Jan Wouters accepted an offer earlier this month that sees him leave for Portugal as Dick Advocaat's assistant, but the third man behind Willem van Hanegem believes Holland are no more than outsiders on the coming European Championships.
"You can dream of course, there's nothing wrong with that. But in the end of the day, France have much better players, Portugal have the home advantage and the Czech Republic came out the stronger party during the qualification rounds. And then there's Italy, Spain, England and Germany. The latter one currently in the underdog position after their 5-1 defeat in Romania, not a position you want the Germans to be in!"
Jan Wouters appears to share the national sentiment in Holland, an opinion poll held in the small North Sea country shows that most people believe France will simply walk through the tournament and take the title. Holland will only be a minor participant. The full results of the poll are above.
Sources: Voetbal International & PZC
Translation: Erik
What do you think? You agree? Disagree? Let's hear it!
"You can dream of course, there's nothing wrong with that. But in the end of the day, France have much better players, Portugal have the home advantage and the Czech Republic came out the stronger party during the qualification rounds. And then there's Italy, Spain, England and Germany. The latter one currently in the underdog position after their 5-1 defeat in Romania, not a position you want the Germans to be in!"
Jan Wouters appears to share the national sentiment in Holland, an opinion poll held in the small North Sea country shows that most people believe France will simply walk through the tournament and take the title. Holland will only be a minor participant. The full results of the poll are above.
Sources: Voetbal International & PZC
Translation: Erik
What do you think? You agree? Disagree? Let's hear it!