Help Me with My Debate (1 Viewer)

Aug 1, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #44
    do you guys think that saying the primitive people of the world did not need examinations to prove their intelligence but they managed to create things that makes what the world is now shows that..

    i don't know where I'm going.
    anyway, the debate is tomorrow. I'll tell you the results later.


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    People had intelligence long before examinations were invented, and people didn't necessarily get smarter as examinations got harder


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    This one? :)
    ++ [ originally posted by Matto ] ++
    Or this one?
    ++ [ originally posted by Matto ] ++
    Evidently {knowledge and understanding} are connected. Have you ever tried remembering something you didn't understand? You'll find it's near impossible in most cases.
    But it can be done. I've one subject (on semiconductor physics) which can't be passed any other way. Which, incidently, is why I failed it last year. :)

    In my university, we nearly always have to take multiple choice exams. Such exams require solid knowledge, the rememberance of cold, hard facts. If you will.
    If you argue that knowledge and understanding are interconnected, then this point is void.

    I was never any good at mathematics - I lacked the feeling. I was good at languages, communication. I believe the reason behind that is that the communicative part of my brain is more developed than my mathematical part (those aren't the proper names but still).
    Bizarrely, these are the same part of the brain!! I know how you feel though - my language skills aren't a tap on my mathematics, but I think this is partly down to preferances formed in my youth.

    Intelligence is what you are capable of remembering through understanding.
    :thumb: My major problems with your arguement are solved! :D

    Ah, but that's not what IQ tests are about. IQ tests and exams require you to answer certain questions but they don't give you any information prior to that (not entirely sure how to put this).
    IQ test are very fallable in that they test verbal reasoning, spatial ralations and mathematical intelligence. That's not within the boundaries of 'exams' in my book.

    You see, if the person who is the most intelligent one in your example was never told how the programme was written then being the most intelligent one won't help him any bit, will it?
    You don't examine someone you haven't taught. If you do, it's just a quiz.


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Matto ] ++
    Oh my word, you sure know how to crush someone don't you? :D
    Did you ever debate in college Erik?

    I haven't myself, and it's something I regret. It's a bit late for me to get into it now though. The top guys in the college are generally five-year veterns (or longer) of tough debating, and I'd never be competitive. I love watching them in action though.


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    We only do some debating. It is of course in Dutch then. Won't do me much good since I have the goal to get myself an international career after this.


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    International organisations and policy. Think in terms of EU and UN.

    If I take a couple of extra courses, I could end up as ambassador or something along those lines.


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    Cool. I'll be calling in on the Netherland's Ambassador to Ireland, Erik. ;)

    Seriously, I like the idea of people I know in the EU. Half the anti-European feeling out there is down to ignorence. People don't know what the power structures are like, and they don't know who's running things, or even what they're deciding. Or so it is here - maybe you've got it differantly.


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    Oh no it's the same over here. Plus, the media only focus on negative aspects. When the value of the Euro kept falling agains the Dollar - they were all over it.

    Then it started rising again - not a single mention. It's disgusting really.

    So I figured, let's study this and then build a media (read: propaganda) empire like Silvio Berlusconi of Italy :D

    What are you studying exactly?


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    Electrical and Electronic Engineering. If you need one to help you build that empire, pm me. ;)

    I've only just began to take an interest in politics, helped by my interest in debating. European issues have been debated in the college a few times, as well as Northern Ireland.


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    I admire people who study that type of thing - I am so completely useless when it comes to that subject :D

    Northern Ireland we already debated about as well - Israel is on the agenda for the end of the year I believe.


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Matto ] ++
    I admire people who study that type of thing - I am so completely useless when it comes to that subject :D

    Northern Ireland we already debated about as well - Israel is on the agenda for the end of the year I believe.
    Well, I'm useless at some other subjects, which you no doubt earn my admiration for being good at. :D

    I'd like to see an Israel debate (preferably not in Dutch though ;)). It's a great place to learn about something.

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