Height. (4 Viewers)


Junior Member
Jul 28, 2002
Hi Vit, Hi Buff, Hi Alex, Hi Tom, Hi Silvia, Hi Febrina, HI Majed, Hi Nina, Hi Tarmpropp, Hi hoshi, Hi Erik, Hi Nelly, HI paranoia, Hi Rickenbacker2,
Hi Bongiovi, Hi John # 10 too.

I think I forgot no one. :)

I see there is a new thread here.


Actually I'm 7'5, I think in meters it would be too long to write.
I used to be part of a circus. But they had to get rid of me :-( because I became smelly with the years.
it was problematic, indeed. So I made my way on the road, eating rats and taking a bath once a month after to have found a cool river to go into.
Oh! Now it's OK for me though, don't worry :), I'm used to all of that.

you said some Forums here are a bit "stupid"...well interesting thread THIS ONE instead, very spiritual, indeed... :cool:

Have a good night all of you. :)

See you.


Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #51
    ++ [ originally posted by fré1978 ] ++
    Hi Vit, Hi Buff, Hi Alex, Hi Tom, Hi Silvia, Hi Febrina, HI Majed, Hi Nina, Hi Tarmpropp, Hi hoshi, Hi Erik, Hi Nelly, HI paranoia, Hi Rickenbacker2,
    Hi Bongiovi, Hi John # 10 too.

    I think I forgot no one. :)

    I see there is a new thread here.


    Actually I'm 7'5, I think in meters it would be too long to write.
    I used to be part of a circus. But they had to get rid of me :-( because I became smelly with the years.
    it was problematic, indeed. So I made my way on the road, eating rats and taking a bath once a month after to have found a cool river to go into.
    Oh! Now it's OK for me though, don't worry :), I'm used to all of that.

    you said some Forums here are a bit "stupid"...well interesting thread THIS ONE instead, very spiritual, indeed... :cool:

    Have a good night all of you. :)

    See you.


    i dont quite get what you mean, and after the second word i gave up. for the good of mankind please dont post again.......

    or maybe you can start a thread just about you, for you, with you, by you, etc


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    Gosh Fre, I thought that my comp is crazy, when I saw these letters :D

    ++ [ originally posted by fré1978 ] ++
    Hi Vit, Hi Buff, Hi Alex, Hi Tom, Hi Silvia, Hi Febrina, HI Majed, Hi Nina, Hi Tarmpropp, Hi hoshi, Hi Erik, Hi Nelly, HI paranoia, Hi Rickenbacker2,
    Hi Bongiovi, Hi John # 10 too.

    I think I forgot no one. :)

    I see there is a new thread here.


    Actually I'm 7'5, I think in meters it would be too long to write.
    I used to be part of a circus. But they had to get rid of me :-( because I became smelly with the years.
    it was problematic, indeed. So I made my way on the road, eating rats and taking a bath once a month after to have found a cool river to go into.
    Oh! Now it's OK for me though, don't worry :), I'm used to all of that.

    you said some Forums here are a bit "stupid"...well interesting thread THIS ONE instead, very spiritual, indeed... :cool:

    Have a good night all of you. :)

    See you.




    Junior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    Hi Lacrease.
    Nooooooo, a site about me ONLY? well you said we have testicles in the brain. THEN, how could I make a thread by myself?
    I need a bit of intelligence to do such thing, no?


    Junior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    And you said NOT TO post again for mankind, I would say instead for my health.
    I'm breathing bad air here indeed. Some person that thinks he is superior and fair is making those Forums being insane. :) Do you know him?

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