Well geniuses, you guys are very quick to dismiss the existence of God because you can't see him or hear him. And plz don't tell me that's not why, you know it is! Azzuri, you said noone has ever heard him, well that's not true, a lot of ppl have, most of the time they call themselves Prophets. Whether it be Jesus, Moses, or Muhammad (SAW). When 'false' people make up things like that, they are usually proven wrong. If anyone is interested and truly wants to know whether God exists, just pray, give it a try. Just like you do an experiment in the lab to prove a theory right or wrong, before you can make a decision. Pray in what ever language, in what ever words you wish. If he exists, he'll reveal himself to you. But not a half-ass try, a real try. Pray for a few months, and you don't have to take time out of your 'busy' schedule, you can do this before you go to bed. Then come back and tell.
The world was flat, 'til someone proved that theory wrong...if u know what i mean..
PS: this is not an attack on anyone, certainly you are entitled to your opinion...( i stress opinion)