I confess... (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Something that you did/do/are... everything goes

I confess that I own a Man Utd. and Real Madrid jersey. One of them was a 'gift' and the other was a fake I bought for $5.

I confess that I have burned neither (yet)

Buy on AliExpress.com


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Dude, must you already corrupt the forums? Two threads in one day??? :p

Anyways, I confess I had an original Manyoo scarf, that I gave away to a friend. I also confess that it was very pwetty, and that I didnt give it away because it was Manyoo, but because she was a good friend, altho a little Beckham crazed. Does this make me a bad Juve fan? :dazed:

Anyways, I confess I'm in love. Well, not really, no, but I'm almost almost in love :D


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2003
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
Something that you did/do/are... everything goes

I confess that I own a Man Utd. and Real Madrid jersey. One of them was a 'gift' and the other was a fake I bought for $5.

I confess that I have burned neither (yet)
heheh... I confessed that I am the prime mover for my team to use Real Madrid jersey ..... i have to ... coz at the moment the final selection is between Real's and Barca.... i cant think myself running around the pitch with a clownlike red and blue attire (just need a red nose and a puyol-like wig ).. and Real all white school-uniform-ish is kinda simple and cool..


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
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    Yes, Real's does look classy, but what it stands for... :fero:


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    Blessed is he who...

    ehm I knew I couldn't pull that one off :D Confession is pretty groovy, don't you think? You protestants are missing out :p

    I bought the "Move move move" Man U single back in my Man U days..


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #7
    ++ [ originally posted by -Z- ] ++
    Dude, must you already corrupt the forums? Two threads in one day??? :p
    Hey i was away for a long time man... i need my booster ;)

    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    Confession is pretty groovy, don't you think? You protestants are missing out :p
    I know u were kiddin, but...actually i don't think confession is 'pretty groovy', cos i still fail to see the need to be forgiven by communicating with God through a human medium.

    Also, you'll be real sorry when you hear your recorded voice online in "The World's Naughtiest Confessions" :scared:

    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    I bought the "Move move move" Man U single back in my Man U days..
    You had Man U days!? :eek: That's a confession in itself!


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    ++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
    I know u were kiddin, but...actually i don't think confession is 'pretty groovy', cos i still fail to see the need to be forgiven by communicating with God through a human medium.

    Also, you'll be real sorry when you hear your recorded voice online in "The World's Naughtiest Confessions" :scared:
    Well isn't church all about being together and sharing the experience? As such, confession is a means to communicate with God through another person, it might make it "easier" for some people to understand when they can relate to a priest in that way.

    What is that?

    ++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
    You had Man U days!? :eek: That's a confession in itself!
    I did yes. Then I discovered Juve and my interest in ManU faded.


    Senior Member
    Jul 16, 2003
    - I have a huge (men's size M) Englad jersey. It's an original. It was a gift from a friend. Thing is that i'm not a huge fan of England.

    So i totally don't understand why he got me this jersey or the size... I mean it's really too too big and i'm quite a small person (153 cm, 43.someting kg) i can't even stuff it properly into my jeans (stop laughing at me :groan: )

    So i told him honestly that i dun really like it but it's just the thought that counts and the fact that it's a gift for me.

    So now i'm guilty of letting a perfectly gd Jersey sit in my wardrobe. And for not being willing to sell it cos it was a present.

    - I'm a 1st class nail biter. Dispite family and friends trying to make me stop....... i never have long nails..... when i'm too excited... i'll bite them untill they start to hurt a little :down: I've been doing this sice i was like .... around 7 yrs old......


    Jul 15, 2002
    Am about to totally hung Juve paraphanelia in our office without the knowledge of my Man U & Arsenal workmates. :D


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
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    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    Well isn't church all about being together and sharing the experience? As such, confession is a means to communicate with God through another person, it might make it "easier" for some people to understand when they can relate to a priest in that way.
    I know what you mean, and it's fair enough to share with your bros/sis' the kinds of things you're struggling with and need forgiveness for, but that's not how you're forgiven. I personally don't believe that people should have to go and tell a priest and recite mantras to be forgiven.

    1 John 1:9
    "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. "
    We need not communicate with God through other people. Well, not since Jesus' death:

    Matthew 27:51
    At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The Earth shook and the rocks split
    Mark 15:38
    The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.
    Luke 23:45
    And the curtain of the temple was torn in two.
    The curtain that the Bible is talking about was a curtain that seperated the holy place in the temple that only the High Priest could enter and then only on the Day of Atonement as an intercessor for the Jewish people. He would intercede with God on behalf of the people.

    It could be viewed as a symbol of sin, as it seperated the people from God. When Jesus died, He took away our sins. We no longer had to be seperated from God. We no longer needed someone to intercede on our behalf. We can now have a personal relationship with God :D


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    ++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
    I know what you mean, and it's fair enough to share with your bros/sis' the kinds of things you're struggling with and need forgiveness for, but that's not how you're forgiven. I personally don't believe that people should have to go and tell a priest and recite mantras to be forgiven.
    If you're talking about the old Catholic then you're right but the church didn't reform without a reason. :) Well isn't it true that habits dominate people? I always thought it was kinda awkward to go to confession but once I was there I thought it was a nice experience, you have someone understanding listen to you and you feel a relief.


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
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    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    I always thought it was kinda awkward to go to confession but once I was there I thought it was a nice experience, you have someone understanding listen to you and you feel a relief.
    Fair enough, but as i said before, i see it only as a way of getting it off your chest :)

    I confess that there's a small colony of ants gathering in my room cos i'm too dang lazy to clean up after my meals


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #16
    Oh really? Oh well, I'm forgiven :extatic:

    Then again, it could be seen as nurturing God's creation :D


    Senior Member
    Jul 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by DaJuve ] ++
    Am about to totally hung Juve paraphanelia in our office without the knowledge of my Man U & Arsenal workmates. :D
    :cool: Can i work in your office?! :cheesy:

    Mine sucks cos there are no football fans :wall:


    f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
    Jul 12, 2002
    I also had Manyoo days Martin. Incredibly embarresing. I blame Norwegian media...

    I still know a lot of history about the club, I went into a Manyoo trivia thread at another forum, and I could have dominated it if I wanted.

    ++ [ originally posted by Sunshine ] ++
    - I'm a 1st class nail biter. Dispite family and friends trying to make me stop....... i never have long nails..... when i'm too excited... i'll bite them untill they start to hurt a little :down: I've been doing this sice i was like .... around 7 yrs old......
    Me too, but I've managed to stop now. Finally found a way...

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