Giovanni Cobolli Gigli (1 Viewer)


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
i think that the biggest problem with our new management is that they have almost no huge experience as this club would need in the world of football. We shouldnt expect this group to manage the team as well as the triad did...

Am really disappointed in Tardelli, he is supposed to be our most experience personnel active on that board. He should know better than that, unless he has a big plan underneath it all, which i dont expect then he is really doing a bad job.

I think that Bettega needs to be more counsler especially for Secco.He needs to show him the way things should be done. Bettega is our most experience person in the management and he needs to take a more active role.

Grande Stevens and Boniperti should try to influence as well, although their roles r more Honorary but they would really help Gigli at these tough times.

Anyway i think that we need to give our new management some time to adjust to the football world. These r very tough times to take control of this club as they have the toughest job of any management.
We should give them some credit as we still have our sponsers backing us and they have a very good long term financial plan to withhold any financial problems that the club faces and they aim to cut the loses for the immediete future.

Buy on


vBookie Champion
Nov 18, 2003

I say just hold a meeting with all the players, and ask them if anbody likes to leave Juve. If anyone raises their hands, kick them out of the room, and find them clubs the day after..

- vOnAm -

Senior Member
Jul 22, 2004
I think C. Gigli has done well with the business side of Juventus, and he has done exceptionally well in rebuilding the Juventus Brand image, even in ESPN they said that Juventus' media and public relations has been crazy the past few weeks, doing more than anyother football team.

The point to make though is that although we are now closer to the media, it doesn't mean we give everything away just to make them happy. It doesn't mean we become microphone happy.

Its stupid to read in the news "Juventus: Cannavaro is still ours!" and then the next day "Juventus announce the sale of Cannavaro and Emerson"

I mean what was the point of stating out Cannavaro is still ours if we are about to officially release him the next day??

But I have faith in the new management, although I doubt Secco will be as good as Moggi. I think we have the right ingredients in the club to create a better Juventus brand, now I hope it'll transfer to our game on the pitch. Its time we played a more flowing game, entertaining yet victorious at the same time.


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
- vOnAm - said:
I think C. Gigli has done well with the business side of Juventus, and he has done exceptionally well in rebuilding the Juventus Brand image, even in ESPN they said that Juventus' media and public relations has been crazy the past few weeks, doing more than anyother football team.

The point to make though is that although we are now closer to the media, it doesn't mean we give everything away just to make them happy. It doesn't mean we become microphone happy.

Its stupid to read in the news "Juventus: Cannavaro is still ours!" and then the next day "Juventus announce the sale of Cannavaro and Emerson"

I mean what was the point of stating out Cannavaro is still ours if we are about to officially release him the next day??

But I have faith in the new management, although I doubt Secco will be as good as Moggi. I think we have the right ingredients in the club to create a better Juventus brand, now I hope it'll transfer to our game on the pitch. Its time we played a more flowing game, entertaining yet victorious at the same time.
i reckon this will be the hardest part to maintain, whether we will be focusing on either side will be interesting to see


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
Juventinho said:
As much as its painfull to swallow as much as its close to the truth. You have based your argument on valid facts that everyone chose to ignore. The Zlatan situation itself is tottaly misshandled and its bringing us nothing more than embarrasement. When someone says that he wants to leave and he threatens to sue the club he should be allowed to leave asap. But as a reaction is club is trying to convince him to stay wich is really an embarrasement since Zlatan is a **** who talks too much and now he thinks he is god ''oh look at me i am Zlatan they are begging me to stay''. I dont know what kind of a spell Zlatan used with Capello but he's doing it again with Gigli and DD and obviously its working. This player is bad luck and a clown and bring bad atmosphere to our squad in a time where we need every motivated player we can get. So far Gigli 5\10 on Juventinho'o'meter. Hope he get better and get thing under controle quickly because time is running out and the enemys are at the gates waiting for us to fall.
Should he?
If you sell everyone as soon as they threaten you, you are as good as dead, you and your investments become a puppet in the hands of players' managers.
But, in the same time, you are right: people shouldn't be begged to stay, we are embarassing ourselves.

I saw the fiorentina's press conference, today, the one that confirmed Toni. Toni wanted to leave, probably to Inter. Della Valle had stated that Toni would have stayed and that that was a final.
Today Toni sat like a good boy next to his Della Valle daddy, nodding as his president said that he was more than happy to remain to Fiorentina.

If I had to guess, Della Valle told him that he had to choices: to remain and play or to remain and sit in tribune for a whole season. He chose the former.
Because Toni had more to lose, in the end, than Della Valle. The NT, his fitness (a whole season does that to you), his reputation and his consideration as a player.
Della Valle would have paid him (a couple of millions at the most), but wouldn't have lost his face and would have given a lesson to the rest of the team.
Della Valle won and he didn't even embarass his club in convincing Toni, simply because he kept the situation as unknown as possible to the outside world.

Unfortunately I think our situation will end in Ibra being sold to *Inter*, the ones that have sinked us, for maybe even less money than the amount we paid to buy him. In the meanwhile Camoranesi & co will have learnt the best way to get free. :cry:


Senior Member
Apr 14, 2005
Espectro said:
I will believe that when I see it on Juventus official web, before that its only media talk.
how will the official site say that trez or buffon has taken a payrise to extend their contract i thik media is right sometimes and wrong sometimes


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
serfaraaz said:
how will the official site say that trez or buffon has taken a payrise to extend their contract i thik media is right sometimes and wrong sometimes

Exactly so, you cant asume that we offer a payrise to trez and Buffon only becouse you saw it on one site.


Senior Member
Apr 14, 2005
Espectro said:
Exactly so, you cant asume that we offer a payrise to trez and Buffon only becouse you saw it on one site.
you never know and u said the same thing when barca had signed zambro and canna was reported on


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2004
I think gigli has been an absolute legend so far. For years we have lacked a president with his balls and honesty. To come out and say that zlatan had made a mistake and would pay for that mistake is 100% the right thing to do, hes made a fool out of zlatan and literally kicked him off his high horse. If he would not have made that fine public zlatan would just have believed that he could get away with murder. Gigli has made an example out of him to the world and i think hes taught twatan a valuable lesson.

As for his lack of experience in the world of football, what does that matter? the man has already carried out the impossible task of keeping our sponsors sweet and that is fundamental to the running of our football club. He dosent handle the on field aspects and is not responsible for that, that particular task is assigned to the coaching staff and the players, he just has to run the club as a business and optimise all aspects of that business.

Also I saw photo's of him with the juve fans the other day, this is brilliant, not many presidents do that. He knows that now more than ever he needs the fans to pull through for the club and by being as honest and vocal as possible he is creating a very strong bond and trust between the two.

And as for setting the bar low and gradually higher with the trials i think this is also the best approach to take. You cannot just instantly say that you want to be in serie A, you have to go slowly, like with the grolsh, no matter what the sentance we would have always appealed, gradually asking for and expecting a lighter sentance each time, this way it dosent make you look like you are exaggerating with your expectations and people are more likely to agree with you. He has so far played a very clever game and may he continue to do so for the forseeable future. Forza Cobolli Gigli!!!

(plus hes got a fucking quality name!!!)


Junior Member
Apr 7, 2005
I agree with some points isha pointed out, and I think that the new board lacks a certain coolness in handling this entire matter. While Gigli might be a good businessman taking over a Football Team accused of match-fixing, corruption, etc is quite tough. It's war on multiple fronts:

on one side against Italian Justice where Juve has not only to prove its innocence, but do it in a nerazzurri judicial system,

there's also the matter of players and how to handle the players situation (sure, sell some of them Juve needs, money, but not all of them otherwise we're screwed, so how do you sell some and prevent an exodus afterwards? Especially with spoilt kids of the likes of Zlatan?)

and last but not least, there's the whole Juve Brand image that's very deteriorated. Gigli & Co are playing their cards in a manner that all can see that there's nothing shady going on. It's a marketing/mediatic strategy that screams out "We're clean!".

While that is certainly a good thing, and will undo some of the media damage done to Juve, it certainly isn't measured. And there's the big flaw, we are showing all of our cards, and right now we seem either foolish or naïve (Tardelli and Secco are the prime examples of that).

I think that Ibra will be sold (the damage's done either way, let's at least profit from it), and I hope it's the last, but from the looks of it, the new board will screw-up a few more couple times until they get the hang of running the "richest and most successful club of Italy".

(And I concur with the previous assessment of SI, they're only good for merchandising girls in bikinis, my wall calendar is proof of that)

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