Have a Rant, a Moan, a Cry (3 Viewers)


New Member
Feb 19, 2004
Well my complaint is about my never-ending bad luck with guys&the way i always screw things up!There's this guy i really like, and everything he does shows that he likes me back(he comes just to see me when im chillin,he asks only about me,the look in his eyes,e.t.c)!!!!!!!!!Anyway, i fell for him and i was pretty darn sure that he likes me too(I NEVER THINK A GUY LIKES ME, EVEN IF HE TELLS ME),only to discover that he has a girlfriend
My complaint is, why did he lead me on?i mean he could have done it unintentionally, but i highly doubt it!it seemed to me like he was perfectly aware of what hes doing.

My second complaint is about myself!Well as u see,upon finding out that this dude has a girlfriend i started behaving in the b****iest way ever&i was damn rude!y the hell do i always do this?i mean i know u guys dont know me and all, so u cant tell me why i behave like this, but im just so fed up of constantly having bad luck, and of constantly not being able to control my emotions or mood swings

quite a rant,innit?


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
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    ++ [ originally posted by BaByFaCe ] ++
    My complaint is, why did he lead me on?i mean he could have done it unintentionally, but i highly doubt it!it seemed to me like he was perfectly aware of what hes doing.
    Guys get cocky very easily, and he probably felt pretty good about himself that not only does he have a girlfriend, he's got another girl chasing him aswell. So it was feeding his ego, and he didn't have to put much effort into it.


    Senior Member
    Jan 9, 2004
    well you just can't help it
    you feel offended and you feel like he used you and he gave you hopes and then he took it all and thew it all away
    i'd be a b*tch too


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #87
    ++ [ originally posted by sallyinzaghi ] ++
    Ah let me rephrase

    Some guys are jerks, end of story.
    Ahh you beat me to it :D


    Senior Member
    Jan 9, 2004
    you know ..... i say that too
    and the funny thing is
    actually i get along with guys better for some reason
    ain't that sad


    Senior Member
    Jul 23, 2002
    Its just a silly thing that everyone goes through. Or course it can be serious but its on you not to get involved and be the bigger man ad walk away. Fights. Boy have been in many of them.

    Ive changed from when i was younger. Yesterday was so stupid. 3 of us my bro our friend and moi Alessandro DP:cool: A good 3hrs non stop we were playing football with some guys and it was a wicked game. We took 3 of their players on our side to make it more even. They had an extra man but that was fair enough. We were playing like Italians they were typical boring english style all rushing it but they could pass very good to one another. Anyones I did one amazing dribble past everyone almost but I flopped when I tried a nutmeg on the last man. So after a heavy tackle my friend got a bit heated and said I'll knock...... the fool tried act badI tried calmn it down but it kicked off and they got bang up. Then when they were miles away from us they shouted racist slur and ran like faggots.

    What im saying is one minute everyone is playing the game we love then it turns into a ruck. Even the pros resort to it all time . In Serie A mostly. Its fun to watch but its grown men losing their cool in front of millions. There is a fine line and its human to lose your temper some go off more than others. I gotta say I love the old DP when he was the best everytime he got fouled he put on a face like he was gonna inflict some damage but he always kept his cool. ez


    New Member
    Feb 19, 2004
    I wish it were easy to get over this dude!!!!but its just so f****n hard!!!!!!!!now im afraid i lost him as a friend, which i really dont want cuz he is a good friend!does anyone have any clue where i should go from here?



    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by BaByFaCe ] ++
    I wish it were easy to get over this dude!!!!but its just so f****n hard!!!!!!!!now im afraid i lost him as a friend, which i really dont want cuz he is a good friend!does anyone have any clue where i should go from here?
    Speak to him. Clear the air. He'll probably shrug it off.


    Senior Member
    Jan 9, 2004
    uhh i got one

    i hate myself for not paying enough attention
    just now i was driving my bf to his uncle's house to pick up a car and it was raining kinda ..... so the car infront of me breaks and i break too but uhh it was sliperry and i drove right into the damn thing ....... :( i stopped but they didn't get out of the car
    it was just a scratch but still
    my bf was yelling at me :( i think he's still really mad
    oh well i hate myself for being such a ****in shitty driver AND
    girls shouldn't drive period
    we're just not good at it ......


    Senior Member
    Jul 11, 2002
    Heres my rant. This really annoyed me today.

    I went to the shop before going to MrsMacs. In like shopping area they have these security guys that just walk around from shop to shop for security obviously. Anyways there was a woman in the shop with a kid in a pram, the security quard guy started making stupid faces at the baby (i was in the que at this time waiting). The security guy looked at the and realised she didnt she him, so he did it again, still she didnt see him doing it. So he waited until he was watching and then did it, she saw him, he smiled at the woman and woman smiled back. (I was about to be sick at this point). What is the point of doing such stupid things? The woman was old and ugly the guy couldnt have fancied her. So i guess he just did it to appear as such a nice guy. What a ****ing asshole. Im sorry this is so dumb but it just annoyed me much.

    And the story doesnt end here, as if i wasnt already pissed of enough. I paid, the dumbass behind the till made a mess up and had to do the ****ing thing about 5 times before she got it right.

    FINALLY, annoyed and ready to leave, i start to walk to the exit. The same woman has joined the que behind me, but decides the park the dam pram sideways blocking of my exit. I wait for a second for her to move it. She just stands there, i say 'excuse me can i get past' she noticed me but was to bloody lazy to move the fuc*ing thing. So i said "fuc*sake are you deaf" (I wouldnt normally do it such a thing, but i was so pisse d off). I have to turn around and go out of the shop a different longer way. The power happy idiot security quy sees me going out and gives me the eyes.

    And that was it, i got the hell out before i had a nervous breakdown. Anyways rant over.


    Senior Member
    Jan 9, 2004
    that just makes you think about how ****ed up the society is
    everyone's so ignorant, so fake ...
    i fckin hate it !
    i wish i could forget about it forever
    b/s it will never stop that's for sure


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #100
    ++ [ originally posted by Vicky ] ++
    girls shouldn't drive period
    we're just not good at it ......
    Holy crap a girl finally says it. Asian women are the worst drivers on the planet. It amazes me how many times they have to change direction to do a kerbside park. They also do annoying things like swerve into other lanes and screech to a halt to give way at an intersection when they're meant to go :wallbang:

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