Has the human race stopped evolution? (1 Viewer)

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by kaizer ] ++
there's no such thing as evolution

Evolution is scientific fact, why would anybody willingly deny scientific evidence. What is your particular agenda and how are you benefitted by such a denial?


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Fliakis ] ++
roverbhoy, hows it going lad?
Ah...it goes good, my young padawan...have you put any of my wisdom to good use yet...sold off all your worldly posessions and become one with the mighty hooch?

If not, you will be in my prayers tonight...three bloody mary's and a drunken father

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Padovano ] ++

Evolution is scientific fact, why would anybody willingly deny scientific evidence. What is your particular agenda and how are you benefitted by such a denial?
pad, you heard of this?



this issue was in court(iirc), and the premise was that evolution was a theory, not a fact.

if evolution indeed was scientific fact, proven beyond doubt, this case would have been thrown out.

i understand why people would mistake it as proven fact though.


Junior Member
May 1, 2004
are we still evolving???
it depends on what you mean by evolve...
in the past human evolution has been measured by our physiological attributes such as the length of our arms or the cranial capacity of our skull.
Others would also measure our evolution through factors such as our intelligence of change/progressions in ways of our thinking or behviour.

So in terms of our physiological attributes i believe the process of evolution will slow down dramatically but in terms of how we manipulate the environment and how we think we will contine to evolve.

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by DukeVonEggwaffle? ] ++

pad, you heard of this?



this issue was in court(iirc), and the premise was that evolution was a theory, not a fact.

if evolution indeed was scientific fact, proven beyond doubt, this case would have been thrown out.

i understand why people would mistake it as proven fact though.
:D Those text Book Disclaimers are priceless! Thanks for the link, I love it.

Of course I realize that Evolution is technically a theory, but Josh, it's a fact. Maybe not exactly as Darwin stated it, but probably pretty close. It seems that the only ones who oppose the teaching of Evolution are the religious nuts. Why they think that Evolution is anti-religion is beyond me. The schools can just cut a deal with the Christian Taliban - tell them the the course will state that Creationism with Adam and Eve is crap, but God created all the microorganisms that evolved into multi-celled creatures. Then everybody is happy and pado can wank in peace.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2004
Humans can only use something like 9% of there brain, thats is an easy implicant to the fact that we havent evolved completely (although woman can use about 15%, so guys have to evolve a little more)


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Nicole ] ++
Humans can only use something like 9% of there brain, thats is an easy implicant to the fact that we havent evolved completely (although woman can use about 15%, so guys have to evolve a little more)
Are you sure rates for males and females are not the other way around? I mean... cooking, washing dishes, milking the cow and cleaning a cave does not require all that many neurons...


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Nicole ] ++
Humans can only use something like 9% of there brain, thats is an easy implicant to the fact that we havent evolved completely (although woman can use about 15%, so guys have to evolve a little more)
i think it's you girls who need to evolve since we manage to get by using less of our brain power:p


Back & Quack
Mar 9, 2004
Exgerrated fact. We both use about 10 Percent (at one given time), but women are more dillegent at using both sides of the brain. However, this is a true fact. When you smoke or eat marjiuhana, your overall brain capicity rises by some percentage. Not much, but the percentage is greater when Mushrooms are eaten.
Apr 12, 2004
++ [ originally posted by blackmint ] ++
Exgerrated fact. We both use about 10 Percent (at one given time), but women are more dillegent at using both sides of the brain. However, this is a true fact. When you smoke or eat marjiuhana, your overall brain capicity rises by some percentage. Not much, but the percentage is greater when Mushrooms are eaten.
Yea and when you use heroin, or drink a lot, ones liver capacity increases, and so does the brain capacity.

Cummon Mintal, I think that is exagerrated.


Back & Quack
Mar 9, 2004
No its absolutely true. Im not saying this to try to increase consumption of it, but at one given point the brain uses just under 10 percent. Its because the bran is speeded up. However, this is only true mairjuhauna and Mushrooms. Im dead serious. Im not saying it makes you smarter, because its an overload for the head and you cant think straight.


Sep 23, 2003
You know, I got to thinking about all these Americans and their fad diets of no carbs, no fat, no nothing, etc. And yet with so many millions of people doing them, they're still failing and Americans are getting fatter than ever.

There's evolution right there. Forget about the risks of heart disease from eating triple cheeseburgers and fries. Forget about the shortened life span because you're carrying around an extra 100 kilos because your beer has too many carbs. That's so short term thinking.

What will survive in this country will be a race of heart-attack-resistant, carb-stuffing, gelatinous blobs that slither out of their SUVs like slugs out of snail shells. THAT is the future of evolution in this country, my friends. All this diet and health-consciousness crap is just a ruse to make those with weak hearts and weak stomachs think they actually have the genetic lines that will survive in the coming harsher world of fast food and lethargy.

Only the strong survive!!!

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
I've wanked at such a great rate that I grew a second *****. There's evolution for you. My secret spot behind the nuclear plant is very private!
Jan 7, 2004
++ [ originally posted by swag ] ++
You know, I got to thinking about all these Americans and their fad diets of no carbs, no fat, no nothing, etc. And yet with so many millions of people doing them, they're still failing and Americans are getting fatter than ever.

There's evolution right there. Forget about the risks of heart disease from eating triple cheeseburgers and fries. Forget about the shortened life span because you're carrying around an extra 100 kilos because your beer has too many carbs. That's so short term thinking.

What will survive in this country will be a race of heart-attack-resistant, carb-stuffing, gelatinous blobs that slither out of their SUVs like slugs out of snail shells. THAT is the future of evolution in this country, my friends. All this diet and health-consciousness crap is just a ruse to make those with weak hearts and weak stomachs think they actually have the genetic lines that will survive in the coming harsher world of fast food and lethargy.

Only the strong survive!!!

so where does corporate responsibility end and personal responsibility begins ?

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Don Bes ] ++

so where does corporate responsibility end and personal responsibility begins ?
At the point when McDonalds started offering salads and water with the Vat O' Lard on the 99 cent Value Menu.

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