of its loyal fan base and sell to people that didn’t have anywhere near the same level of commitment to the Apple logo. Consumers soon outnumbered cult members and people stated to demand more and more. This is the point at which the RDF became seriously weakened.

How bad has the RDF been weakened? Well, it has become so weak that Apple is now being seen as everything that it once stood against. Things have become so bad that long-time Mac fans such as Jason Calacanis have publicly broken ranks and spoken out against the company. His piece over the weekend looked at five trouble spots for Apple:

1. Destroying MP3 player innovation through anti-competitive practices
2. Monopolistic practices in telecommunications
3. Draconian App Store policies that are, frankly, insulting
4. Being a horrible hypocrite by banning other browsers on the iPhone
5. Blocking the Google Voice Application on the iPhone

Die-hard fans still caught up in the weakened RDF will fight to the end to dispute these points, but as someone never caught up in the RDF in the first place, I look at Apple as trying far harder than Microsoft ever did to create a closed, locked-down, anti-competitive hardware/software ecosystem. Every Apple product brings with it at least one other locked-down product or service … with the iPod you get iTunes, with the iPhone there’s all that AT&T lock-in, and the App Store, oh and iTunes again, the Mac tried to get you hooked on MobileMe … All these products try, in one way or another, to get you to do things the Apple way rather than your way, and none of these products want to play nicely with other products and services.

Apple is a company that never seems happy with the fact that you just gave it some money, and is constantly on the prowl for your next dollar.

Reading Calacanis’ piece, I get the feeling that it pains him to have to turn his back on Apple. He feels betrayed by a company that once held high ideals but has now allowed them to be eroded for the sake of greater profits. I’ve never really been a Mac fan so my words carry little weight when it comes to Apple (certainly in the eyes of the devoted), but Apple really needs to be worried by how long-time Mac fans such as Calacanis and Michael Arrington are publicly turning their backs on Apple. These people carry clout because they were the people who were once feeding into the RDF and helping to convince others as to how brilliant Apple was. These people’s devotion to Apple as a brand was authentic, and it seems that their disillusion is just as authentic.

Calacanis sums up Apple’s current situation perfectly:

Making great products does not absolve you from technology’s cardinal rule: Don’t be evil.

It also doesn’t save you from Scarface’s cardinal rule: Never get high on your own supply.

I couldn’t agree more.


Bout time someone's noticing it.

Buy on


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #5
    If what they're trying to do is create a monopoly, then yes.

    But J.D. Rockefeller once said, "Competition is a crime."
    They're not trying for a monopoly per se, because they don't have nearly enough traction to get one. But the tactics they're using are the very same ones. Basically you buy one thing from them and they want to make sure you can't use that without having their other stuff too.

    This kind of crap should be regulated.


    Senior Member
    Dec 18, 2005
    A few months after I purchased a touch, a newer version was released with free apps on it. Yet if I wanted those exact same apps, I would have to pay for them. Y are they punishing early adopters? It's ridiculous.

    Fuck apple. Other than an Ipod, I don't understand the love affair with them, especially when it comes to computers. Way overpriced.


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    I wouldn't call them overpriced. For the MacBook, $999 isn't a bad deal.

    Only thing I don't like about Macs is that some trading platforms don't work on them. That's why I'm going with a non-Apple desktop next time.


    Ѕenior Аdmin
    Apr 2, 2007
    I don't understand these things at all, so i have no idea what's Apple doing and i don't even know any of their products, but reading Martin's reactions whenever there is talk about Apple, i think that they are to him what AC Milan is to me :D


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #13
    I don't understand these things at all, so i have no idea what's Apple doing and i don't even know any of their products, but reading Martin's reactions whenever there is talk about Apple, i think that they are to him what AC Milan is to me :D
    correct :D


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    You need to start putting this out mainstream, Martin, and start debunking Apple as a company. If so, I'd have a ripe opportunity to short them. :D


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    Give me enough funds and I'll short Apple to high heaven, hopefully gaining enough profit. But if you cant help me do that we may have a problem. :D


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #17
    This is where the light bulb comes on. We need a third party, with deep pockets!


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #19
    That is true. The minions follow the leader like he's giving them oxygen. Noone in the company gets credit for anything, he does all the work. When he got sick a while back the stock plummeted.

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