Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero (212 Viewers)

- vOnAm -

Senior Member
Jul 22, 2004
++ [ originally posted by delp_07 ] ++

You just make it seem as if this is the be all end all for him, but in reality its not. Del Piero is Del Piero and only hell judege what he can do but dont base one performance on how his season will turn out to be
Actually I never predicted his form this season, i only commented on his terrible game against Inter.

++ [ originally posted by jussiut ] ++
DP started awfully. It was a pretty bad sight. Towards the end though he started playing better especially with his crosses. That compensated something.

It's funny again to notice how the match thread was suddenly all about Del Piero. Zalayeta had a poor game (he didn't do anything) and Mutu, for the short period he was on the pitch, didn't do anything but magically nobody remembers their performances next week. But DP's lack of form in Supercup will always be remembered. :D

Let's see how the season begins. I actually feel quite positively about the chance of Capello fielding three forwards simultaneously so we should see Mutu and DP quite a bit. It should be interesting.
Ehm, he didn't make any good crosses from open play only from dead ball. And the reason I pointed him out was because if you watch the match you would notice a drop in fluidity in our attack ever since DP came on, he demoralized the team abit during the second half by not being able to complete a simple pass.

Now he was playing out of his normal position which I consider, but losing the ball and not being able to control simple passes is really what made me judge, i would cut him some slack if he didn't do anything as long as he didn't play badly.

Mutu came on waay too late and ever body was already at Inter's half of the field while Zalayeta made his presence felt although he didn't touch the ball much.


Junior Member
Feb 22, 2005
++ [ originally posted by - vOnAm - ] ++
...while Zalayeta made his presence felt although he didn't touch the ball much.
I agree in some part what you said but this part reveals something - "Zala made his presence felt". :D (Allow me to laugh)

It's amazing to notice how the basic attitude can be so different depending on things. If DP would've played like Zala and had made as big of "an impact" everybody would be bashing him saying that he sucked and that he was invisible. Now Zala gets off the hook just like that. There's nothing wrong with what you said but it's just so funny to notice.

DP sucked. Period. I'm just commenting on the reactions of the people. I can't help but find it hilarious.


The Rival
Jul 21, 2002
++ [ originally posted by jussiut ] ++

I agree in some part what you said but this part reveals something - "Zala made his presence felt". :D (Allow me to laugh)

It's amazing to notice how the basic attitude can be so different depending on things. If DP would've played like Zala and had made as big of "an impact" everybody would be bashing him saying that he sucked and that he was invisible. Now Zala gets off the hook just like that. There's nothing wrong with what you said but it's just so funny to notice.

- vOnAm -

Senior Member
Jul 22, 2004
++ [ originally posted by jussiut ] ++

I agree in some part what you said but this part reveals something - "Zala made his presence felt". :D (Allow me to laugh)

It's amazing to notice how the basic attitude can be so different depending on things. If DP would've played like Zala and had made as big of "an impact" everybody would be bashing him saying that he sucked and that he was invisible. Now Zala gets off the hook just like that. There's nothing wrong with what you said but it's just so funny to notice.

DP sucked. Period. I'm just commenting on the reactions of the people. I can't help but find it hilarious.
I figured, somebody would comment me on that :D since I didn't clarify what "his presence felt ment".

But I wasn't being inconsistant, Zala was invisble coz there was so much defense around him, i did notice his runs and challanges since he came on, he used his body well to get into possition but its very hard for a striker to get a touch on the ball when the opponent is on full defense, that is when midfielders have to step up in their service. But regardless of why Zala was invisible, he simply wasn't near the ball enough and so I dont give him credit for anything.

But DP wasn't invisible, in fact he was very visible and everybody saw how awful he played, he made that very clear, and that was why I critisized him.
DP had his chances with the ball but did terribly, Zala didn't have too many chances so I can't really critisize him for making mistakes can I ?
I would not critisized DP as badly if he was just invisible like Zalayeta.

DP's form that day was reminiscant of the first game against Milan last season.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Opinion: Why Alex should leave Juve…

Another season begins and Alessandro Del Piero remains an enigma who divides fans and critics alike. Football Italia asks whether this summer would have been the perfect time to leave Juventus.

In 1998, Pinturicchio was the Golden Boy of Italian football and seemingly could do no wrong, pushing Roberto Baggio out of Turin so that he could take on his mantle. A few months later a devastating knee injury snapped several ligaments and to this day he has never fully recovered - at least, not psychologically.

Confidence is all-important in the modern game and too often we have seen players of great talent suddenly lose the ability to complete even the simplest tasks. All it takes sometimes is a goal or a lucky break to bring it all back, but Del Piero seems to be in a vicious circle from which he cannot escape.

For so many years now, the moment he begins to rediscover his confidence and form, a minor injury forces him on the sidelines and he must start the draining process all over again.

Yet he has now run into another major stumbling block in the shape of Fabio Capello. The Coach did the unimaginable last season and repeatedly left the club captain, the very symbol of the Bianconeri, on the bench.

Almost worst still than watching from the wings was to walk off the pitch early, made perfectly aware that he was a tactical risk for a team that wanted success. Del Piero made that walk of shame 20 times and every single one showed in the heartbreak etched on his features. This was not a man being helped to regain his confidence. This was a once great player being ritually humiliated.

With Zlatan Ibrahimovic taking on a deeper role and Adrian Mutu able to play out wide, it’s inevitable that the most likely pairing Capello will stick by is that of the Swede and target man David Trezeguet. It’s no secret that Antonio Cassano is on his way to Turin sooner or later, so why should the captain wait around for another annus horribilis?

The moment Del Piero’s name was left out of the team sheet handed in for the Italian Super Cup against Inter, his fate was sealed. If he doesn’t move on now, he can give up any hope of getting into the World Cup squad for Germany 2006.

The Rossoneri side of the San Siro is shining like a light at the end of the tunnel and Carlo Ancelotti’s call could push him to take that first step. It would be a traumatic decision to tear himself away from the club after 12 years as its representative, but Alessandro Nesta has already shown that you can start again at Milan and find a new identity.

"There are many players I have trained and would gladly work with again. Del Piero is one of them because he is a consummate professional and it’s always a pleasure for a Coach to deal with that kind of person," said Carlo Ancelotti recently. "The doors to the Milanello training ground are always open for him."

The Rossoneri have become something of a safe haven for those who feel hard done by in their club lives. Marcos Cafu was all set for a free transfer to Japan when the call came. Clarence Seedorf and Andrea Pirlo were declared flops by Inter and released without a second thought. On the strength of his pre-season performances, Christian Vieri is ready to prove his doubters wrong with a hard-working and committed campaign.

Could Del Piero benefit from the same change of scenery? Would his creativity suddenly be released by a team less obsessed with defensive structure? Is all that’s lacking simply the knowledge that his Coach and teammates believe in him? There’s only one way to find out and, about to turn 31 years of age in November, it’s the right time for Del Piero to take the plunge.

Football Italia


Dec 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Eaglesnake_1 ] ++
La grinta di Del Piero: "Sono pronto a difendere lo scudetto"

Alessandro Del Piero non cade mai. Il capitano bianconero, infatti, e' pronto ad aggredire una nuova stagione.

"Non vedo l'ora di ricominciare - ha assicurato il numero dieci -, tanto piu' se c'e' ancora una volta uno scudetto da difendere". Attraverso il proprio sito ufficiale Alex e' anche tornato a parlare della sconfitta subita in Supercoppa: "Nonostante una buona gara nell'arco dei 120' - ha fatto notare - con tante note positive dal punto di vista del gioco, della condizione, delle occasioni create, il trofeo e' andato all'Inter. Faccio i complimenti ai nerazzurri, una maggiore concretezza ha consentito loro di segnare il gol che a noi e' mancato. Ci resta, come dicevo, la consapevolezza di una prestazione convincente".
Trans Plz...
Dec 26, 2004
DP tell the press that he is eager to deffend the scudetto title...
I checked Serie A table in 2004/2005...
I find Juve in first place...
So I understand that Juve wins the Scudetto...
I Think for a moment or two :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Then I conclude that DP will remain in black and white jersey for next season...


May 11, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
I don't have time to respond to all the crap posts in this thread...spare me Jesus.....
The problem is that we tried a lot over and over and over again and it feels that we recorded that broken disk.


The Maestro
Aug 20, 2005
This might be fake ..

After all, Del Piero did say he wanted to defend the upcoming title but who knows.. -->DelpieroForLife

I say it's media-everyday bullshit..and DP will stay with us for one more season...


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by baggio ] ++
I agree.
So do I. I would like him to remain in Turin but he should move on for his own good. Capello is never going to prefer him to Ibrahimovic or Trezeguet and he isn't going to sacrifice defensive stability in order to play Del Piero either. Another good point I feel the article makes is that Capello's tactics restrict DP. The way we play right now just doesn't suit Alex.

A switch to Milan sounds pretty pointless to me though. Their style of play certainly suits Alex better but he faces just as much if not more competition for a first team place at Milan. Personally I'd like to see him play for Tottenham. He's said in the past that he would like to play in the Premiership and that a London move would suit him. He'd have Davids there with him and what makes this even more interesting is that Tottenham are actually looking for a forward following the sale of Freddy Kanoute.


Junior Member
Jan 31, 2005
++ [ originally posted by edpiero ] ++
This might be fake ..

After all, Del Piero did say he wanted to defend the upcoming title but who knows.. -->DelpieroForLife

I say it's media-everyday bullshit..and DP will stay with us for one more season...

I liek your screen picture ed does that pose have anything to do with your post though. Seeing how del piero has one finger up and you state he has one year left.


The Maestro
Aug 20, 2005
++ [ originally posted by delp_07 ] ++

I liek your screen picture ed does that pose have anything to do with your post though. Seeing how del piero has one finger up and you state he has one year left.
Lol, never saw it that way
Good eyesighting :p

Well, I hope he stays there till the end of his football career but Capello ?
I hope he doesn't sell him...


Junior Member
Jan 31, 2005
I hope we dont sell him but it pains me to see him like this, but that picture really shows who del piero is and what he brings to the table in way. He always has that one defining moment where in his play hell tell everyone hes not done, and thats why i love him so much.

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