Inter outcry at Juve’s ‘resources’ (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
Nothing beats Juve's formation though; we've got two exta men on the wings and one in the centre, and they make excellent target men for Zambrotta and Camoranesi with that bright lime green kit of theirs. :wink:

Buy on

- vOnAm -

Senior Member
Jul 22, 2004
One season filled with bad referees in our favor and you get this label...

This is possibly ONE reason to be worried about Berlusconi's Sky TV deal with Juventus.

They can show over and over in 50-50 decisions or when the refs get it wrong in our favor to make it look bad for us.

The media is labelling this on us, and even people who don't watch football often start labelling us.
c'mon man....we've gotten plenty of bad decisions and none of them were blown up by the media.


Jul 15, 2002
Refs help Inter
A dossier compiled by Juventus on refereeing mistakes reveals that the Nerazzurri get a better deal
Has anyone read todays Tuttosport? Care to share the dossier?


Senior Member
Aug 23, 2004
snoop said:
I don't now If you saw the match or not,but it wasn't that simple as you said.It was a DISASTER and more than a coincidence (misspelled?),this should be investigated IMO,I don't know if it is Juve behind this.or if it is another betting scandal,but it should be investigated.I am with Fair play,no matter team it plays..
your post is a DISASTER.. how could you support a team, if you are not sure that everything is OK? did not you see the Inter game against cagliari?? it was the same refree, and he made so many mistakes. did not you see Inter-Fiorentina?? the goal of Martins was clearly off side..


Senior Member
Aug 23, 2004
Tuttosport: la Juve prepara un videodossier anti Inter
07 02 2006
Secondo il quotidiano sportivo torinese Tuttosport, la Juventus starebbe preparando in collaborazione con la Rai un dvd in cui si documentano i favori arbitrali all'Inter in questo campionato.

Nel dvd, secondo il quotidiano, sarebbero registrati spezzoni di sei partite: Juve-Inter di Supercoppa, Lazio-Inter, Siena-Inter, Inter-Parma di Coppa Italia, Inter-Cagliari e Treviso-Inter.

La notizia non è confermata.

Paolo Sosa

Senior Member
Nov 11, 2005
by the way for all the ppl know thought the game was a disaster did u really saw the game?? we were crossing the ball all over their penalty area i was sure we are gonna get a goal, 3 corners in 3 min before the goal and plz don't say aneething about the goal ok it was an offside but the cross came in like a sec and there was atleast 10 players in the box to have an eye on and another thing the ass ref was like 2 step behind the ball so in his own angle it was an inside, just try to see it in his way.


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
isha00 said:
Come on, it was not this big disaster. Mistakes can happen and judging an offside it's not easy for a human eye. The "penalty" was not so obvious according to me and the yellows to Muntari were not so scandalous, it was him the naive one to do such a foul just after having got the first yellow.

Anyway, this confirms that Inter are people with no shame. Do we need to talk about the way they won the Supercoppa against us? Do we need to?
And in that case the mistake really had its importance, because the trophy was a one match thing. The scudetto is a 38 games story. In one of them we received two points we maybe not deserved. So?
I completely forgot. That one can't be a penalty, because Vidigal had touched the ball with his arm a couple of seconds earlier. The action had to be stopped there.

TORINO. Tra racconti evangelici e simbologie apocrife, il terzo tempo di Juve-Udinese è un rievocare eroico delle malefatte di uno e dell’altro, con intromissione forzata. Perché a detta dell’incomodo (quelli dell’Inter), che manco c’era in campo e neppure sugli spalti del Delle Alpi, i bianconeri di Fabio
Capello hanno vinto truffando e i bianconeri di Serse Cosmi hanno perso subendo ingiustizie. E’ lo scontro atavico tra chi in bacheca vanta ventotto scudetti e chi ancora rimugina per il contrasto tra Mark Iuliano e Ronaldo dell’aprile ’98. Capita, all’antivigilia della Grande Sfida (mercoledì arriva il Parma ma passa ovviamente in secondo piano). Si comincia in anticipo, anticipando temi e schemi della gara che andrà in onda domenica sera a San Siro. Gara scudetto finché si vuole, ma sempre con la banda mascellata avanti in classifica con un eloquente +8 adesso e chissà tra due giorni...
Eppure, l’aria gelida dell’astronave torinese, un terreno soffice e infido meglio per l’hockey che per il calcio, l’atmosfera da match ingabbiato e senza via di uscita portano in dote tre punti e magagne a volontà. Colpa degli episodi, non certo pilotati, ma comunque decisivi. Cominciamo dalla coda, cioè da Alex Del Piero che segna oltre la linea dei difensori. «Non ho visto niente di irregolare - segnala un Luciano Moggi versione “incasso e respingo” -. In televisione poteva anche essere fuorigioco, il gol di Del Piero, ma dalla tribuna sembrava ok». (I haven't seen anything irregolar. Watched on tv it may be offside, but from the tribune it seemed ok) Solo che la tribuna è distante distante. «Vabbé, il fuorigioco c’è: ma di cinque centimetri, non di due metri. Sì, li ho misurati io... E poi la colpa è dell’assistente» (Yeah, ok, it was offiside, but only of 5 cm, not of 2 m. Yeah, I measured them... Anyway, it's the linesman fault) . Lontano chilometri, sulle onde radio viaggiano commenti velenosi di Giacinto
Facchetti, presidente della rivale Inter. «Le risorse della Juve sono infinite». Un po’ come la pazienza del direttore generale, forse. «Basta, siamo stufi di chi getta il sasso e nasconde la mano: Dattilo c’era anche a dirigere Inter-Cagliari. E allora parliamo di Supercoppa, parliamo di Chievo-Juve... Altro che noi favoriti dagli arbitri. Chi ci segue ha avuto anche sei-sette aiutini nell’ultimo mese. Ci può stare che siamo stati avvantaggiati, fortunati, ma è la prima volta che capita». (That's enough. We are tired of people that accuse us and then pretend they are clean: Dattilo was there also in Inter-Cagliari. And let's talk about the supercup, let's talk about Chievo-Juve... We are not the favourite ones. The ones behind have had 6-7 little helps in the last month. It can happen that we were advantaged, lucky, but it's the first time ti happens) E passa all’elenco, con lucidità scientifica. «Che mi dite del primo gol della Roma in Coppa Italia, com’era?» (What about the first Roma goal in Coppa Italia? How was it?). La prossima. «Mi accennate all’espulsione di Muntari: e quella di Ibrahimovic a Roma, com’era?» (You talk about the red to Muntari: And the one to Ibrahimovic in Rome?). Andiamo oltre, please. «Guardiamo alla fine del campionato quanti episodi a favore abbiamo avuto e poi faremo i conti» (Let's wait for the end of the season and then we'll see). E scatta il calcolatore.
L’Inter incalza, immanente seppur a distanza. «Massimo Moratti ha investito tanto, prima o poi vinceranno». Ma questo campionato no, è solo per la Juve. «Anche oggi (ieri, ndr) abbiamo comunque meritato. E l’ho detto a Pozzo. Un palo vale mezzo gol, due pali fanno un gol». (We deserved the win anyway. I told it to Pozzo. Hitting a post is half goal, 2 posts are 1 goal) Resta il mistero, dato che il secondo l’ha visto soltanto Moggi. Boh. Ritorniamo al patron friulano che definisce il dirigente bianconero «imbonitore». Lui, sorridente, aggiunge: «Imbonitore a chi? Ci siamo incontrati, io e Pozzo» (I didn't try to calm anyone, Pozzo and I agreed). Già. «Ehi, Luciano, stai qui con me così non vai dagli arbitri», l’avviso ai naviganti. Poi il signor Dattilo sbanda e il signor Udinese accusa il colpo. «Non si è divertito? Io invece mi sono divertito tantissimo...» (He didn't enjoy himself? I enjoyed myself very much). E’ un Moggi pungiball, quasi refrattario. «La verità è che noi non protestiamo mai. E invece andatevi a vedere le sviste arbitrali dell’ultimo mese per le squadre in testa alla classifica e noterete che non è certo la Juventus quella favorita» (The truth is that we never complain. Go and watch the mistakes of the refs in favour of the big teams in the last month and you'll notice that Juve isn't the favoured one). Il replay sull’Inter è servito, svicolando. «Il soggetto? Non so, non sono stato attento: ho letto solo i giornali» (Who is? I don't know, I wasn't paying attention: I only read the newspapers). E va bene, benissimo, se la svista paga. «Purtroppo? No, meno male » (Too bad that there have been mistakes? No, thank god). Si frega le mani, Luciano da Monticiano. Perché i suoi ragazzi si son fatti furbi: basta pensare a scugnizzo Cannavaro che sposta Vidigal,
strozzando in gola l’urlo dell’Udinese. «Bravo, Fabio » (For the "foul" on Vidigal). Un campione a trecentosessanta gradi che il dg ammira. Ciò che non sopporta, Moggi, è la querelle
creata ad arte sulla corsa scudetto. Perché la Juve è davanti, perché l’Inter deve per forza rimontare. «Ora ci saranno interpellanze, si griderà alla giustizia. Poi seguirà un martellamento di una settimana. Ma non accettiamo che si parli di campionato non regolare: è regolare eccome, si sbagliano i gol davanti al portiere e si commettono questi errori» (Now there will be questions in parliament, they'll invoke justice. It'll be like an hammering for an entire week. But we can't accept this championship to be labeled as not regular. It's very regular, chances are missed in front of the keeper and there are mistakes like these).
L’Udinese, nella realtà, diventa elemento superfluo alla contesa bianconerazzurra. «L’ho ribadito a Pozzo e capisco il suo dispiacere, ma tutto sommato abbiamo meritato» (I talked to Pozzo and I can understand his sorrow, but after all we deserved the victory). Mentre quelli là, che provocano nonostante la posizione scomoda, devono stare zitti, muti. «Chi è dietro si chieda il perché; sì, si chieda perché è lì e non ancora più indietro » (The ones behind should ask themselves why. Yeah, they should ask themselves why they are there and not even further). Capito?
I'm with Moggi.
Please don't let the whiners control your mind!


New Member
Feb 7, 2006
Inter is just jelous of juve because they know that we wont lose against the mid-table teams in serie A. So now they want to destroy the balance and morale in juve, same thing milan tryed last year when zlatan ibrahimvic got suspended
Sep 14, 2003
What about Drippo Inzaghi's dive against Samp 2 weeks ago too? Mistake by the ref? Ref helping Milan? Which is it..

Either way, it's not debated and easily forgotten.


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Maresca said:
your post is a DISASTER.. how could you support a team, if you are not sure that everything is OK? did not you see the Inter game against cagliari?? it was the same refree, and he made so many mistakes. did not you see Inter-Fiorentina?? the goal of Martins was clearly off side..
being blind makes you a better fan huh?


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
I can`t stand it any more that all the other fans are always crying that we are cheating if there is a referee decision good for us. Inter and Milan and Roma do also profit from mistakes from referees. but if we are lucky its on tv and in the newspapers for days. that`s propaganda. I don`t think that referees would make decisions in our favour because they are afraid of the other teams and the media. One wrong decision in favour of juventus is like 100 other wrong decisions. If we would spend our whole day looking which mistakes referees make in favour of other teams or agains us we would find hundreds of mistakes from referees. If Inter and Roma and Milan would focus on their football instead of complaining about us they would perhaps be more successful but I don`t allow them to throw our name into the dirt because we are better.


Senior Member
Aug 23, 2004
snoop said:
being blind makes you a better fan huh?
no, I am not blind, but I am taking the whole thing objektive. I see that all over the world there are wrong decisions, for Inter for Milan, etc.. and that only when a wrong decision in juve´s favour is taken, all the media in Italy and specialy Inter start to make a theater. I do not let my mind be manipulated with some bullshit some intersti are talking about.

I was not gonna support juve, if I had any fears about manipulating..

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