Hack This Site (4 Viewers)


********* a.D.
Jan 24, 2004
no prob at all ... til' level 12 it is quite easy, isn't it?

EDIT: oh you are speaking about hackthissite? ... I thought of SuperMario...reached level 13 now ;)

EDIT 2: didn't manage level 3 :angel: ...actually I only use computers as an user and don't have the background knowledge why and how these things work. but that wasn't an invitation to hack my notebook. I installed a special program which will destroy every notebook/pc which starts to hack my one. :fero: ;)


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2003
i'm quiet dumb,, but when i enter level one,, wht's this question supposed to be? :D:D

I am sorry but you have entered an incorrect password. :wallbang:


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Amr ] ++
i'm quiet dumb,, but when i enter level one,, wht's this question supposed to be? :D:D
:LOL: and you wanted to make a thread about hacking

"Level 1(the idiot test)

This level is only intended to weed out the total idiots. Enter the password and you can advance to level 2."



Senior Member
Dec 25, 2003
man i use mozilla and i got the source code of the page,, but i can;t see the password!


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
dude, there's a part of the code that says "the password is:"

how hard can it be? :)


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2003

didn't see that :D

i've completed now level 1 :):) :p:p

trying on level 2 now:

Level 2

Network Security Sam set up a password protection script. He made it load the real password from an unencrypted text file and compare it to the password the user enters. However, he neglected to upload the password file...


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2003
man this hacking stuff is hard :D

gonna try level 2 tomorrow :)

sleep time for me now,, it's 4.48 AM here in egypti ;)



Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
im stuck on level 2. i dont even understand what the clue is talking about, this thing is just making me feel stupid :( :D


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
ok, there's supposed to be a text file that contains the password.

The script on the server is supposed to compare the password that the user entered with the password stored in the text file.

So for example, if the password in the text file was "BMWs suck", then the script would say:

user input: BMWs rule
text password: BMWs suck


but Network Security Sam forgot to upload the text file to the server.

What result do you think the script's query for the text password would give?

I hope that helps :nervous:


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
no way sir seba! I don't believe you man :)

okay then, what's the password for level 2 then?

(you can PM me if you want)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #15
    ++ [ originally posted by kurvengeflüster ] ++
    EDIT 2: didn't manage level 3 :angel: ...actually I only use computers as an user and don't have the background knowledge why and how these things work. but that wasn't an invitation to hack my notebook. I installed a special program which will destroy every notebook/pc which starts to hack my one. :fero: ;)
    Oh dear me, not that NetBuster thing again? That is so useless. :D

    Level 2 is really easy in fact. But I'll help you along the way. Imagine the script is written like this.

    $file = openfile("password.txt", "r");
    $password = readFromFile($file);
    if ($userpassword != $password) 
    echo "I am sorry but you have entered an incorrect password."
    Here the first statement fails because password.txt does not exist. So $file is not defined. What then happens to $password? :)


    Alex Del Mexico
    May 7, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
    no way sir seba! I don't believe you man :)

    okay then, what's the password for level 2 then?

    (you can PM me if you want)
    haha i meant as in i give up i have no clue as to wtf is going on :D

    this hacking thing is a bit beyond me, i dont know much about computers. and of what i know its mainly just little quirky things like making things in flash or something. like i made this (really crappy flash title for my dads soccer leagues website)


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    that's not bad Seba ;) I like how the E winds up for his header :D

    Just a few gripes tough:

    The the flash of white between the looping of the movie
    The yuckiness of the L when it's being animated
    The fact that you thought you could get away with not trimming the white space around the ball because you're using a white background :)

    Also I think it'd look great if you just rotated the ball as it moved. Maybe I'm being picky, but I think it'd work better if you slowed the ball down a bit when it's being juggled at the start, and if you made the looping of the movie seemless, as in, if you made it look like the E and the L were just juggling continuously :D

    If you send me the Flash source file, I can have a go at playing around with it a bit ;)

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