Gianluigi Buffon (56 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
ReBeL said:
Buffon staying with relegated Juventus

ROME (AFP) - Italian international goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon has said he intends to stay with Juventus despite the club being relegated to the second division for involvement in match fixing.

Buffon told Turin's La Stampa newspaper that he had no intention of following other top names such as Fabio Cannavaro, Gianluca Zambrotta, Lilian Thuram, Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Patrick Vieira, all of whom have joined other clubs.

"This club made a winner out of me and if today I am a world champion, it is all thanks to Juve," he said.

"At least it will be a new challenge - to win the second division title."

Buffon who kept goal for Italy in the World Cup final win over France last month, said that had Juventus stayed in the first division he would probably have left.

"I have been with Juve for five years and to be honest I was keen to try something different," he said.

"It could have been with AC Milan, Inter Milan or even Arsenal. I think more than likely it would have been AC Milan."

Juventus were relegated to the Italian second division and given a 17 points handicap for the new season after they were found guilty of being heavily involved in the match-fixing scandal that rocked football in the country.

forzaaaaaaaaaaaa buffon this is great news.:agree:

Buy on


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2006
ReBeL said:
Buffon staying with relegated Juventus

ROME (AFP) - Italian international goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon has said he intends to stay with Juventus despite the club being relegated to the second division for involvement in match fixing.

Buffon told Turin's La Stampa newspaper that he had no intention of following other top names such as Fabio Cannavaro, Gianluca Zambrotta, Lilian Thuram, Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Patrick Vieira, all of whom have joined other clubs.

"This club made a winner out of me and if today I am a world champion, it is all thanks to Juve," he said.

"At least it will be a new challenge - to win the second division title."

Buffon who kept goal for Italy in the World Cup final win over France last month, said that had Juventus stayed in the first division he would probably have left.

"I have been with Juve for five years and to be honest I was keen to try something different," he said.

"It could have been with AC Milan, Inter Milan or even Arsenal. I think more than likely it would have been AC Milan."

Juventus were relegated to the Italian second division and given a 17 points handicap for the new season after they were found guilty of being heavily involved in the match-fixing scandal that rocked football in the country.

great stuff!! :tup:


Aug 13, 2004
ReBeL said:
Buffon staying with relegated Juventus

ROME (AFP) - Italian international goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon has said he intends to stay with Juventus despite the club being relegated to the second division for involvement in match fixing.

Buffon told Turin's La Stampa newspaper that he had no intention of following other top names such as Fabio Cannavaro, Gianluca Zambrotta, Lilian Thuram, Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Patrick Vieira, all of whom have joined other clubs.

"This club made a winner out of me and if today I am a world champion, it is all thanks to Juve," he said.

"At least it will be a new challenge - to win the second division title."

Buffon who kept goal for Italy in the World Cup final win over France last month, said that had Juventus stayed in the first division he would probably have left.

"I have been with Juve for five years and to be honest I was keen to try something different," he said.

"It could have been with AC Milan, Inter Milan or even Arsenal. I think more than likely it would have been AC Milan."

Juventus were relegated to the Italian second division and given a 17 points handicap for the new season after they were found guilty of being heavily involved in the match-fixing scandal that rocked football in the country.
I hope that doesn't mean if we gat beck to serie A he will leave.


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
I don't think we have to worry about him leaving. In the interview he says he needed a change and later he says Serie B is a new challenge. Even if we really went to B, the first year back in A would be something different too, with the whole club having changed and then there will be the challenge of winning again... I hope it will be enough.
Always from the interview, Buffon makes it clear that he had also problems with Capello (and it would have been one of the reasons for leaving):

Capello non c’è più e nessuno lo rimpiange.
«Non c’era dialogo. Prendiamo il sottoscritto: se vuoi che dia il massimo mi devi trattare in un certo modo, confrontarti ogni tanto con me. Invece non è mai successo. Mi pare che dopo tanti anni di calcio un po’ più di considerazione l’avrei meritata».

E Deschamps?
«Per lui l’aspetto umano conta tantissimo. Appena sono arrivato mi ha detto: se hai piacere di giocare un tempo già mercoledì con il Piacenza dimmelo. Un bel gesto visto che mi sono calato in questa parte nella maniera migliore».
Capello's gone and no one regrets it.
There was no dialogue. Let's take me: if you want me at my best you have to treat me in a certain way, discuss things with me every now and then. But it never happened. I think that after many years in football I would have deserved a bit more of consideration.

And Deschamps?
The human aspect is very important for him. As soon as I arrived he told me: I f you want to play an half already against Piacenza on Wednesday just let me know. It was a nice gesture, since I started this new role of mine in the best way.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
Did you hear about this before??


Livorno fans attack Azzurri

Roberto Donadoni’s Italy debut is set to be marred by a protest from Livorno fans in the Stadio Picchi.

The Amaranto Ultras warned of the disturbance by hanging a large poster outside the arena, where the Azzurri will face Croatia in a friendly match tomorrow evening.

“This World Cup has not bought us off: Livorno say no to the Nazionale and to the football owned by the big guns,” read the ‘statement of intent’.

“There is little, even nothing, to celebrate. The idleness shown in the parties for that trophy has if anything strengthened the capacity of the Italians to turn defeat into victory and bury their guilt under a ridiculous nationalism.”

The Livorno supporters are traditionally very left-wing and have caused controversy in the past with banners celebrating Che Guevara and Fidel Castro.

Their fury is directed at the Calciopoli verdicts, which left only Juventus in Serie B, slashing the punishment at first meted out to Milan, Fiorentina and Lazio.

The message concluded with statements referring to allegations – denied by the goalkeeper – that Gianluigi Buffon has right-wing leanings and the “racist insults” of Marco Materazzi.

The Amaranto hard-line base urged anyone who wants to support Italy on Wednesday evening to stay clear of the Curva Nord, where the protest will be based.

It was hoped the presence of Donadoni – a former Livorno Coach – and local heroes Cristiano Lucarelli, Stefano Morrone and Marco Amelia would calm the fans, but it looks set to be a tense encounter off the pitch as well as on.

Meanwhile, Donadoni has been experimenting with a 4-3-3 system in training. Lucarelli was used as the centre-forward flanked by Chievo’s Franco Semioli and Udinese wide man Antonio Di Natale.

Italy (probable): Amelia; Zenoni, Palombo, Terlizzi, Pasqual; Morrone, Liverani, Ambrosini; Semioli, Lucarelli, Di Natale

Channel 4


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
I searched about the topic and found this very old article about it:


T-shirt causes uproar in Italy

ROME (Reuters) -- Perhaps only in soccer-mad Italy could a goalkeeper's blunder stymie parliament for a day and revive the ghosts of the country's Fascist past under dictator Benito Mussolini.

But that's what has happened -- all because of national team and Parma goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon.

After struggling Parma lost a second straight match on Sunday, Buffon appeared for a television interview with a right-wing slogan on his jersey which, roughly translated, meant: "Death to him who gives up."

Buffon, who later said he had no idea that the slogan was a rallying cry for a 1970 right-wing riot in the southern city of Reggio Calabria, had merely sought to encourage his embattled teammates. "I don't know anything about politics," he said.

But by the time the lower house of parliament gathered on Tuesday, Buffon's gesture had become a national political issue, provoking the ire of Interior Minister Rosa Russo Jervolino and the praise of Alessandra Mussolini, granddaughter of "Il Duce."

"It was truly a spectacle which we would have preferred not to see," Milan's Corriere della Sera daily said in a front page editorial on Wednesday.

Mussolini, a deputy for the far-right National Alliance party, caused uproar in the Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday when she appeared wearing a T-shirt on which was written: "Death to him who gives up on Buffon."

Chamber President Carlo Giovanardi repeatedly invited her to cover up her shirt, but Mussolini declined, sparking a boisterous row between deputies on the left and the right. Giovanardi was twice forced to suspend the session.

"This is a not a sports bar," Giovanardi told the deputies. "I'm ashamed of this parliament."

Mussolini said the slogan was a response to Jervolino who had publicly criticized Buffon for his "distasteful gesture."

Mussolini's party whip Gustavo Selva said they would consider reprimanding her.

"I consider this to be ridiculous behavior which has nothing to do with being a parliamentarian. Mussolini was just trying to score a point with the publicity," he said.

Newspapers have blasted right-wing slogans at stadiums, and Lazio chairman Sergio Cragnotti recently asked fans to be more respectful.

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