Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero (215 Viewers)


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
Berlusconi-Moggi: Del Piero al Milan, Giraudo in Lega?

Vertice a Palazzo Grazioli: ipotesi di mercato e per il dopo-Galliani

Per ora siamo solo a livello di indiscrezione. Sussurrata appena, ma sufficiente ad alimentare le voci piu' incontrollate. Anzi, una su tutte: Alex Del Piero al Milan. Ma c'e' un'ulteriore ipotesi accattivante che comincia a trapelare negli ambienti del Palazzo calcistico: il "mi dimetto" di Galliani dopo la trasferta di Ascoli avrebbe aperto un'intensa discussione tra Berlusconi e Moggi sul futuro della Lega. Vuoi vedere che alla fine ci scappa un passaggio di consegne con protagonista Giraudo? Tutto nasce da un fatto certo, sicuro, non smentibile: l'incontro avvenuto in tarda mattinata a Palazzo Grazioli (sede di Forza Italia) tra Silvio Berlusconi e Luciano Moggi.

Il padre padrone del Milan e il direttore generale della Juve faccia a faccia per circa un'ora. (Big Luciano tra l'altro e' uscito strngendo tra le mani il libro 'Berlusconi ti odio' di Luca D'Alessandro che raccoglie una summa delle invettive dell'opposizione nei confronti del premier).

Per parlare di cosa? E di chi, soprattutto? Radiomercato ha gia' emesso la sua sentenza: i due avrebbero gettato le basi per un possibile trasferimento di Alex Del Piero al Milan nel mese di gennaio. Pinturicchio in rossonero, come un quotidiano sportivo aveva preconizzato ad agosto, con la formula del prestito. Un'ipotesi non priva di fondamento, comunque. Da un lato la necessita' del Milan di ingaggiare una quarta punta che offra qualche garanzia atletica e tecnica. Le notizie che trapelano sul possibile recupero di Pippo Inzaghi sono tutt'altro che confortanti e tre attaccanti non bastano.

Dall'altro la frattura, ormai non piu' sanabile, tra il capitano juventino e Fabio Capello. Don Fabio spinge per avere Cassano gia' dal prossimo inverno, ma l'ingaggio del barese passa per la cessione di Pinturicchio. Grandi manovre o fantasia spinta all'eccesso dei soliti bene informati?


Sempre e solo Juve
Aug 12, 2005
An imperfect translation (a bit long for me to do by hand)

Berlusconi-Moggi: Of the Piero to the Milan, Giraudo in Alloy? Apex to Grazioli Palace: hypothesis of market and for after-Galliani For hour we are only to level of indiscretion. Whispered, but hardly sufficient to feeding the uncontrolled voices piu'. Indeed, one on all: Alex Of the Piero to the Milan. But there e' an ulterior winning hypothesis that it begins to trapelare in atmospheres of the soccer Palace: "I discharge myself" of Galliani after the transfer of Ascoli would have opened an intense argument between Berlusconi and Moggi on the future of the Alloy. You want to see that to fine us scappa a passage of deliveries with Giraudo protagonist? All it is born from a sure, sure fact, not smentibile: the encounter happened in late morning to Grazioli Palace (center of Italy Force) between Silvio Berlusconi and Luciano Moggi. The father landladies of the Milan and the general manager of the Juve make to face for approximately an hour. (Big Luciano between the other e' exited strngendo between the hands the book ' Berlusconi you odio' of Luca D' Alexander who collects a summa of the invectives of the opposition in the comparisons of the premier). Publicity In order to speak about what? And of who, above all? Radiomercato gia' has emitted its sentence: the two would have thrown the bases for a possible transfer of Alex Of the Piero to the Milan in the January month. Pinturicchio in rossonero, as a sport daily paper had preconized to August, with the formula of the loan. A hypothesis not lacking in foundation, however. On one side the necessita' of the Milan to engage a quarter tip that offers some athletic and technical guarantee. The news that trapelano on the possible recovery of Pippo Inzaghi is tutt' other that comforting and three attacking is not enough. From the other the fracture, not piu' by now sanabile, between captain juventino and Fabio Hat. Don Fabio pushes for having Cassano gia' from the next winter, but I engage it of the native of Bari passes for the cession of Pinturicchio. Great maneuvers or fantasy pushed to the usual excess of the good inform to you?

Alex of the Piero:eek::rofl:

Lega = Alloy :LOL:


Apr 14, 2005
Remember he will be a Juve player in Milan. If he's not given his fair share of starts then it's better for him to go elsewhere. On a matter of decency, after his years of impecable service it's the least we, fans, can do for him: wish him sucess, may he play for Man City or arch-enemy.


Sempre e solo Juve
Aug 12, 2005
I hope he stays, actually. :)

I'm a team fan first.....

let me change it a bit then,

if DP goes to another squad, I hope he sucks every time we play them :)


Back & Quack
Mar 9, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Tifoso Lou ] ++
I hope he stays, actually. :)

I'm a team fan first.....

let me change it a bit then,

if DP goes to another squad, I hope he sucks every time we play them :)
Milan then would win all their games if he started playing well.. If he leaved I would wish him bad games. (for milan of course)


Back & Quack
Mar 9, 2004
I wouldnt care about his performances if he went to man city for example, but about milan I would wish him all the worst.


Sempre e solo Juve
Aug 12, 2005
++ [ originally posted by Dan ] ++

Milan then would win all their games if he started playing well.. If he leaved I would wish him bad games. (for milan of course)

Even he wouldn't be able to help them win all the non-Juve games.


Back & Quack
Mar 9, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Tifoso Lou ] ++


Even he wouldn't be able to help them win all the non-Juve games.
No but what im on about is that why would you want him to play well for a direct title rival.. doesnt make sense

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