Gym and fitness (16 Viewers)


Ageing Veteran
Jan 26, 2009
Nope, you are not an expert. Yet i'm academically qualified in this field, wich didnt stop you from ignoring that.

Roid rage is a fictional thing (i can explain why, but thats gonna be quite a wall of text), and my hormonal balance is excellent, tyvm
I didn't ignore shit. Did u see me insulting you or doubting your knowledge? All I was saying was that I believe (on a personal level) that consuming carbonated beverages at that rate can't possibly be good for you. It's an opinion. I never claimed to be making factual statements. Get off your high horse for once, and stop being a fucking dick.

Buy on


Jun 17, 2011
Your stupidity has no boundaries. There is no stopping to the absolute shit you are creating.

I am referring to the huge beating the two most relevant organs take, without an issue.
I refer to Teens who drown themselves in alcohol, and allmost allways they get away with it.

In order to get actual liver issues, its takes a long and incredible effort to do so. Most alcoholics have no issues untill they are past 40 or 50.
Offcourse, sometimes it happens that a teen who drinks 4 liters of beer and strong booze per day, gets cirrhosis in just a few years time, but that is very, very rare.

Even then, a liver can regenerate itself. Alcoholics who have hepatitis or cirrhosis, have gotten good results with medical treatment with N-acetyl cysteine and silymarin in pharma grade high dosage. Even saving the liver from cirrhosis in several occasions. That is how incredibly strong a liver is.

Now, can you leave this thread, i got better things to do.
It has nothing to do with anything, but I'm curious now. Which is more resilient and able to better repair itself: the liver or the lungs?


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2005
actually i am really glad Zach is here, not only is he an invaluable resource in this thread but hes a balanced dude who listens to reason, and i defo understand his frustration with people arguing just to argue.
You must be the only one here thinking that :D He's borderline psycho.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Hamstrings? I thought those were quads...
Hes referring to the cow-me he has in mind

Those rg quads yeah

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It has nothing to do with anything, but I'm curious now. Which is more resilient and able to better repair itself: the liver or the lungs?
Liver. Cause it can regenerate itself from a smaller piece.
Lungs repair, but dont regenerate

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I didn't ignore shit. Did u see me insulting you or doubting your knowledge? All I was saying was that I believe (on a personal level) that consuming carbonated beverages at that rate can't possibly be good for you. It's an opinion. I never claimed to be making factual statements. Get off your high horse for once, and stop being a fucking dick.
with a dick this big, i need to be one.

So seriously, i got people without knowledge assaulting me in my territory im getting a university masters degree in.

What did you expect ? I kept cool longer then usual


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2005
not talking about his outbursts :D but rather hes the type of guy who will change his mind if presented with a reasonable counterargument

I might have missed some of his post, but from the ones I haven't I have found no evidence to support your claim :p


نحن الروبوتات
May 27, 2009
X just has a thing for the likes of Zach. It's the way he rolls. :D And btw @X, having read the above, are we really the ones who are arguing for the sake of arguing? Why don't you drink 2.5 liters Diet Coke per day instead of water then? It does no harm. They can take it. Your liver and kidneys are there for a reason. It's like intentionally driving your car to a brick wall and then claim that's the use for having a bumper.

with a dick this big, i need to be one.
How can you argue with someone who posts something like that? :lol:


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
ßöмßäяðîëя;4559953 said:
Zach is a clown, end of story.

No, you can't explain why.
You are a joke, and fuck knows why you are stil mod, since you break rules more often then me. Seems like you are sucking some serious cock here, to retain your modding rights.

And yes, i can explain why. But why should i put time and efford in writing it all out, when someone without any knowledge on the subject will argue with a few points anyway ?

X just has a thing for the likes of Zach. It's the way he rolls. :D And btw @X, having read the above, are we really the ones who are arguing for the sake of arguing? Why don't you drink 2.5 liters Diet Coke per day instead of water then? It does no harm. They can take it. Your liver and kidneys are there for a reason. It's like intentionally driving your car to a brick wall and then claim that's the use for having a bumper.

How can you argue with someone who posts something like that? :lol:
See, this is where you are doing exactly what Zoso is doing. Talking crap to troll, without knowing a fuck about it.

The equivalent of "driving trough a brick wall cause your car has a bumper" would be shooting 4 grams of hepatoxic steroids along with a high dosage of DNP.

Why ? because you'll damage your bumper and car, just like that 4grams+DNP will damage your body and liver.

Fun fact. The car wont recover on its own, whilst the liver will in 60+% of the cases (in males).

Lets put it like this. The substances in "diet coke" as you guys call it, are a joke for the liver and kidneys. 1 Can of regular Coke, is more damaging then 6 liters of diet coke, because there is scientific proof of what it exactly does and how.

About that second, obviously trolling comment, i tried to be funny. Seems like you didnt get it

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And btw @X, having read the above, are we really the ones who are arguing for the sake of arguing? Why don't you drink 2.5 liters Diet Coke per day instead of water then? It does no harm. They can take it.
The entire point, is that its harmless. No scientific study can directly proof it harms anything in the given dosages. The "odds" studies, wich are a pathetic joke really, only mention females.

That is the point, its harmless.

You now try to change to point, and ask why he doesnt do it. Why would he do it ? He has no reason to do so. I do it cause i like to drink alot during the day. There is no benefit of drinking a ton of diet coke. So why should he ?


نحن الروبوتات
May 27, 2009
You are a joke, and fuck knows why you are stil mod, since you break rules more often then me. Seems like you are sucking some serious cock here, to retain your modding rights.

And yes, i can explain why. But why should i put time and efford in writing it all out, when someone without any knowledge on the subject will argue with a few points anyway ?

See, this is where you are doing exactly what Zoso is doing. Talking crap to troll, without knowing a fuck about it.

The equivalent of "driving trough a brick wall cause your car has a bumper" would be shooting 4 grams of hepatoxic steroids along with a high dosage of DNP.

Why ? because you'll damage your bumper and car, just like that 4grams+DNP will damage your body and liver.

Fun fact. The car wont recover on its own, whilst the liver will in 60+% of the cases (in males).

Lets put it like this. The substances in "diet coke" as you guys call it, are a joke for the liver and kidneys. 1 Can of regular Coke, is more damaging then 6 liters of diet coke, because there is scientific proof of what it exactly does and how.

About that second, obviously trolling comment, i tried to be funny. Seems like you didnt get it
Context, again. I would have agreed with you had you said doing it once every while. You said drinking 2.5 liters of Diet Coke EVERY SINGLE DAY is harmless. You don't need scientific facts when you actually feel like shit afterwards.

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That is the point, its harmless.

You now try to change to point, and ask why he doesnt do it. Why would he do it ? He has no reason to do so. I do it cause i like to drink alot during the day. There is no benefit of drinking a ton of diet coke. So why should he ?
There's no harm neither. I'd much rather drink Diet Coke than water, and I'm sure a lot of people would too, but for some reason they don't.


نحن الروبوتات
May 27, 2009
Actually tomorrow I might consider using Diet Coke to wash my teeth after toothpaste instead of water. I might also start boiling rice in Diet Coke too. After all, I don't wanna make my liver and kidneys lazy. Come on, you fucks, do your job!


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Actually tomorrow I might consider using Diet Coke to wash my teeth after toothpaste instead of water. I might also start boiling rice in Diet Coke too. After all, I don't wanna make my liver and kidneys lazy. Come on, you fucks, do your job!
Sounds disgusting.

Your liver isnt quite lazy. It will be buzy processing that rice.

Now, can we stop this , and return this thread to beeing about "gym and fitness" ?

Make a new topic to discuss the cola situation further.

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