Senior Member
Feb 21, 2015
Usually we were aiming lower and you guys were pleased with mediocrity while i was always hoping that we will return into our old standards and now we are finally back!
We should all celebrate our return competitive football, we are back in business, Juventus! A team to inspire fear, respect and awe!
We never had the best budget in Europe, but we were always competitive, it was a very difficult tasks for the managers, because they had to deliver such small miracles, to acquire high profile targets without spending the most!
Benatia, Alvez, Pjanic, Quadrado and Higuain could be starters in any CL contender team, we got them all in just one transfer window! We now have the quality to challenge every team out there and the depth to keep doing it simultaneously in 3 competitions!

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Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
Usually we were aiming lower and you guys were pleased with mediocrity while i was always hoping that we will return into our old standards and now we are finally back!
We should all celebrate our return competitive football, we are back in business, Juventus! A team to inspire fear, respect and awe!
We never had the best budget in Europe, but we were always competitive, it was a very difficult tasks for the managers, because they had to deliver such small miracles, to acquire high profile targets without spending the most!
Benatia, Alvez, Pjanic, Quadrado and Higuain could be starters in any CL contender team, we got them all in just one transfer window! We now have the quality to challenge every team out there and the depth to keep doing it simultaneously in 3 competitions!


In Allegri We Trust
May 23, 2011
Usually we were aiming lower and you guys were pleased with mediocrity while i was always hoping that we will return into our old standards and now we are finally back!
We should all celebrate our return competitive football, we are back in business, Juventus! A team to inspire fear, respect and awe!
We never had the best budget in Europe, but we were always competitive, it was a very difficult tasks for the managers, because they had to deliver such small miracles, to acquire high profile targets without spending the most!
Benatia, Alvez, Pjanic, Quadrado and Higuain could be starters in any CL contender team, we got them all in just one transfer window! We now have the quality to challenge every team out there and the depth to keep doing it simultaneously in 3 competitions!
What I'm saying I guess that u were clearly wrong in all those years, since the team was racking up titles year after year. Licht, Vidal, Tevez, Sandro, Dybala, Khedira and few dozen others clearly werent mediocre players and have made important contribution. Now u are satisfied with 33 yo Alves, a player who has declined signifcantly over the last season and most people in Barca wanted him gone. The type of player u would usually label as reject or washed up and he was signed on high salary. He woudnt start for most CL aspiring teams and I hope we get Cuad so he can comfortably relax on the bench.

We signed Higuain few years late and for none other than our record fee. Arrived here in terrible condition and was really embarassing to see him wobbling around the pitch, his movement resembling more of friday night drunkard than proffessional athlete. Basically selling the worlds most promising mid and adding another 15m to get his services. IF he gets back into good condition and starts banging dem goals like last season then we will be fine. Otherwise this is the type of move that might backfire terribly and become a real setback for us.

Pjanic and Benatia are great, Higgs if he gets back to his previous levels, Pjaca looks very promising, but we lost arguably one of the biggest names in football. Attack and defense improved, midfield is definitely weaker and for 2nd year in a row we fail to find adequate replacement and concede to bargains.

The team is still strong and I expect another great season but some moves this summer were atypical and left me surprised.



Junior Member
Jan 30, 2013
What I'm saying I guess that u were clearly wrong in all those years, since the team was racking up titles year after year. Licht, Vidal, Tevez, Sandro, Dybala, Khedira and few dozen others clearly werent mediocre players and have made important contribution. Now u are satisfied with 33 yo Alves, a player who has declined signifcantly over the last season and most people in Barca wanted him gone. The type of player u would usually label as reject or washed up and he was signed on high salary. He woudnt start for most CL aspiring teams and I hope we get Cuad so he can comfortably relax on the bench.

We signed Higuain few years late and for none other than our record fee. Arrived here in terrible condition and was really embarassing to see him wobbling around the pitch, his movement resembling more of friday night drunkard than proffessional athlete. Basically selling the worlds most promising mid and adding another 15m to get his services. IF he gets back into good condition and starts banging dem goals like last season then we will be fine. Otherwise this is the type of move that might backfire terribly and become a real setback for us.

Pjanic and Benatia are great, Higgs if he gets back to his previous levels, Pjaca looks very promising, but we lost arguably one of the biggest names in football. Attack and defense improved, midfield is definitely weaker and for 2nd year in a row we fail to find adequate replacement and concede to bargains.

The team is still strong and I expect another great season but some moves this summer were atypical and left me surprised.

STFU u clueless Croatian piece of shit.


King of Tuz
Jan 24, 2007
Does replacing Pogba with Pjanic far outweigh replacing Lichsteiner with Alves, plus replacing Morata with Higuain?

No, it doesn't. Everyone makes it seem around here that we replaced Pogba with Hernanes. No, we replaced him with one of, if not the most creative midfielder in Serie A.
When we signed pjanic. Everyone here said how strong this midfield would be WITH pogba.

We didn't know at the time that pogba would leave. So nah the midfield is weaker. And marchisio could be crippled for all we know and we didn't address that

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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2011
Basically our squad depth is AMAZING now. Almost perfect.

But our starting team - which is more important than depth - is yet to be analysed. It could be worse than last season, yes. But it could also be better.

Alves for Licht is a HUGE difference, this has been underrated here. Provides width from the only source the 352 allows - wingbacks. Alves has exceptional fitness and should be good to go for more 2 years.

Pogba for Pjanic is clearly a loss, as Pogba is unique. But it's hard to imagine a better realistic option for the position. And if Pjanic (who as Higuain has fame of disappearing when it matters) takes the next step, he can absolutely be one of the best or even the best creative CM in the world.

Morata (or Mandzu) for Higuain is in theory an improvement when it comes to goal scoring, but this has also yet to be confirmed, considering his horrible conditions even after 1 month of training.

And Marchisio is also kind of a wildcard - he is vital to our game and who knows which will be his conditions when he comes back from this injury. The guy will be 31 in january so we have to consider all possibilities. This is a position that should have been improved (or Khedira's), but it wasn't. Witsel doesn't strike, at first, as a guy good enough to be a starter of Juventus.

About Higuain - it's hard to approve or not his purchase now, because it needs a hard reflection on where 90M leads you in the market today. What players could we have got, for positions we can improve, and who are willing to come, we could have got? For example, James is not an option. The guy doesnt want to leave Madrid.

So from what I know from the players, I evaluate this mercato 8 out of 10.

But in hindsight, if all Marotta's bets work out, this can became a real 10. Or a 6, because there are ideas that couldn't work.

- - - Updated - - -

In the end, there are a few questionmarks that will define if we can mount a real challenge in Europe (winning Serie A is almost sure if these wildcards work, and very possible even if they don't):

The most important to me:

1 - Pjanic's adapting - if he manages to take the reigns of the midfield and be a constant threat and show improvement on his biggest issues - probably mental, as he's known to be inconstant and unreliable, and also defensively - he can be one of the best midfielders of the world. He has potential to make Pogba's loss less hard in the mid.

Also fundamental:

2 - Marchisio's recovery - if he comes back as the same player he were before the injury, we have ourselves a WC DM who will provide immense stability and defensive solidity to the team.

Now, other questionmarks who are important:

3 - Khedira's health - he's playing on top form now. He gives great consistency and balance to the team. But this question lost importance a bit, as Witsel may prove to be a decent backup and a similar player.

4 - Higuain's performance - I think he will be the player he was last season, but anyway. I'd like to see mobility, and not only poaching. He must regain real form and be able to actually run into defenders. Most importantly, he will have to show up in big CL times. He seems like a mature player now and I feel he will do well.

5 - Alves performance - to provide our quality on the right side. I'm confident he will.

Our wildcard is Pjaca. If he's a tremendous talent, he could actually force a place in the starting team, making it even more dangerous and aggressive.

So, basically:

- with the squad assembled, it is very, very likely we retain Serie A title. Only if everything goes absolutely wrong we could lose this.

- Regarding the Champions League, our starting team will make the difference. I.e, our best players will have to fit and show up. Mainly Pjanic to fit and Marchisio and Khedira to be healthy. This is the key to our season: the performance of these 3 guys. Only with things working out for them we will have a midfield good enough to reach CL highest phases. This, plus Higuain adaptability and mental issues in big games and Alves performance.

If everything goes well, we have enough to win Champions League, I'm pretty sure of that.


Senior Member
Feb 13, 2005
Alves, Cuadrado, Benatia, Pjanic, Pjaca, Higuain.

Imagine how miserable Milan and Inter fans feel knowing we signed these 6 players in one Mercato. :lol:


May 27, 2007
Alves, Cuadrado, Benatia, Pjanic, Pjaca, Higuain.

Imagine how miserable Milan and Inter fans feel knowing we signed these 6 players in one Mercato. :lol:
That's just incredible. Only top clubs are capable of pulling that off. Not only that but majority of top clubs wouldn't pull it off with that amount of cash they'd probably get some choker. What we did this summer is fantastic (bar the big question mark with Witsel).


Junior Member
Apr 17, 2012
I want to give @Cronios props for this mercato.

He said he'd be happy if we could sell high and get a top striker, and he was as good as his word.

Went from constant criticism of Beppe to defending him, takes a big person to do that on an internet forum.

Being totally serious.


نحن الروبوتات
May 27, 2009
I want to give @Cronios props for this mercato.

He said he'd be happy if we could sell high and get a top striker, and he was as good as his word.

Went from constant criticism of Beppe to defending him, takes a big person to do that on an internet forum.

Being totally serious.
I am honestly happy that he's happy. :D


Sep 23, 2003
I want to give @Cronios props for this mercato.

He said he'd be happy if we could sell high and get a top striker, and he was as good as his word.

Went from constant criticism of Beppe to defending him, takes a big person to do that on an internet forum.

Being totally serious.
Just shows that anything is possible. :D



Jun 7, 2004
:touched:He he, its touching, i m touched...
All those dissapointments, so many mistakes after mistakes, so many things neglected for far too long.
But in the end he did it, the crazy eyed ol son of a Moggi finally did it!
I never thought it would actually happen, but when it did, i didnt hesitate, not even for a second, he has my full support regardless of what happens in the soon, because i ve always thought that when the season starts, the transfer director's duty ends!
His job is done and its up to the coach and the players to perform from there.
Marotta has provided us with the tools to win the big ear cup, he has done the best any transfer director could have done!
It is the brightest moment of his career and not only for him, but also for what Juve stands for, in the postcalciopoli era!


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
:touched:He he, its touching, i m touched...
All those dissapointments, so many mistakes after mistakes, so many things neglected for far too long.
But in the end he did it, the crazy eyed ol son of a Moggi finally did it!
I never thought it would actually happen, but when it did, i didnt hesitate, not even for a second, he has my full support regardless of what happens in the soon, because i ve always thought that when the season starts, the transfer director's duty ends!
His job is done and its up to the coach and the players to perform from there.
Marotta has provided us with the tools to win the big ear cup, he has done the best any transfer director could have done!
It is the brightest moment of his career and not only for him, but also for what Juve stands for, in the postcalciopoli era!
Compare this mercato to 2001, without using the gift of hindsight regarding what the players turned out to be during their time here.

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