I have the perfect solution to Juve's right back problems: Hasan Salihamidžić (4 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
When you think of it, he'd be brilliant at Juve. He's Bayern's Zambrotta. He is a very grateful player, always gives 100%, very versatile, fast and full of fighting spirit. He has a solid shot, a fairly good cross (maybe like Zambrotta), and I'd say he's one of Bayern's best players. He's extremely versatile, he's played almost every position in Bayern, right wing, right wingback, right midfield, left midfield, right wing, left wing, playmaker, support striker, striker... everything except GK.

Now, he's currently playing as a right wing, but IMO, he was excellent on the right wingback position too, and imagine the possibilities of having to great wngbacks in the team, it would almost eliminate the need for left/right midfielders, meaning we could concentrate more on overruning the opponents in the centre of midfield. IMO he'd be the perfect solution, just imagine having Zambrotta on both sides of the pitch.

He's not very old either, 26/27 so we could get 4 or 5 years out of him. The problem is, Bayern would never let him go for under 25-30 mil €.


Buy on AliExpress.com


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
No, he is a diver , he is always injured and did you not just say that noone in the German league is likeable

Besides his name alone is enough not to buy him as we would be calling him sali and we already got our own beloved sally and she don't play for Juve she is a gr8 poster

25-30m, what, are you kidding? he is not what anything near that and i prefer Sagnol anyways to that diver


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #3
    Salihamidzic is no more a diver than half the Serie A, and Juve players :rolleyes:

    And he is not always injured, altho he did have 2 knee operations in the last three years, it seems now that it's all behind him and he has rehabilitated.

    And everyone knows only the Bosnian players in the BundesLiga are likeable, so there was no need of saying that ;)

    But IMO, he'd be perfect :strong:


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    No, he is a diver , he is always injured and did you not just say that noone in the German league is likeable

    Besides his name alone is enough not to buy him as we would be calling him sali and we already got our own beloved sally and she don't play for Juve she is a gr8 poster

    25-30m, what, are you kidding? he is not what anything near that and i prefer Sagnol anyways to that diver

    Z, any coincidence in the fact that he's Bosnian? :rolleyes::p


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++
    Salihamidzic is no more a diver than half the Serie A, and Juve players :rolleyes:
    Juve players are not divers. Just Nedved most of the time.

    zambrota´s case was an accident.


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #6
    Well, the only coincidence might be that I am more aware of his form and his qualities, but he is as good as I said. The fact he's Bosnian makes than no more nor less important.


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++
    Salihamidzic is no more a diver than half the Serie A, and Juve players :rolleyes:

    And he is not always injured, altho he did have 2 knee operations in the last three years, it seems now that it's all behind him and he has rehabilitated.

    And everyone knows only the Bosnian players in the BundesLiga are likeable, so there was no need of saying that ;)

    But IMO, he'd be perfect :strong:
    Oh thats just great you want us to have a Bosnian with bad knees to add to our Croatian with bad groin , all we need is an Englishman with bad teeth (oh that would be Lampard):D

    Anyways any probs we could just take them to Seedorf's dentist except for Lamapard he would just need a gynaecologist:D


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    Oh thats just great you want us to have a Bosnian with bad knees to add to our Croatian with bad groin , all we need is an Englishman with bad teeth (oh that would be Lampard):D

    Anyways any probs we could just take them to Seedorf's dentist except for Lamapard he would just need a gynaecologist:D
    Here we go again with the "touching balls" concept and the secret lab of Berlusconi :D


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #9
    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++

    Besides his name alone is enough not to buy him as we would be calling him sali and we already got our own beloved sally and she don't play for Juve she is a gr8 poster
    Nice, discrimination based on name :rolleyes:

    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++

    25-30m, what, are you kidding? he is not what anything near that and i prefer Sagnol anyways to that diver

    Comparing Salihamidzic to Sagnol is in insult to Hasan :(


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    ++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++
    Comparing Salihamidzic to Sagnol is in insult to Hasan :(
    You're right, Sagnol is just far better, Sali would be insulted to be drawn up in such a reckless and ignorant comparison ;)


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #12
    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    Oh thats just great you want us to have a Bosnian with bad knees to add to our Croatian with bad groin , all we need is an Englishman with bad teeth (oh that would be Lampard):D

    Anyways any probs we could just take them to Seedorf's dentist except for Lamapard he would just need a gynaecologist:D

    Nice, very nice :rolleyes:

    And here I was thought I might get some insightful answers :sigh:


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #13
    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++

    You're right, Sagnol is just far better, Sali would be insulted to be drawn up in such a reckless and ignorant comparison ;)
    And I have nothing to contribute???

    Nice Martin, reaaaaaaaal nice :rolleyes:


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++

    Nice, very nice :rolleyes:

    And here I was thought I might get some insightful answers :sigh:
    Insightful? You start by saying you have the answer to our right sided problems, well pardon me but i didnt know we had one and even if we were going to replace Thuram in the future you rather hilariously suggest Salihamidzic and then to make it even funnier, you suggest he is better than Sagnol, if that was not enuff you suggest that somehow he would go for the same price as Roanldinho and Beckham
    Then you bring out the big whopper of all the jokes you cracked to suggest that hasan aint a diver
    No my friend nothing I have said is as unserious as what you are suggesting


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #15
    First of all, we do have a problem

    Secondly, Salihamidzic is better than Sagnol who is nothing than a medicore player, and if you fail to realise that you're blind. Salihamidzic is one of the best right wings in the business.

    Thirdly, thats what beckenbauer said the price was, but that doesnt mean its written in stone. If Zambrotta is worth 15-20 mil, and he is, than so is Salih.

    Fourth, he is no more a diver than the average player at Juventus.

    Fifth, I'm not your friend.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++

    And I have nothing to contribute???

    Nice Martin, reaaaaaaaal nice :rolleyes:
    wassup with you GOAT?

    Martin said that because u was asking for somthing...and just before it, you did a useless contribution. thats all.


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    Insightful? You start by saying you have the answer to our right sided problems, well pardon me but i didnt know we had one and even if we were going to replace Thuram in the future you rather hilariously suggest Salihamidzic and then to make it even funnier, you suggest he is better than Sagnol, if that was not enuff you suggest that somehow he would go for the same price as Roanldinho and Beckham
    Then you bring out the big whopper of all the jokes you cracked to suggest that hasan aint a diver
    No my friend nothing I have said is as unserious as what you are suggesting
    Beg my pardon Dennis, but what exactly are your qualifications to say your opinion is right and goats is laughable...... Are you an expert... no, your jus any other fan like the rest of us.
    Ok his prices were way off , but many would agree Salihamidzic is better than sagnol who imo is an even bigger waste of space ...
    Personally i wouldnt touch either of them... but then your the expert!


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++

    Beg my pardon Dennis, but what exactly are your qualifications to say your opinion is right and goats is laughable...... Are you an expert... no, your jus any other fan like the rest of us.
    Ok his prices were way off , but many would agree Salihamidzic is better than sagnol who imo is an even bigger waste of space ...
    Personally i wouldnt touch either of them... but then your the expert!
    Yes u have a point too.


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
    First of all I do not see Salihamidzic as a right back but as a wing back and imo Sagnol is a better right back, we do not play the wing back position so what do we need Salihamidzic for

    And to my knowledge and from what I have seen this season, we do not really have a right sided problem


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++
    First of all, we do have a problem

    Secondly, Salihamidzic is better than Sagnol who is nothing than a medicore player, and if you fail to realise that you're blind. Salihamidzic is one of the best right wings in the business.

    Thirdly, thats what beckenbauer said the price was, but that doesnt mean its written in stone. If Zambrotta is worth 15-20 mil, and he is, than so is Salih.

    Fourth, he is no more a diver than the average player at Juventus.

    Fifth, I'm not your friend.
    I do apologise publicly if you think i have slighted you, not meant
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