Gym and fitness (19 Viewers)


The Dutch Touch
Aug 17, 2007
I'm debating where to try this intense running thing. I need some flat land, but believe it or not, I can't go anywhere without running up or down hill, even though I'm Dutch. :p

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
Mmmm.. pizza.

Nah, I'm kidding man, I'm not really trying to lose weight, but shaping up, so no fat food for me either. Good luck man, you can do it. :D

You know believe it or not, I'm not fat cause I eat a lot but because I gave up on working out when I got my heart broken (wow that sounds really corny.

Good luck :tup:


The Dutch Touch
Aug 17, 2007
I dont get it. But just in case... :lol:
Netherlands are known to be ultra-flat, as most of it is under sea level. I just happen to live about as far South-East you can go without leaving the country, where there's hills all over the place. :D


You know believe it or not, I'm not fat cause I eat a lot but because I gave up on working out when I got my heart broken (wow that sounds really corny.

Good luck :tup:
Meh, screw corny, it's good that you're picking it up again. Same situation health-wise then. Not fat, just getting back into the whole fitness thing, get some results before the summer. It's all good man, as I said, good luck.

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
Fuck that bitch, show her what she's missing. :D

Damn, right! (though her parents are da real bitches :D)

Netherlands are known to be ultra-flat, as most of it is under sea level. I just happen to live about as far South-East you can go without leaving the country, where there's hills all over the place. :D

Meh, screw corny, it's good that you're picking it up again. Same situation health-wise then. Not fat, just getting back into the whole fitness thing, get some results before the summer. It's all good man, as I said, good luck.
Try finding a track (at a local high school or something).

Word. Same you too :tup:
Jan 3, 2010

You know believe it or not, I'm not fat cause I eat a lot but because I gave up on working out when I got my heart broken (wow that sounds really corny.

Good luck :tup:

I'm not familiar with training for fat loss at all, but I think sprint training is an option to consider. If the running isn't too hard on your joints. I don't know about Dusan's workout though, I think you're supposed to simply run as hard as you can. Whether the fourth or fifth stride would still be a true sprint is something else.

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004

I'm not familiar with training for fat loss at all, but I think sprint training is an option to consider. If the running isn't too hard on your joints. I don't know about Dusan's workout though, I think you're supposed to simply run as hard as you can. Whether the fourth or fifth stride would still be a true sprint is something else.
I like sprint training 'cause jogging is boring as hell. I got no problems with joint problems, I play like every sport out there :D My old roommate and I used to sprint every night back at Uni, kept me in shape and my metabolism was really high :tup:
Jan 3, 2010
I like sprint training 'cause jogging is boring as hell. I got no problems with joint problems, I play like every sport out there :D My old roommate and I used to sprint every night back at Uni, kept me in shape and my metabolism was really high :tup:
What's your opinion on diet by the way? I eat healthy, but I eat A LOT. Of course I work out a lot too, but still. Any plans on changing what you eat or eating less (which for me would be impossible I admit)?

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
What's your opinion on diet by the way? I eat healthy, but I eat A LOT. Of course I work out a lot too, but still. Any plans on changing what you eat or eating less (which for me would be impossible I admit)?
Eating whatever wasn't a problem for me but is now. When you stop working out everything starts piling up. So I gotta curb the eating and what I eat until I lose the weight. I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do but it'll have to be food with less carbs, less sodium, eat a lot of salad, etc.


The Dutch Touch
Aug 17, 2007
What I meant to ask you guys, since some of you been working out for ages. After a good work-out, what are you supposed to eat? Do you wait before you eat?


About the eating healthy: I used to eat a lot, at all times of day. I never really got fat though, I'm about 1.96m tall and weigh 83kg. Now my breakfast consists of some healthy cereal and some fruit and then I have 2 more meals ( can be a lot of things.. but no fattening stuff ), one early afternoon and dinner. I don't touch anything after dinner or in between. Doing this alone and going from not working out to working out about 3 / 4 times a week and a run in the weekend should be plenty of change to shape up.

Not only going for stamina here by the way.


May 11, 2004
Wow, that is really tough. For me at least.

I prefer short and intense cardio if anything. But I have a different goal after all. Still, I don't really like running (I'm not going to say that I hate it). I was running for like 1-2 months and I must say that I didn't really like it.

But when someone does that, I bow.
Yes, it helps for the distances I run. Maybe just for cardio purposes the shorter intervals are more useful.

Nice Jack. :tup:

If you don't mind me asking; How long ago did you start running regularly? How regularly, average a week?
I started regular running training in October. I started with around 15 km per week divided on three occasions and I started increasing that. Nowadays when I am in good shape and am allowed to do a complete week, I run three times covering a distance of 30 - 40 km and one HIIT. I also do a lot of core and upper body gym sessions.

I haven't gone full sprinton a tredmill before. Do they go real fast to match a sprinting speed?
Of course you can, I have seen people run at a pace faster than 3 min/km on a treadmill.


Rab's Husband - The Regista
Aug 27, 2008
I do this:
20 mins on the mill at ~7min/km
10 mins on the cross trainer
10 mins on the bike

I do it on alternative days, doing weight training on the other days. Is it enough?

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