How much is an engagement ring worth? (15 Viewers)


Peen Meister
Dec 19, 2005
It's not news, but relatively few people realise that the 'value' of diamonds is completely artificial, and have this impression that the tradition of buying a diamond engagement ring is centuries old or something.

IMO the diamond trade is one of the biggest scams in history (please oh please don't let this thread spill into a religious debate).

My biggest gripe isn't even with conflict diamonds to be honest. Of course it's awful that so many people die to keep the trade alive, but the part I find most ridiculous is the fact that diamonds have barely any intrinsic value. They shouldn't even be considered rare.

The only reason such exorbitant prices can be charged for the damn things is that the world's entire supply of diamonds is locked up in De Beers-owned vaults, and any time a new competitor arrives on the scene, De Beers has the ability to flood the market with their stash, driving down prices and forcing them out of business.

If I was going to spend 3 months of my salary on my bride-to-be, the last thing I'd waste it on is a chunk of 'precious' rock that can be artificially manufactured in a lab. Why not use it on something memorable like a holiday?
Well in the article you posted it clearly showed their approach to it & one cant ignore that they do a shitload of marketing to make us horny/lovestruck men purchase diamonds.Over & above they know that by making woman associate diamonds as a token of love & appreciation they continue to milk everybody.Studies will show that woman are the main decision makers when it comes to most purchases & if you buy a small or cheap diamond ring your pretty much fucked.At the end of the day woman want something tangible that they can flaunt infront of their friends faces.

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