Hey! (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Holy crap, it's you!

Hi, I'm Graham. A large part of the reason I joined this forum was because I always lurked watching your videos. Welcome back man :)


Senior Member
Oct 22, 2001
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  • Thread Starter #3
    Yea, you I remember! :) Can't remember if you had all those pretty blue balls by your name but it's nice to see you again :)

    Maybe you can tell me who of the old garde is still active?


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Nekton ] ++
    Yea, you I remember! :) Can't remember if you had all those pretty blue balls by your name but it's nice to see you again :)
    Why thank you ;)
    ++ [ originally posted by Nekton ] ++
    Maybe you can tell me who of the old garde is still active?
    Unfortunately not that many. You just missed Erik who announced his retirement after Euro 2004, and nina seems to have disappeared ever since resigning as a mod. Martin, Tom and dpforever are still around. I actually don't know who you knew when you were around, so you'll probably have to ask for people specifically since I can't actually remember who the 'old garde' is in your books :)


    Senior Member
    Oct 22, 2001
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  • Thread Starter #9
    ++ [ originally posted by Poku ] ++
    I have absolutely no idea who you are, but welcome back mate! Always good to see neighbours... :D
    Hehe, go Scandinavia! ;)

    ++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
    Unfortunately not that many. You just missed Erik who announced his retirement after Euro 2004, and nina seems to have disappeared ever since resigning as a mod. Martin, Tom and dpforever are still around. I actually don't know who you knew when you were around, so you'll probably have to ask for people specifically since I can't actually remember who the 'old garde' is in your books :)
    Hehe, yea I kinda figured that. I guess not even I remember who I used to talk to :D Martin, Tom and dpforever does ring a belll or two though ;)



    Senior Member
    Oct 22, 2001
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  • Thread Starter #10
    ++ [ originally posted by Martin ] ++
    Whoa Nekton :eek::D

    Most of the old guard have stepped down I'm afraid, still to be seen around now and then though.
    Hey Martin! You still pressuring your servants to use Mozilla huh? :D


    Senior Member
    Dec 23, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

    Unfortunately not that many. You just missed Erik who announced his retirement after Euro 2004, and nina seems to have disappeared ever since resigning as a mod. Martin, Tom and dpforever are still around. I actually don't know who you knew when you were around, so you'll probably have to ask for people specifically since I can't actually remember who the 'old garde' is in your books :)
    JKane also seemed to have dissapeared!


    Formerly known as Ali
    Jul 15, 2002
    Nekton aka Video Guru aka Magnus
    Welcome back dude.
    I don't think you'll remember me but I went by the name DaJuve before.

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