Gym and fitness (15 Viewers)


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2011
Like Zach said, you could very likely have bicep tendonitis. The other frequent cause of this kind of forearm pain is a pinched ulnar nerve. I've experienced first hand the excruciating nature of that one. Follow the advice Zach set out and take things a little lighter for a while, alongside anti-inflam and ice.

One of the best ways to prevent such things happening in the future is wrist/forearm conditioning and strengthening. The stretches in the videos I posted a few page back help keep the tightness out of the forearms and even upper arms. Adding some light wrist curls all three ways, can really help as well. More so as an injury prevention measure.
Thanks for the tips , i checked the stretching videos , i'll start doing them next week :)

Buy on


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Not really a split

i was running a smolov cycle for squat and bench, and ed coan deadlifting routine for conventional deadlit.

However, i got pretty ill third week of october (bacterial tonsilitis, and it was a pretty antibiotic resistant bacteria), so i'm 3 weeks behind on schedule.
Meaning i'm a bit out of the volume load from the base mesocycle, and my tendons are now receiving a brutal punishment going straight into the intense mesocycle

So i'm continiueing the intense mesocycle for squat, and the deadlift routine, but i'm cutting down on benchpress. 4 days next week, but at lower intensity then i was doing.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2011
What do you guys consider as an optimal daily protein intake ? I have looked around and got different answers from different places


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Depends on what you aim for.

1) Depending on bodyweight, occupation and trainingtype/frequency, find out how much calories you burn on average per day.
2) decide wether you'd like to say on this weight, or drop/increase the weight. Dependong on that, take the calories from 1 and remove or add 200 to 500 kcal.
3) split the kcal into 40% for carbs, 40% for protein and 20% for fat
4) know that 1 kcal of fat is 9grams, and 4 grams for protein and carbs.
5) use 4 to turn 3 into grams. You now know how much grams of carbs, protein and fat you should eat
6a) try to spread these over the day. Only use the protein value of meat, eggs and whey as the others (like pasta) have incomplete profile and shouldnt be counted)
6b) try to not use carbs the last 4 houres before you sleep. Try to use complex carbs like oats, pasta, rice and potatoes
6c) use nuts, eggs and cottage cheese (with whey ofc) to get to the neccecary grams of fat. Use low fat meat. There ared low fat red meats, know them ! Bake meat in olive oil, not fat (exception for red meat, but with tiny amount of butter).
6d) dont use over 2 fruits per day, they are fast acting sugars, bad for insuline levels, but handy if you have a period where you lack energy.

Complex carbs

- oats
- rice
- pasta
- potatoes
- brown bread types

protein sources

- chicken
- everything that flies and isnt red-ish meat
- red meat with low fat (example : chateaubriand=yes, T-bone steak or entrecote=NO)
- various kinds of protein powder (whey, casseine, blends, (i use a blend))
- fish not more then twice per week
* if you are vegetarian, sod off*

fat sources

- pretty much any nut out there
- eggs, cause if you dont exceed your daily fat intake, you'll benefit from the direct cholesterol. dont listen to diet bitches. eggs are bad if you exceed your fat intake, but they are excellent for those who got a proper diet.
- cottage cheese(add whey to this and eat before you go to sleep. 250g takes many houres to digest meaning you'll be gifting protein to the body all night. every serious musclebuilder or strengthathlete does this)
- use of oils.

But zach, what about vegetables. Vegetables are expensive options that can be completely replaced. The listed products can cover 95 of all daily vitamin intake easely. But since you are working out, you should allways grab some vitamin blend to make sure you are loaded on vitamins all the time, and never low on vitamin C. Advanced athletes can consider ZMA and THE vitamine D in higher then normal concentrations. (zma is cheap and good for sleep/recovery tho).

So next time them bitches go like "amawgawd we are so healthy we ate only salad xoxo", you can reply "fucking bitchwhore please, you are eating filler with 0 nutrition value, its as useless as your brain."

Now if you excuse me, i need to ice my lower back and left quadriceps tendon. cheers :beer:


Oct 28, 2010
Also, don't listen to Zach. Veggies are great :D

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Yes , but I have gotten different answers from different sources .
imo that should be enough. you can always try to eat more but there's only so much your body can process.

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
But zach, what about vegetables. Vegetables are expensive options that can be completely replaced. The listed products can cover 95 of all daily vitamin intake easely. But since you are working out, you should allways grab some vitamin blend to make sure you are loaded on vitamins all the time, and never low on vitamin C. Advanced athletes can consider ZMA and THE vitamine D in higher then normal concentrations. (zma is cheap and good for sleep/recovery tho).

So next time them bitches go like "amawgawd we are so healthy we ate only salad xoxo", you can reply "$#@!ing bitch$#@! please, you are eating filler with 0 nutrition value, its as useless as your brain."
It's one thing to frown upon vegetarianism, which is fine in my books, but to suggest vegetables can be completely replaced and we don't need to ever eat a single vegetable is rather silly.

Let's not eat, let's just take pills instead.



Senior Member
Dec 25, 2011
Also, don't listen to Zach. Veggies are great :D

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imo that should be enough. you can always try to eat more but there's only so much your body can process.
I actually do think vegetables are important , problem is i fucking hate eating them :D .

Watch up until the 35th second :D


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
A balanced out diet in the ways i described above, covers everything vegetables could provide, and this makes them optional.

Strength athletes or musclebuilders have higher needs for certain molecules and its pretty normal to take a vitamin supplement, cause of the importance that vitamin C is fully covered. More serious athletes will also want to keep their zinc and magnesium levels high enough, along with vitamins D, C and B-6.
You can feel free to find that silly, but they can feel free to find you weak or small compared to them. This works both ways.

"lets not eat, lets just take pills instead"
This is very interesting. Why do we take whey ? Eating meat is better. Chicken grinded into small pieces digests just as quickly. Why do we take whey ?
Oh very simple, cause we dont want to eat 2+kg per meat each day, wich we'd have to cook and carry around.

If i want to fill my average vitamine C needs, i'd need to eat half a kilogram of oranges or kiwi's. Or take 2 vitamin pills.

Your choise.

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
You spout some seriously ridiculous nonsense. I like a lot of your posts. Your a pretty knowledgable guy about fitness and nutrition in some ways. But what you say flies in the face of pretty much every single study out there on things like longevity and health. You may be studying biochemistry, but you're not some leading renowned researcher on nutrition so unless you can back up what you're saying with studies that prove eating vegetables is completely unnecessary, you're basically just stating your own opinion and one that is contradicted by pretty much every expert in the field.

Now you could have said something reasonable, like you don't need to eat quite as many servings of vegetables per day as has been previously recommended, for you can use supplementation in order to help meet vitamin and mineral needs alongside the intake of vegetables. Instead you go off the deep end and say that it's preferable to eat no vegetables at all. :rofl: Ridiculous. Seriously. Come off it.

SO the preferred diet is:

Not a single vegetable and 2 litres of Coke Zero a day. You, my friend, are not going to live long.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
You have no knowledge of biochemistry yet come here and insult my explenation.

I've said that vegetables can be made optional. That a bottle of coke zero is possible.
I understand you. You think vegetables are some magic, and soda is devilspawn. I know what we take from vegetables. I know what quantities we need, and in what other products they occur.I know the nutrition needs of a normal body, and a strength/musclemass athlete's body.
I also know what coke zero is, and what the body does with asparthane.

Unless you can prove me that there is a vegetable, or group of vegetables that contain something that you cannot replace with the listed products and a simple vitamin supplement, this argument is over.
Do note that i said you can make them optional. I'm not saying you must do this.

Asparthane based soda, is by miles the least unhealthy flavored beverage. Because alcohol and sugar based beverages are unhealthy and bad. Sugar based beverages cause insuline spikes, that includes lemon juice. Alcohol crashes everything good the liver is doing or significantly slows it down. Aspartane ? breaks down in a tiny amounts of methanol and 2 amino acids.

I'm not saying you should drink coke light. But unless you are drinking milk or water, your beverage is less healthy.

So unless you can come up with some facts, this argument is over.


Oct 28, 2010
:lol: I love it.

I'm personally all about vegetables. Most vitamin pills are useless imo because you just end up pissing em away. So with veggies your body absorbs em better plus you get other nutrients not available in pills.

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
I neither think vegetables are magic, nor do I think soda is devil spawn. However, vegetables make up part of a well-balanced diet. Soda doesn't make up anything. In moderation, it's fine.

My beverage is water. I grow my own organic vegetables. There's a reason were not all supplementing vitamins and minerals instead of getting them as part of well-balanced diet which includes an adequate portion of vegetables. There aren't enough studies out there yet to show whether synthetic, created vitamins and minerals inside supplements interact with the body in the same way as they do when slowly broken down in food. Now, using them to top off levels of vitamins and minerals is perfectly reasonable. I do this myself too.

However, suggesting your entire source of such things should be in synthetic form from pills is somewhat absurd. Aside from this, it's prohibitively expensive to take enough pills to do this. Vegetables are basically free if you grow them yourself, and much cheaper then "high quality" natural sourced supplements, if you buy them.

Saying you know how much the body needs of each thing is also counterintuitive seeing as there are still no universally accepted numbers or percentages for things such as protein, b vitamins, D3, C, Fats, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, E, K, etc. There are recommendations based upon a variety of studies that have generally come up with vastly different answers. So how do you know the exact numbers?

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:lol: I love it.

I'm personally all about vegetables. Most vitamin pills are useless imo because you just end up pissing em away. So with veggies your body absorbs em better plus you get other nutrients not available in pills.

Most vitamin pills and supplements are in synthetic forms, laboratory created. Laboratory created vitamins are far cheaper than whole food concentrates. Rarely do people take whole food concentrates (instead of synthetic vits and mins) because the cost is prohibitive when placed to next vegetables. . No one knows the actual efficacy of laboratory created vitamins.

What Zach is failing to mention is that, if you are take whole food concentrate pills to get your vitamins and minerals, you're basically just reducing vegetables down to a pill and paying out the ying yang so you don't have to chew those "nasty-tasting" vegetables.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
:lol: I love it.

I'm personally all about vegetables. Most vitamin pills are useless imo because you just end up pissing em away. So with veggies your body absorbs em better plus you get other nutrients not available in pills.
Agreed with that, but there are ways to get around that.

Plenty of highly concentrated more expensive blends on the market. Useless offcourse. Its easy. Split your vitamin intake in two. One at breakfast with a wheyshake, wich will slow down the gastic pass. Second one before sleeping with your cottage cheest+whey wich slows it down alot more.
This makes sure it doesnt pass to fast, and you'll absorb it pretty well

Thing is ALC. The vitamin blend isnt there to cover your entire need. Its supplementing it. The diet alone will cover most of it, the blend is just there to top you off for vitamine C, B-6, D.

vegetables got 1 going for them. fytoelements and anti oxidants. Then again, those are also present thanks to the mentionned types of meat and fruit.

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I neither think vegetables are magic, nor do I think soda is devil spawn. However, vegetables make up part of a well-balanced diet. Soda doesn't make up anything. In moderation, it's fine.

My beverage is water. I grow my own organic vegetables. There's a reason were not all supplementing vitamins and minerals instead of getting them as part of well-balanced diet which includes an adequate portion of vegetables. There aren't enough studies out there yet to show whether synthetic, created vitamins and minerals inside supplements interact with the body in the same way as they do when slowly broken down in food. Now, using them to top off levels of vitamins and minerals is perfectly reasonable. I do this myself too.

However, suggesting your entire source of such things should be in synthetic form from pills is somewhat absurd. Aside from this, it's prohibitively expensive to take enough pills to do this. Vegetables are basically free if you grow them yourself, and much cheaper then "high quality" natural sourced supplements, if you buy them.

Saying you know how much the body needs of each thing is also counterintuitive seeing as there are still no universally accepted numbers or percentages for things such as protein, b vitamins, D3, C, Fats, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, E, K, etc. There are recommendations based upon a variety of studies that have generally come up with vastly different answers. So how do you know the exact numbers?

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Most vitamin pills and supplements are in synthetic forms, laboratory created. Laboratory created vitamins are far cheaper than whole food concentrates. Rarely do people take whole food concentrates (instead of synthetic vits and mins) because the cost is prohibitive when placed to next vegetables. . No one knows the actual efficacy of laboratory created vitamins.

What Zach is failing to mention is that, if you are take whole food concentrate pills to get your vitamins and minerals, you're basically just reducing vegetables down to a pill and paying out the ying yang so you don't have to chew those "nasty-tasting" vegetables.
I see why you are taking offence at what i said. I understand. But there is one thing you are mis interpreting, wich i covered just above.

I'm not talking about eating clean foods wich contain absolutely no vitamins, and then use pills for every mg of every vitamin and mineral.

I'm saying that with the proposed diet, you cover allmost every vitamin and mineral. The vitamin pills are purely there, to top you off. Mainly vitamin C. The ZMA is only there for strength athletes who total well over 500kg, cause you need substantionally more zinc, magnesium and piridoxine.

You are mistaken me for some vegan, who replaced meat and dairy products with soya and a load of supplements wich cannot create nearly the same quality of tissue.

Nope, the pills are just there to top you off, not replace it.

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I'd like to take this opportunity to tell everyone

Eat 250g of cottage cheese with 1-3 scoops of whey before going to sleep.

The will be the most efficiently digested protein source possible

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