Gym and fitness (23 Viewers)


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
great news Zach!! i was skeptical how he just diagnosed it like that
I believed him, he found every painpoint immediatly when he rsearched the leg. And his explenation was plausible. However, when i looked up the symptoms later at home, they were diffrent. I didnt understand it at first.

When the radiologist explained what i had, and what pains i probably had, he was spot on. He also told me that the fatpackage absorbed a big part of the knock, and that he never saw someone with a hamstring that got such a beating and didnt snap.

Sumo deadlifts and fat. Saves muscles. I feel bad for cutting (down another 2 kg today apparently, reactive training works)

I took my monster run today, the longest I do before the half marathon which is in exactly 2 weeks. 17.5 km and I was a pace of 6 min/km which is 1 min/km slower than my race tempo. Why? Because I had a stroller with two kids in it and damn they weigh nowadays...

Anyway, I don't feel ready and that's the feeling I've had the past 4 years every year before the race and I still could improve my time. I am feeling though that now it's the fifth time and since I am on an improvement, I have to have a better time this year which now feels extremely hard to beat. Anyway, the coming runs next week will be only HIIT combined with some lifting.
Holy crap, 17.5 kilometer behind a stroller. Isnt there a guinnes world record for this , :D

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cack dokter

dokter, how the hell do you manage to spell one of the most famous words wrong zach?
I tought in english you had to add a C. Its dokter in dutch aswel


May 11, 2004
Holy crap, 17.5 kilometer behind a stroller. Isnt there a guinnes world record for this , :D
A dad finished an Ironman with his fully grown child. The child is totally handicapped so he did the swimming while the boy was on a floater attached to the dad's waist. The to the bicycle with the boy pushed in front in a special built bicycle and then the marathon with the boy being pushed in front in a custom made wheel chair. What I did today is nothing in comparison.


Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
@ ALC. Thanks for the laugh! That set of crossfit gifs was hilarious!

I love that they try to have people doing full O-lifts, off the street, without ever having worked out before. The whole premise of crossfit is absurd. Especially this idea that they're actually at the level of elite athletes.


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A dad finished an Ironman with his fully grown child. The child is totally handicapped so he did the swimming while the boy was on a floater attached to the dad's waist. The to the bicycle with the boy pushed in front in a special built bicycle and then the marathon with the boy being pushed in front in a custom made wheel chair. What I did today is nothing in comparison.

That's crazy. I'm impressed.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
supersets and dropsets are two tools that suit the same purpose : getting more workvolume in there.
They are a great tool to improve muscular endurance and growth.

Supersets are ideal for supporting excercises and isolation excercises
dropsets are ideal for big excercises, preferably compound, to get more volume and get more then once to musuclar failure


I for example used to have difficulties locking out deadlifts above 230kg. I used to have difficulties with my squatform above 180kg due to hamstrings beeing far to weak in comparison to my massive quadriceps.

My big muscles were fine, but several supporting ones needed to get alot bigger. And you cannot directly put huge pressure on them cause they cant handle it. You need to increase volume, but without adding a to big weight, and without making the weight insignificant.

For 10 months i've run a schedule that had nice volume (week1 : 5x5, week2 1x5, 3x2, week3 : 1x5, 1x3, max repsx1, week4 deload and repeat) on the big excercises, coupled with many supersets such as :

leg curl(12reps) with leg extention(12rep) superset, 3 sets, 90sec break
hanging knee raise(20speedreps) with hyper extentions (20rep) superset, 3 sets 60 sec break

dumbell military press(8rep) with barbell row (12rep) superset, 5 sets, 120sec break
read deltoid flies (20rep) with barbell shrugs (20reps) superset, 3 sets , 60 sec break (this one is a killer)
side lateral raise with cable(15reps) with low cable face pulls (15reps) superset , 3sets, 60 sec break

bulgarian split squat (12 reps) with dumbell walking lunges(12steps) superset, 5 sets, 90sec break (this one downright kills you)
sit ups (12) with calve raise(30rep) superset, 5 sets, 30sec break

flat dumbell bench press(8rep) with chest supported rows(12rep) superset, 5 sets, 120sec break
swiss bar curls(12reps) with close grip bench press(12reps) superset, 3 sets, 60sec break
easy cable reverse curls(20reps) with cable pushdown (20reps), 3 sets, 60sec break


Dropsets are a great way to deal with muscle fatigue in the bigger lifts, and get more reps beyond first failure, to get more volume in there. Its aslo excellent for the neural system to deal with the movement and keeping form right.

In the previous schedule, i allready had plenty of volume going, so i couldnt add dropsets there. However, after the main excercise, there was twice a case of a strong excercise that could preferably use dropsets

These were Wide Grip Lateral Pulldown, and Decline Leg Press. One trains the entire upper back primarly, and the sides and upper arms secondary.
Leg presses work on the entire leg, and if you go deep enough, also the glutes.

In my current schedule (reactive training with twoblokperiodisation) i alternate 3 weeks of volume work and 3 weeks of intensity, based on "rate of perceived exertion" or RPE
The RPE basically says how many reps you got in the tank. I'll list the 3 that matter
RPE10 : 0 reps left after
RPE9 : 1-2 reps left
RPE8: 2-4 reps left

So what i do is for example 6reps@RPE8. Wich means i seek the weight i can do for 8-10 reps, but i only do 6. my schedule then demands me to keep doing 6reps with 90sec breaks. Because of fatigue, it will get more and more difficult, untill the 6 reps are an RPE10.

As you can see, RPE is a way to train based on how you feel that day. Lineair progression has the flaw that if you didnt sleep well, had sex several times before training, didnt eat well, didnt drink well, ... that you might fail sets cause you arent at your best. RPE basically tells you to chose the weight depending on your form that day.

In the first week, thats enough. In the second and third week, we want to make this more heavy, more volume. But because its RPE based, we cant just add a weight, cause it defeates the purpose.

What we do instead, is use dropsets. With an excercise, when i went from6reps@RPE8 untill 6reps@rpe10, i lower the weight 5%, and repeat the excercise untill i hit RPE10 again. In the third week, after that we lower an additional 10% and take that till RPE10.

Its very handy to get extra volume in.

This is the powerlifting way of dropsetting however. after muscular failure, lower the weight and go to next failure.

if your only goal is bigger muscles, then there is bodybuilding way of dropsetting. Basically means that you do a number of reps, quickly deload some weight, and repeat the number of reps, deload again and repeat the number of reps again etc. This doesnt build power, but it builds endurance and size in the muscle.

But use dropsets only on the big muscles.


It ain't hard to tell
Aug 22, 2007
Yeah I don't do em as much as I should but they really help. Usually towards the end of the workout.
I'm more of a drop sets fan.
I think I'll try the dropsets for now. Easier to work into my routine.

supersets and dropsets are two tools that suit the same purpose : getting more workvolume in there.
They are a great tool to improve muscular endurance and growth.

Supersets are ideal for supporting excercises and isolation excercises
dropsets are ideal for big excercises, preferably compound, to get more volume and get more then once to musuclar failure


I for example used to have difficulties locking out deadlifts above 230kg. I used to have difficulties with my squatform above 180kg due to hamstrings beeing far to weak in comparison to my massive quadriceps.

My big muscles were fine, but several supporting ones needed to get alot bigger. And you cannot directly put huge pressure on them cause they cant handle it. You need to increase volume, but without adding a to big weight, and without making the weight insignificant.

For 10 months i've run a schedule that had nice volume (week1 : 5x5, week2 1x5, 3x2, week3 : 1x5, 1x3, max repsx1, week4 deload and repeat) on the big excercises, coupled with many supersets such as :

leg curl(12reps) with leg extention(12rep) superset, 3 sets, 90sec break
hanging knee raise(20speedreps) with hyper extentions (20rep) superset, 3 sets 60 sec break

dumbell military press(8rep) with barbell row (12rep) superset, 5 sets, 120sec break
read deltoid flies (20rep) with barbell shrugs (20reps) superset, 3 sets , 60 sec break (this one is a killer)
side lateral raise with cable(15reps) with low cable face pulls (15reps) superset , 3sets, 60 sec break

bulgarian split squat (12 reps) with dumbell walking lunges(12steps) superset, 5 sets, 90sec break (this one downright kills you)
sit ups (12) with calve raise(30rep) superset, 5 sets, 30sec break

flat dumbell bench press(8rep) with chest supported rows(12rep) superset, 5 sets, 120sec break
swiss bar curls(12reps) with close grip bench press(12reps) superset, 3 sets, 60sec break
easy cable reverse curls(20reps) with cable pushdown (20reps), 3 sets, 60sec break


Dropsets are a great way to deal with muscle fatigue in the bigger lifts, and get more reps beyond first failure, to get more volume in there. Its aslo excellent for the neural system to deal with the movement and keeping form right.

In the previous schedule, i allready had plenty of volume going, so i couldnt add dropsets there. However, after the main excercise, there was twice a case of a strong excercise that could preferably use dropsets

These were Wide Grip Lateral Pulldown, and Decline Leg Press. One trains the entire upper back primarly, and the sides and upper arms secondary.
Leg presses work on the entire leg, and if you go deep enough, also the glutes.

In my current schedule (reactive training with twoblokperiodisation) i alternate 3 weeks of volume work and 3 weeks of intensity, based on "rate of perceived exertion" or RPE
The RPE basically says how many reps you got in the tank. I'll list the 3 that matter
RPE10 : 0 reps left after
RPE9 : 1-2 reps left
RPE8: 2-4 reps left

So what i do is for example 6reps@RPE8. Wich means i seek the weight i can do for 8-10 reps, but i only do 6. my schedule then demands me to keep doing 6reps with 90sec breaks. Because of fatigue, it will get more and more difficult, untill the 6 reps are an RPE10.

As you can see, RPE is a way to train based on how you feel that day. Lineair progression has the flaw that if you didnt sleep well, had sex several times before training, didnt eat well, didnt drink well, ... that you might fail sets cause you arent at your best. RPE basically tells you to chose the weight depending on your form that day.

In the first week, thats enough. In the second and third week, we want to make this more heavy, more volume. But because its RPE based, we cant just add a weight, cause it defeates the purpose.

What we do instead, is use dropsets. With an excercise, when i went from6reps@RPE8 untill 6reps@rpe10, i lower the weight 5%, and repeat the excercise untill i hit RPE10 again. In the third week, after that we lower an additional 10% and take that till RPE10.

Its very handy to get extra volume in.

This is the powerlifting way of dropsetting however. after muscular failure, lower the weight and go to next failure.

if your only goal is bigger muscles, then there is bodybuilding way of dropsetting. Basically means that you do a number of reps, quickly deload some weight, and repeat the number of reps, deload again and repeat the number of reps again etc. This doesnt build power, but it builds endurance and size in the muscle.

But use dropsets only on the big muscles.
Whoa, thanks for the in depth reply Zach!

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Btw, I get a lot of soreness in my left upper trap when I run a lot or play football. The obvious reason and common diagnosis on the net seems to be poor posture, but I also get it when driving for long periods.

Does the muscle need strengthening? I'm sure it's a lot stronger than it was a year ago. A good massage maybe?


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
There are MANY causes of the nek region to get sore. My girlfriend has a similar issue and we've visited multiple dokters and had an MRI done, but cant find the cause of it. I think its stress related. However, infrared massage works

Considering you say you got it while driving, get a massage and see if that works. Alternatively, you can start with one of these cold/heat packs, that can eighter be frozen or microwaved shortly for ice/hot sensation.

WHen you come home and it hurts, microwave one and put it on the painfull area. If it helps, you might consider one of these massage cussions that apply infrared heat

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Alternatively, you can train the trapezuis offcourse. I can list a number of good excercises for that if you like


It ain't hard to tell
Aug 22, 2007
There are MANY causes of the nek region to get sore. My girlfriend has a similar issue and we've visited multiple dokters and had an MRI done, but cant find the cause of it. I think its stress related. However, infrared massage works

Considering you say you got it while driving, get a massage and see if that works. Alternatively, you can start with one of these cold/heat packs, that can eighter be frozen or microwaved shortly for ice/hot sensation.

WHen you come home and it hurts, microwave one and put it on the painfull area. If it helps, you might consider one of these massage cussions that apply infrared heat

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Alternatively, you can train the trapezuis offcourse. I can list a number of good excercises for that if you like
Thanks, I'll get a massage and see.

And yeah, I'd like some good trap exercises. I hate shrugs, and apparently the dumbell-to-chin one can cause shoulder injuries.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
My favorite excercise is, when using wriststraps, doing a conventional double palm backward deadlift of 200kg, then shrug it 6 times.

Dont do dumbel shit for straps

Do rear deltoid flies for 20 reps, in superset with barbell shrugs for 20 reps.(3reps)
Do barbell upright rows, with an easy bar for 12 reps (3sets)
Do "behind the back " barbell shrugs for 12reps (3sets)
Do racked deadlift with a ±10-15 ROM from the safety pins in the power rack.


Mar 30, 2003
Can someone recommend me some good affordable earphones/ headphones for using when running or boxing? I'm looking ones that are very secure and don't fall out i've been looking at ones that go around the back of the head or neck but they look a bit gimpy :D


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
Any pro tips for balancing arm size? My right arm (bicep/tricep) is noticeably bigger than my left arm (cue jokes), and as such the arm is considerably stronger overall. It's always been that way, obviously I'm right handed and look to it first for any sporting or menial tasks, hence the over reliance (;)).

Currently I'm using 15kg (33lb) dumbbells and leading with the left to fail, then stopping both, even though I can do much more with the right. I assume this is going to take some time to correct?

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Can someone recommend me some good affordable earphones/ headphones for using when running or boxing? I'm looking ones that are very secure and don't fall out i've been looking at ones that go around the back of the head or neck but they look a bit gimpy :D
I use some that hook over the top and back of the ear, which I've found is the best way for running. I think they are a Philips model.

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