Gym and fitness (85 Viewers)


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
It definitely should be in the Olympics. It'd be cool to see it raw only in the Olympics. Either way, it should definitely be there. Especially considering shit like pistol shooting is there.
Agreed completely.

There are two issues tho.

1) IOC isnt willing so far cause of the history of doping. Wich is a pathetic excuse, its not worse then the other strength based sports.

2) The organisation pushing for it is IPF (international powerlifting federation). Sadly, IPF is mostly about equipped powerlifting. The biggest dopingtested raw federation is....also IPF. But their raw athletes are much fewer in number. So IF it joins the olympics, it will certainly have at least equipped, and maybe raw.

Buy on


Jun 17, 2011
It just takes some wrist conditioning. Quite a bit for some people, less for others. The wrist extension really isn't any different than a handstand. Heavyweight lifters catch in a similar position, slightly less bend of the arms due to bigger biceps and forearms. That photo is a rather extreme version. The trick is to keep the elbows up. I don't require quite the degree of insane mobility in those joints that he has and I'm a pretty slim guy.
I'm doing my frontsquats the crossed style. I got the wrist mobility but its seriously taxing. As a weightlifter you have no choise cause of the Jerk. Everyone else shouldnt do it imo. Frontsquats are the single most underestimated and underused excecise, such a glorious quadbuilder

Id be fucking mad if i he came to my town and i couldnt be there
Looked up cross grip, that seems A LOT easier and more comfortable. Zach, you say everyone else shouldn't do cross grip, does it really make that much of a significant difference? Basically, in the long run would I be better off lifting less weight to correct form for back squats or try to do cross grip front squats?


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
I said that weightlifters should use the Jerk grip, and everyone else should use the cross grip

Fixing form and lowering weight go hand in hand. Front squats force you to keep a straight back. Same with lower weight highbar squats done well


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Managed two new PR's today, 155 benchpress, 285 deadlift, midway my schedule, so not really prepped yet

Pleased with it, especially considering i was struggeling to train with the backlash of the high antibiotics i had to take for my bacterial meningitis in december.

Hope i can make it 165 and 300 at the meet 22th May


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Antibiotics hinder growth?
Antibiotics but a huge strain on the liver. For example it can detox your blood less effective when you drink alcohol.

But when taking very high dosage of penicillin based antibiotics, you are greatly surpressing the glycogene synthesising enzymes. 40% lower enzymatic activity happens allmost immediatly, it can go up to 80% on the dosage i was taking.

What does this mean ?
The gastrointestin system breaks down carbs down to monosugars from the month to the small intestine, where they transcend trough the intestin wall into the portal veign. This is an artery wich goes from the small intestine to the liver only. In the liver, glycogene (complex sugar to be stored) is synthesised and this is send to the muscle tissue to be stored.

Now you need to retain water in the muscle. The amount of water you can retain, depends on how much glycogene you are storing. Wich is why the morning after a good workout and high carb evening meal, your muscles are looking bigger and you'll weigh more.

You need the glycogene for energy and strenght. The water for many things, but its also a big factor for strength. (example, every steroids apart from Trenbolone that give a quick strength increase, do so because they dramatically increase the water retention into the muscle)

So what happened ? Because of the very high dosage of antibiotics, my glycogene synthesis was crashed down to a very low point, wich meant in addition i could barely retain water in the muscle. At my weight, that was 5 kilograms in water alone

Result ?

No energy
No recovery
Muscle cramping trough poor hydration
No strength (My squat went down from 240 to 150kg in 14 days time)

I usually never take antibiotics, even when perscribed.
But this time, i had no choise. I had bacterial tonsilitis and bacterial meningitis at the same time. If i didnt took the truckload of antibiotics, i wouldnt be here today.

Peasants probably hate antibiotics now.


Jun 17, 2011
Thanks for the explanation. That might also explain the really bad time I had squatting a few weeks ago too now that I think about it. At least you're better now though, that sounds horrific.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Thanks for the explanation. That might also explain the really bad time I had squatting a few weeks ago too now that I think about it. At least you're better now though, that sounds horrific.
Squatting is the first excercise to drop when you arent properly hydrated. Its the most muscle dependant excercise there is.


It ain't hard to tell
Aug 22, 2007
You know what's weird? My calves aren't big at all, I'd say they're average. But they seem to be quite strong. I thought the weights I was pushing were nothing special, but people are always shocked. Guys who bench and squat twice what I do are doing less than me. I just don't know why.

End of cool story.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
You know what's weird? My calves aren't big at all, I'd say they're average. But they seem to be quite strong. I thought the weights I was pushing were nothing special, but people are always shocked. Guys who bench and squat twice what I do are doing less than me. I just don't know why.

End of cool story.
Calves dont matter that much in standing strength, they'll never be a limiting factor. And "big" is very relative. One can appear to have average calves, wich is mostly down to where the tendons attach and how high. But strength is the same.

Walking strength, thats where the difference is. Strong big calves allow you to do a 90% deadlift, and then walk 3 meters towards the powerrack. Or Various strongman excercises.

Imo, calf raises are done best in a smith machine, with 200kg on the bar, while standing on a 5cm blok with the front of the feet

Ford Prefect

Senior Member
May 28, 2009
I did use to but at my new gym they don't have a smith machine so I've been leaning on the rack to simulate the effect. When I start dead lifting (tomorrow is my first power lifting training session) I'll look to include the walking

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